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who has replaced Ashford as chair of the planning committee ?


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its going to be interesting , for he has the highest number of local authority houses anywhere on the Island  in his constituency and I just can see him rocking the boat , 

or doing anything to upset  the voters  ,other than the mess he made in health !

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2 hours ago, joebean said:

Ever since his disgrace, Ashford has been grooming himself for redemption (and re-election) by asking lots of questions that redefine him from Professor I Know What’s Good For You Ashford to Man Of The People Ashford. He has been counting on the Nobody Gives A Fuck About Tynwald tendency on the Island and the relatively short memories about matters of integrity to ease him past the post. Now Mr Cannan has given him an extra push by putting him in the Cabinet Office and given him a role in something in order that he can make the further transition from Asking A Lot of Questions to Help People to Resident Expert again. 
The long and short of it is that the voters in his constituency will be sufficiently groomed to land us with this preposterous lying cunt forever. 

I felt like reaching for the Chuck-Bucket, listening to this odious little man telling us about the many people, (General Public and fellow MHK'S) who have been congratulating him on his being asked to re-join the gang with the big boys!

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Professor Ashford has been on the NPM )MR) this morning giving the listener the benefit of his wisdom. He then proceeds to say that his appointment is on the periphery of COMIN but he is nonetheless happy. He also accepts that not everyone is happy with his appointment………. but that’s politics, according to the Professor. 

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21 minutes ago, KERED said:

I felt like reaching for the Chuck-Bucket, listening to this odious little man telling us about the many people, (General Public and fellow MHK'S) who have been congratulating him on his being asked to re-join the gang with the big boys!

CM Cannan wants someone who will do as they are told, say yes and vote accordingly. There is also a dearth of intellectual ability within the HoK. 

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33 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Professor Ashford has been on the NPM )MR) this morning giving the listener the benefit of his wisdom. He then proceeds to say that his appointment is on the periphery of COMIN but he is nonetheless happy. He also accepts that not everyone is happy with his appointment………. but that’s politics, according to the Professor. 

What we have is sadly not politics. It’s an incestuous relationship between groups of people with CS pulling the strings . It’s very sad where the Island is ending up. We so need a big change in approach and mindset but it’s never going to happen as to many are doing very well thank you. 

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2 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Well we all know the old saying, shite floats to the top.

Alfie boy has lost the plot Tim back Ashford back, all aboard the magic roundabout where it stops nobody knows.

What is it 2 years 8 months to go. Will everybody keep focused on what these incompetent people have done and fuck them out of office, and I know I know be careful what you wish for but surely the next lot can not be as bad.🤞

Next election is just under three years away - Thursday 24 September 2026.  It seems like Cannan has been there forever, but there is scheduled to be much more of him.

36 minutes ago, 2112 said:

CM Cannan wants someone who will do as they are told, say yes and vote accordingly. There is also a dearth of intellectual ability within the HoK. 

The real reason is that there is a shortage of people full stop.  There are only 24 members of the Keys, the CM can't use the Speaker or (effectively) the Deputy Speaker, and there's this self-imposed restriction they won't use LegCo members.  So they only have 21 people to choose eight Ministers from.  There will always be refuseniks such as Moorhouse and Corlett and people who they have fallen out with such as Thomas.  So someone who will reliably do what they are told will always be able to worm they way back in.  For £82K a year (the Ministerial salary) and an entourage to do everything for you, it's a nice gig.

The priority ought to be electing LegCo directly and maybe increasing the size of Tynwald (there are 49 in the Jersey States Assembly, 38 in the Guernsey one) and so increasing the number available. 

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9 hours ago, Omobono said:

its going to be interesting , for he has the highest number of local authority houses anywhere on the Island  in his constituency and I just can see him rocking the boat , 

or doing anything to upset  the voters  ,other than the mess he made in health !

I note that in his radio interview he said he had experience from being responsible for Doug Corp Housing for a number of years. Many of the current housing problems are because of a lack of political foresight in the past. So, having been part of the problem qualifies him for the job?.

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