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American XL bully dogs

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I saw one of the Doggy Daycare places posted a photo of one of them a couple of weeks ago, welcoming a new resident = won't be taking my dog there. 

Of all the 100s of breeds of dog you could get, the only reason you get a dog specifically bred for hunting and fighting (unless you're using it to hunt and fight) is to look hard or to protect your cash and drugs from other chavs. 

It's like buying a fully armed tank for general use on the road.  In theory it would work, but everyone around you is going to be terrified and sooner or later you'll accidently crush someone or fire off the cannon. 

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I'd have all XL Bully dogs put down. They're designed to kill and that's that. Bollocks to responsible owners...even many of the dogs of 'so called' responsible owners kill sheep when they escape or are let off the lead.

Same for Staffies...all should be destroyed.

These dogs are direct symbols of 2 major elements of what's wrong with society...drugs and stupidity.

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43 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I'd have all XL Bully dogs put down. They're designed to kill and that's that. Bollocks to responsible owners...even many of the dogs of 'so called' responsible owners kill sheep when they escape or are let off the lead.

Same for Staffies...all should be destroyed.

These dogs are direct symbols of 2 major elements of what's wrong with society...drugs and stupidity.

It's a tricky one for Staffies.  They've been around a long time and the majority of them are very sweet natured.  Part of the reason for them being used for fighting is because they are so loyal and eager to please.  They've even been called Nanny dogs.  However, I've only ever been (properly) bitten by one dog and that was a Staffie.  Although this was whilst I was trying to separate it whilst it was trying to play dog lego.  I've often said that they are like a gun.  Give them to someone sensible, then they are fine.  But as soon as a dickhead owns one, then they're dangerous.  As I'm fairly pro-gun, then I couldn't condone a blanket ban on them.  Maybe extra licensing/character references for owners maybe?

Although an XL Bully is like walking around with a grenade with pin pulled.   Recent attacks would suggest it's not just a couple of bad owners. 

Edited by The Phantom
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Problem with dog legislation is that it punishes already responsible owners...the 20% of irresponsible owners won't bother. So the breed needs to go (as a lot of irresponsible ownership is passed from responsible owners).

A lot of dog breeds need getting rid of...even those for health reasons like Bulldogs IMO.

All dogs were wolves 100,000 years ago...these new breeds spring up in relatively few years.

The emotion of dog owners needs to be stripped out of decisions.

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2 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Problem with dog legislation is that it punishes already responsible owners...the 20% of irresponsible owners won't bother. So the breed needs to go (as a lot of irresponsible ownership is passed from responsible owners).

A lot of dog breeds need getting rid of...even those for health reasons like Bulldogs IMO.

All dogs were wolves 100,000 years ago...these new breeds spring up in relatively few years.

The emotion of dog owners needs to be stripped out of decisions.

Have you ever owned a dog?

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

There needs to be a major committee formed...take the emotion out...and reduce the number of breeds. Cull the rest...and reset.


There doesn't need to be any committee - stop talking tripe.

Do you remember the days when you had a few pedigree dogs and anything else was a mongrel? Now breeders are cross-breeding for fun all in the name of money. This is what should be stopped.

"Man domesticated dogs roughly 15,000 years ago and they have been man (and woman’s) best friend since. Dogs roamed with us as protectors and to ward off other wildlife and would-be intruders. They also kept rodents and other pests away. Of course, they quickly became our companions, tried and true.

What about the many dog breeds we see today; why do we have so many and why were some of them bred to do certain “jobs”? 

One Dog Species, So Many Breeds

All dogs, in their wonderful variety, are from the same species, Canis lupus. More than 400 breeds exist worldwide although only 178 are officially recognized. Dog breeds have multiplied fairly rapidly through man’s intervention rather than over long periods of time through natural selection. Humans have bred many varieties of dogs to suit us. At first, it was to perform a certain job for our benefit. Since the 1800’s, we’ve focused on breeding for appearance and personality or to fine-tune behavior. 

When we want a certain characteristic in a dog, we breed two dogs with those traits and continue breeding those offspring until the new trait is a distinct characteristic that distinguishes them from their original breed." - Courtesy of Vetinary page

Edited by Passing Time
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Thing is any dog has the potential to go rogue. Most never do

And of those that do certain breed/ types have the potential to do most damage.

In the case of Staffies/ Bully dogs if they go wrong the consequences can be much more serious than if say a Labrador or corgi does.

Thats why I would never own one of those more typically  physical , aggressive types of dogs. Why would you? Why increase the risk factor?
For the most part those types of dogs are not really pleasing on the eye.

All this nonsense about Staffies being Nannie dogs. “ It will only lick you to death”. Stupid thing to say.


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