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Unprofessional bellends at it again


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It was plywood door failing dog tasering limelight seeking spit machine  Officer Schuuueeey - probably, hopefully, he epitomises the hiring policy of IOM Police - some really good ones in there but some like Schuuuuuuey slip through terrible individual.

Not an organisation staffed by trustworthy individuals- I worked on a site 25 years ago and saw a young electrician apprentice who couldn’t wear glasses- get properly emptied for nicking tools- he’s a Sergeant now

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1 hour ago, Ringy Rose said:

Only on special occasions.

But the latest version of her story was that she driving the car (I presume by Howstrake) and the wind was pushing it backwards towards a cliff. Yeah, right. She’s either dumb or a liar.

It can actually be very robust up there, to be fair. I've been driving for more years than I care to remember, but once when rounding the headland at Howstrake, the wind hit the (not small) vehicle and carried me over to the other side of the road. It was hairy, and I think if I'd been 17 when it happened I might well have shit myself. Yes. I do have some sympathy.

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It is the police’s duty to protect the public and they have fallen down big time with their response to a call for help.   No wonder it is hard to retain police in the force when they have to work alongside idiots like the one who thought they were being clever with their not so funny remarks.   Their Facebook page is condescending and preachy I really don’t think they realise how they are disengaging with the public referring to them as Herberts and repeatedly telling them to enjoy but not drink too much.   Who the hell do they think they are, they are public servants that is who,nothing more nothing less.   We have MHKs or one at least who fell down on his sword doing that.

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12 hours ago, Two-lane said:

A car is going down the motorway at 70 mph. It experiences a 70 mph sidewind gust. Does the car turn or move

Depends on the car. A Mercedes A-Class will fall over, a Fiat 500 will fall apart. A normal car will be pushed to the side, which is usually easily corrected with steering into the wind.

Joking aside, what it doesn’t do is “get pushed backwards” despite being held on the brake, which is what she said happened.

12 hours ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

If it's where I think it happened, by the old shelter at Howstrake, then I can believe how frightening it could have been


It can, definitely. But the way she’s telling the story it was a huge constant wind which was picking her car up and blowing it backwards despite her foot being on the brake. Apparently her car got picked up with two wheels off the ground. Like bollocks it was.

”I got caught in a crosswind and shat myself”- fine, I’d believe that, and have sympathy. But that’s not what she said.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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35 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Depends on the car. A Mercedes A-Class will fall over, a Fiat 500 will fall apart. A normal car will be pushed to the side, which is usually easily corrected with steering into the wind.

Joking aside, what it doesn’t do is “get pushed backwards” despite being held on the brake, which is what she said happened.

It can, definitely. But the way she’s telling the story it was a huge constant wind which was picking her car up and blowing it backwards despite her foot being on the brake. Apparently her car got picked up with two wheels off the ground. Like bollocks it was.

”I got caught in a crosswind and shat myself”- fine, I’d believe that, and have sympathy. But that’s not what she said.

Joking aside, who cares, really?

Fucking wring it out why don't you... 

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12 hours ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Not an organisation staffed by trustworthy individuals- I worked on a site 25 years ago and saw a young electrician apprentice who couldn’t wear glasses- get properly emptied for nicking tools- he’s a Sergeant now

And the 1970s night beat coppers emptying shops along Strand Street. One of them went all the way to the top but one.

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20 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Rather like certain posters on MF, they seem to regard communication as being about asserting the superiority to everyone else rather than letting people know things.  Though those on MF can at least claim that their not being paid to help people when doing this.  And while we're on the subject I'd go with a Facebook avatar that was a bit friendlier and less Robocop-y:


It is not intended to be Robocop. It is the absolute pinnacle for Facebook wannabes - reality tv photo-shoot:


I would say, un-cynically, that the person in that photo is desperate to be in the new tv show "Best little police force in the UK". I wonder if they would still insist on balaclavas.

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