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Allinson ~ assisted dying won't be the "cause of death" to get life insurance payouts


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8 hours ago, code99 said:

My supposition is that politicians are reluctant to discuss “population control” because they are afraid, for good historical reasons, that such public deliberations (especially at a time of global turmoil when crazy dictators are threatening to nuke their neighbours, etc.) will open a can of toxic xenophobic and other abhorrent political worms. Similar to effectively dealing with climate change/ global warming, any practical solutions to population control will require global cooperation and coordination, something that right now is in very short supply. Just like the argument that the Isle of Man is too small (compared to countries like China) to make any difference in the fight against climate change, this logic applies equally to the issue of population control. If, hypothetically, the UK Government adopts some form of ‘Logan’s Run’ policy to, say, cull everyone over the age of 70, or anyone who suffers mental or any physical long-term illnesses, or anyone who is too poor to take care of themselves and is too reliant on the public benefits system, etc., the impact of any such ‘culls’ on the UK’s society, environment and economy would be profound, but the impact on the rest of the planet would be relatively insignificant (Saga Cruises will have to change their target markets to appeal to a younger demographic). Perhaps when Nigel Farage becomes the PM of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (not as unlikely as some think) he will stand at the podium in the UN, and with the gusto worthy of Enoch Powell’s ghost, look into the eyes of the other delegates and tell them that there are too many people living in Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands and in order for the planet to become sustainable many of them must either perish or stop breeding. I am not sure if the poor developing countries will be prepared to sacrifice themselves so that rich developed countries can continue their lifestyles i.e., binging on the planet’s depleting resources.

As far as the IOM Assisted Dying Bill is concerned, I (just like many Island’s residents) support the Bill. In Scotland they are also exploring Assisted Dying legislation, but the UK Government is currently preoccupied with the next year’s GE and this (controversial) Bill is unlikely to be at the top of their priorities list. IMHO, unless the British Medical Association formally endorses it, the IOM’s chances of receiving the Royal Assent seem minimal. Even if it becomes a law here, depending on how many IOM doctors will opt out, the risk is that the whole scheme could disintegrate into an unwieldy administrative burden to a point of being potentially unworkable. Things that seem easy in theory rarely turn out to be anything other than complicated. IMHO, implementing this Bill will be even harder than getting is passed.

Didn’t Canada get Royal accent for a similar peice of legislation recently (given by the Governor General on behalf of the King)? 

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4 minutes ago, Steve_Christian said:

Didn’t Canada get Royal accent for a similar peice of legislation recently (given by the Governor General on behalf of the King)? 

Yes. But under the Government of Canada Act it’s nothing to do with the King, the Privy Council, or Westminster. Canada is an independent country with a shared. Head of state with UK, but all the powers of assent are vested in the Gov Gen.

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Manx Radio had Dr Ben on this morning who obviously is bitterly against the Bill and then a foreign gentleman whom is really concerned that we will get called death Island or something similar which could damage our reputation, this was done in , I think, the 60s by the Daily Mirror when we had a very sad TT and a lot of riders were killed.   I wish these people would do their homework, I didn’t even catch who he was but you can count on MR to give airtime to the dogs in the street.

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I see Rob Callister MHK is proposing a select committee consisting of 5 members to look into this issue and go through the legislation. If this is the case, what is the point of Legco, who are there to supposedly review proposed legislation? 

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Rob Callister is now out to be noticed, again, by muddying the waters on Allinsons ‘s ‘bill before it reaches the third reading.   He says he will vote for it at the second reading but will propose a committee, another one, to look into parts of it and return their findings by February.    What a guy he is , what kind of sense does that make ?   Anything for a headline and trying to keep all his constituents happy unfortunately for him it just doesn’t work like that .

