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A P&O situation looming in the IOMSPCo?

The Listening Ear

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38 minutes ago, newaccount said:

Potentially not continued employment if a new contract is in place

I've read that 6 times and I still don't really get your meaning. All I was saying is that the P&O staff did not have an option for continuing their employment. They were just sacked. End of.

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Live on board is probably not that attractive even for non locals broken sleep from the boat loading and unloading every four hours. Dry ship meaning no beers for the duration not being able to just go out for a walk or nip to the shops for two weeks half your life is spent going to and from Heysham. Four hours on the thing is enough or me can't wait to get off.

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5 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

No, it’s accept the new conditions or be made redundant. Redundancy payment as per contract.

P&O only offered enhanced redundancy because they’d broken the law by failing to consult. The Steam Packet have consulted. 

But the crew haven’t been offered redundancy if they don’t accept the new terms. Redundancy hasn’t been mentioned to any crew members at all. 

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3 hours ago, The Listening Ear said:

But the crew haven’t been offered redundancy if they don’t accept the new terms.

It’s a tricky area of law but, fundamentally, an employer must have a fair reason to fire someone. Redundancy is a fair reason and usually easier to manage than the fair reason of ‘some other substantial reason’. Someone refusing to accept a change to their contract could fall under either, and either could be fair reasons to dismiss. 

They’re not going to offer redundancy as they could go down either route, however I would expect any refuseniks to be made redundant as the paperwork is easier to manage and less open to challenge in an Employment Tribunal.

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What ever happened to the 90 days notice to change of contract,  does it not apply to the Isle of Man or is it no longer applicable. 

only 10% of crews live on the island, that is a surprise.  The packet pay well why no uptake on jobs or are the foreign crew members cheaper to employ through Guernsey crewing.  So no job offers on island.  

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4 minutes ago, Manxman2000 said:

What ever happened to the 90 days notice to change of contract,  does it not apply to the Isle of Man or is it no longer applicable. 

only 10% of crews live on the island, that is a surprise.  The packet pay well why no uptake on jobs or are the foreign crew members cheaper to employ through Guernsey crewing.  So no job offers on island.  

They’ve had a lot more notice than 90 days 

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Crewing the IOM ferry should be no different to any other job where you get to go home at the end of your shift and aren't expected to sleep over in the workplace. We're not talking deep sea routes here. It's Douglas to Heysham and back. This whole thing is ridiculous and a shambles. Cannan needs to get down there and tell Thompson to back off with the bully-boy management style or clear his desk. I'll even do it for him if he wants. It would be a pleasure.  

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8 minutes ago, Manxman2000 said:

Yes, but does that law still stand, if it does the packet will be making other arrangements now ready for a walk out or work to rule.  

They’ve already said they have contingency plans, suppose it depends how many actually walk out etc

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6 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Crewing the IOM ferry should be no different to any other job where you get to go home at the end of your shift and aren't expected to sleep over in the workplace. We're not talking deep sea routes here. It's Douglas to Heysham and back. This whole thing is ridiculous and a shambles. Cannan needs to get down there and tell Thompson to back off with the bully-boy management style or clear his desk. I'll even do it for him if he wants. It would be a pleasure.  

Mr Thomson does seem to have a somewhat dour and abrasive nature - not one predisposed to negotiation or mediation.

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2 hours ago, Manxman2000 said:

only 10% of crews live on the island, that is a surprise.  The packet pay well why no uptake on jobs or are the foreign crew members cheaper to employ through Guernsey crewing.  So no job offers on island.  

Not at all surprising considering some of the training required and associated cost of said training. 

Packet pay very well, and the crew on perm/temp assignments are paid the exact same base day rate (although some crew have seniority pay etc.) Regardless of where their contract is issued. 

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2 hours ago, Manxman2000 said:

only 10% of crews live on the island,

I think that depends on how you define “live on the Island”

1. You’re born here, have your only  home on Island and your family is here = 10%

2. You’re born elsewhere, normally return there at the end of each contracted period of employment, or for extended leave, but either live on ship or in rented or SPCo provided accommodation in Douglas.

Those are the two extremes. Lots of in between positions.

I think Thomson uses 1. And ignores lots of those who fit in 2 or the inbetweens who realistically live on island or are tax resident here.

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