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Draytek Vigor 2600 Adsl Router


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Draytek Vigor 2600 router. 2 Years old. Very solid router with plenty of nice little features. More Info here






# Built-in ADSL modem - plugs directly into your ADSL-enabled line

# Universal Plug'n'Play (uPnP) Support

# Comprehensive Firewall - with keepstate facility, DoS/DDoS protection, IP anti-spoofing and user-configurable packet-filtering.

# Built-in native VPN facility with PPTP, L2TP, 3DES IPSec and MPPE encryption

# NAT Port redirection, forwarding and DMZ

# Multi-NAT facility - enables a one-to-one mapping of public to private IP addresses, with individual DMZ and port-formwarding.

# LAN-to-LAN linking via ISDN or VPN

# VPN routing for multiple remote private subnets (between two Vigors)

# VPN Passthrough for VPN client/server running behind the router

# 4-Port 10/100BaseT Ethernet Switch (with automatic uplink detection) for PC/Mac connection

# NAT port forwarding (For individual ports, ranges and DMZ)

# Support for non-NAT public subnets (multiple public IP addresses)

# WAN-Side IP address is selectable from all available addresses

# LAN Side IP address range fully configurable

# SNMP & Syslog control/logging/monitoring

# Dynamic DNS Posting, compatible with popular services

# Easy configuration, monitoring & control from web-interface

# Wireless Access Point (802.11b Ethernet) for wireless LAN (Vigor 2600We/W only)

# DNS Proxy/Cache & DHCP Server (with ability to fix allocations)

# ISDN Interface for dial-up access and ISP backup for ADSL (Vigor2600W/X only)

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