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34 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

Rob Callister is now out to be noticed, again, by muddying the waters on Allinsons ‘s ‘bill before it reaches the third reading.   He says he will vote for it at the second reading but will propose a committee, another one, to look into parts of it and return their findings by February.    What a guy he is , what kind of sense does that make ?   Anything for a headline and trying to keep all his constituents happy unfortunately for him it just doesn’t work like that .

its called hedging your bets  by Callister   , if government  are supporting  the Good Doctor    then let them nail their colours to the mast and railroad it through ,  then suffer the consequences  when the UK wont grant Royal assent or the medical bodies put us on some form of black list , after all medically we are already seen  as  a pariah or  backwater   with all the damage Manx Care has done to our reputation 

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5 minutes ago, Omobono said:

its called hedging your bets  by Callister   , if government  are supporting  the Good Doctor    then let them nail their colours to the mast and railroad it through ,  then suffer the consequences  when the UK wont grant Royal assent or the medical bodies put us on some form of black list , after all medically we are already seen  as  a pariah or  backwater   with all the damage Manx Care has done to our reputation 

Has Manx Care damaged our reputation, I think our own government did that with Ranson if that is what you are referring to. 

Edited by Gladys
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If the Government doesn’t support this bill they will be hypocritical.    We have been known as blood Island or Death Island since the Daily Mirror christened us this in the 60s after a horrific TT and figures were published as to how many lives had been lost up till then there will be more than a few to be added on.    The Government support the TT financially knowing that some people will probably perish so how are they getting squeamish about people who are terminally ill choosing to end their lives on their terms.   I am a big fan of the TT I am in no way knocking racing but I think it does beg the question.    Also I am sure the number of suicides will drop.   The key matter is choice.

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There was a lady on Mannin line on radio Friday who was recounting what her husband had to go through this year.

paralysed from neck down, had to fed, bathed & obviously incontinent as well, eventually unable to speak much with other issues & only wife could understand him, multiple pain meds plus other medication but still in pain. Begging for it end & more pain meds but doctors weren’t permitted to give more as it would put him into a coma which he wanted, being fed through tube which he wanted stopped but hospital wouldn’t as he would die. Eventually couldn’t communicate & lasted 3 more days in considerable pain, discomfort & distress.

His wife said that those who are calling for it to be stopped because it treats people like sick animals don’t know what they’re talking about & you wouldn’t leave an animal in that condition to live in suffering.

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21 minutes ago, Banker said:

There was a lady on Mannin line on radio Friday who was recounting what her husband had to go through this year.

paralysed from neck down, had to fed, bathed & obviously incontinent as well, eventually unable to speak much with other issues & only wife could understand him, multiple pain meds plus other medication but still in pain. Begging for it end & more pain meds but doctors weren’t permitted to give more as it would put him into a coma which he wanted, being fed through tube which he wanted stopped but hospital wouldn’t as he would die. Eventually couldn’t communicate & lasted 3 more days in considerable pain, discomfort & distress.

His wife said that those who are calling for it to be stopped because it treats people like sick animals don’t know what they’re talking about & you wouldn’t leave an animal in that condition to live in suffering.

But God would, 'tis his will.  According to the religious objectors, one of which is that law lecturer who thought this was diametrically opposed to the government's suicide strategy.  The lack of understanding of both issues is staggering for someone supposedly intelligent and able to analyse facts and interpret complex concepts. 


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Why not combine the 2 things?

Anyone who is at the end of their life and wants to die, let them be a passenger on a sidecar in th TT, complete with a hospital type bed in the chair and cannulas connected to drugs hung from a carbon fibre pole sticking out at the rear of the sidecar.

If on the first lap you are not Decapitated at Ago's Leap you get one more lap hoping to be killed at Ballascarey in Glen Vine

If properly marketed it could make the island a fortune.

The drivers of the sidecar outfits would have to be over 65 years old, not hard to find most of the field is.

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30 minutes ago, Blade Runner said:

Why not combine the 2 things?

Anyone who is at the end of their life and wants to die, let them be a passenger on a sidecar in th TT, complete with a hospital type bed in the chair and cannulas connected to drugs hung from a carbon fibre pole sticking out at the rear of the sidecar.

If on the first lap you are not Decapitated at Ago's Leap you get one more lap hoping to be killed at Ballascarey in Glen Vine

If properly marketed it could make the island a fortune.

The drivers of the sidecar outfits would have to be over 65 years old, not hard to find most of the field is.

Distasteful and vain attempt at humour. 

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