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Big Brother

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9 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I think if you have a level head you wouldn’t want to go in there in the first place.


Maybe its for a variety of reasons but for most it will be for fame, I'm sure.

I've never watched it and I've no knowledge of it but I did listen to a podcast once about it and the point there was made, that in the olden days, before social media, they went in and were completely and utterly away from the world. The only contact they had with the outside world was when they came out and saw the crowds waiting for them. One of the contestants from the first show reported that they could not believe the traction the show the show got while the were all inside, oblivious to it all.

Now, people will be taking about it on social media, and possibly not all of it will be nice.

It must take a brave person to put themselves though that for sure. Brave or something else. I'm not sure. I think Matty once had his head shaved to play the part of cancer survivor in a play, so he's had one foot in the 'theatrics' side of things but nothing but nothing would be able to prepare him for this I"m sure. Anyway, based on absolute nothing but gut feeling, I think he's good guy. Lets see how he goes.


8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The prize is £100,000 this time.  It seems mostly to have been in that sort of region since the start with inflation not making much difference.

That's not such a such huge amount for the task to be honest, but I suppose the exposure is the thing that leads them to other, better, lucrative opportunities. Every one of them who comes out, will be famous for one reason or another forever after. I hope they get support to deal with that. 

On the podcast I listened to I'm sure it said BB had been discontinued due to some 'incident' and that the TV companies had decided it had gone well past it's sell by date, No idea why it's been restarted but my guess is money. It usually is.

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23 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I think if you have a level head you wouldn’t want to go in there in the first place.

I imagine that those that wish they hadn’t gone in are the ones that don’t win. (Isn’t there some sort of cash prize or  at least some possible public recognition ?)

I would imagine that a number of participants in 'reality' television shows like this have cluster B mental health issues, such as narcissistic traits.

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17 hours ago, Roxanne said:

That's not such a such huge amount for the task to be honest, but I suppose the exposure is the thing that leads them to other, better, lucrative opportunities. Every one of them who comes out, will be famous for one reason or another forever after. I hope they get support to deal with that. 

On the podcast I listened to I'm sure it said BB had been discontinued due to some 'incident' and that the TV companies had decided it had gone well past it's sell by date, No idea why it's been restarted but my guess is money. It usually is.

I'm not sure that any of them will be 'famous' to be honest.  I couldn't help noticing that while earlier winners developed media careers and so on, later ones don't even rate a Wiki article.  The average viewing figures tell the same story - early series got around 5 million, most recently it barely scarped 1 million.  Viewing is increasingly fragmented (even of individual programmes) and nothing much will get the sort of figures that even humdrum programmes would in the past.

As for why it was revived, I suspect it's comparatively cheap to make per hour and those now making TV were probably those that watched the early series as students or whatever, so it may be nostalgia as well.  This may explain the claim that they're featuring more 'ordinary' people as participants as the early series were supposed to (I have not evaluated this claim).  And the papers love stuff like Big Brother, it seems to be made as much for them as the viewers.

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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

And the papers love stuff like Big Brother, it seems to be made as much for them as the viewers.

And, of course, we know why that is! :)

Thanks Roger, for all your insights and factual information. You’re a real gem of knowledge for MF and for its posters. 

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