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American XL bully dogs

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49 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Having seen some photos from the protest I rather suspect that a venn diagram might show some significant overlaps between the groups.

To be honest, an IQ test might be all that is needed to own one. 

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It’s so sad to read how many people have commented on this thread saying that bullys and some Staffys should be out down! So small minded and have absolutely no clue other than what you are brainwashed with; You should be ashamed of yourselves that you think it’s perfectly acceptable to kill innocent dogs because of how they look or make assumptions that whoever owns bullys/staffs are ‘chavs’ or own them to fight.

Do your research!! I think you will be very surprised. Most dog attacks in the home on babies and small children are from terriers/Jack Russell breeds. These dogs have jumped into cots/prams and bitten into a baby’s face/head- Think about that before you make stupid comments that you know nothing about!

…And feel free to cross the road when you see me walking with my bully. I wouldn’t want you to offend him or for him to ‘attack’ you by licking you to death. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

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38 minutes ago, Shai said:

It’s so sad to read how many people have commented on this thread saying that bullys and some Staffys should be out down! So small minded and have absolutely no clue other than what you are brainwashed with; You should be ashamed of yourselves that you think it’s perfectly acceptable to kill innocent dogs because of how they look or make assumptions that whoever owns bullys/staffs are ‘chavs’ or own them to fight.

Do your research!! I think you will be very surprised. Most dog attacks in the home on babies and small children are from terriers/Jack Russell breeds. These dogs have jumped into cots/prams and bitten into a baby’s face/head- Think about that before you make stupid comments that you know nothing about!

…And feel free to cross the road when you see me walking with my bully. I wouldn’t want you to offend him or for him to ‘attack’ you by licking you to death. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

I think it's both honestly. I think it's the fault of the owner and an issue with the breed. Its a purely unnecessary breed to own as a pet, where the dog usually acts as a status symbol for some big mouthed tosser.

Also, your post reeks of the "I think my dog is nice so all dogs are nice" arrogance you often find with certain dog owners of certain breeds. Usually the same owners that look awfully confused when their dog tries to take someone's hand off, after telling said person "oh don't worry, he's friendly". Just because your dog is nice, doesn't mean all other dogs like it necessarily are, and doesn't mean that your dog always will be. It's a simple fact that there are serious issues with certain breeds that keep cropping up over and over.

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1 hour ago, Shai said:

It’s so sad to read how many people have commented on this thread saying that bullys and some Staffys should be out down! So small minded and have absolutely no clue other than what you are brainwashed with; You should be ashamed of yourselves that you think it’s perfectly acceptable to kill innocent dogs because of how they look or make assumptions that whoever owns bullys/staffs are ‘chavs’ or own them to fight.

Do your research!! I think you will be very surprised. Most dog attacks in the home on babies and small children are from terriers/Jack Russell breeds. These dogs have jumped into cots/prams and bitten into a baby’s face/head- Think about that before you make stupid comments that you know nothing about!

…And feel free to cross the road when you see me walking with my bully. I wouldn’t want you to offend him or for him to ‘attack’ you by licking you to death. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

So you think pit bulls and staffies are safe breeds then?

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The rule is simple enough:

"If you can't control it then you can't keep it"

I am sick of dog owners who simply don't get it. The bloody animal bounds up to you with the owner bleating "Don't worry, he won't bite" or whatever to which the correct response always is "They ALL bite. That's why they have teeth you moron". You know the type. They stupidly treat the animal as if it had human characteristics leading to one word from the owner and the dog does what it bloody likes...

I think all footpaths should have a sign like "Not everyone likes dogs. So keep yours under control" or similar.

As for Bully XL's they're obviously a danger to the public so cull the lot. Danger to the public removed...

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My dog has never bitten anyone. Nor I suspect have the majority. As PK says dogs should be kept under control.

If you are playing with your dog and try to take a ball or stick out of its mouth you may get an accidental nick.

To say “ they all bite” , that’s why they have teeth is just ridiculous . I have teeth but don’t go around biting either human or animal.

That said there is always the possibility that a dog may turn rogue, like humans sometimes do with school shootings in the US for example.

Thing is if you have a daschound or chihuahua, the consequences of those having a fit and attacking you are very much less likely to be less serious than being attacked by a Staffy or a pit bull. So I don’t think it should be allowed to own one. 
Why would you when there are plenty more pleasant, less ugly breeds/ mixed breeds to own.

These people who think such dogs are “ nanny dogs” make me cross.

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4 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

To say “ they all bite” , that’s why they have teeth is just ridiculous . I have teeth but don’t go around biting either human or animal.

Now you're being as ridiculous as those who imbue their dogs with human characteristics that they will never ever have.


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I have 2 dogs, they are often off-lead on walks but if I see some people coming towards me, if they don't have an off-lead dog themselves, I will get hold of mine and keep them on-lead until we pass said people. Because not everyone likes dogs. Mine won't pay any attention to the people, but I know some people might be scared when they run towards them. They would just run past but the people don't know that and they don't know my dogs, so I think it's fair enough.

That said, I have never seen anyone shouting "don't worry it won't bite" although it seems to happen to dog-haters all the time oddly.

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2 hours ago, Venus said:

I have 2 dogs, they are often off-lead on walks but if I see some people coming towards me, if they don't have an off-lead dog themselves, I will get hold of mine and keep them on-lead until we pass said people. Because not everyone likes dogs. Mine won't pay any attention to the people, but I know some people might be scared when they run towards them. They would just run past but the people don't know that and they don't know my dogs, so I think it's fair enough.

That said, I have never seen anyone shouting "don't worry it won't bite" although it seems to happen to dog-haters all the time oddly.

I own two dogs. I’d never walk them off lead. You, @Venus are part of the problem. Dogs will return on call, until they don’t, they’ll not pay attention to people, until they do, they won’t approach other dogs, on or off the lead, until they do, they’ll run past,  until they don’t, and jump up, attack or bite.

There are places for off the lead. Your own garden, a secure off lead dog exercise area.

Anywhere else you run the risk of them doing what you don’t expect, and at that stage you are committing the offence of not having them under control, and risking a fine and their lives.

It’s nothing to do with dog hating. It’s called being responsible.

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