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Tesco buy all nine Shoprite supermarkets- Monopoly?


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1 hour ago, Fred the shred said:

No over here in Strand Street , Conibears .   Joan Conibear the daughter married Johanne Horsthuis and they joined her father in the family business. 

Was there ever a Mr or Mrs Robinson?

Where did that come from if there are Conibears and Horsthuis'?

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20 hours ago, genericUserName said:

Are you really concerned or is it rather that you have decided to find an angle

I am genuinely concerned, because I believe that economic concentration is one of the biggest economic risks to the Isle of Man. It makes our lives less resilient and more vulnerable to risks in different parts of the world. It's a recurring and strongly held belief that I have.

20 hours ago, genericUserName said:

- a way of reinforcing the idea that you would be doing a better job of governing us if you had ever been elected. As part of your never ending campaign to one day finally get elected as an MHK.

No, I am not running. I would rather take action through my various community groups than be a part of the wiffle-waffle windbags in Tynwald. I had a crack, I lost, I have moved on from that. I encourage you (and anyone else) to follow me and get over it.

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39 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Was there ever a Mr or Mrs Robinson?

Where did that come from if there are Conibears and Horsthuis'?

Presumably there was at some point, but I can't remember a Robinsons greengrocers at around the same time as Conibears.  

No doubt someone who has a better memory may correct us. 

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One of the local newspapers has as a headline "The Wal-mart effect". I didn't buy it. I have the Internet.

"He describes these effects as including the suburbanization of the local shopping experience, the driving down of local prices for all everyday necessities, the draining of the viability of the traditional local shopping areas, a continual downward pressure on local wages, the consolidation of consumer product companies aiming to match Walmart's scale, a continual downward pressure on inflation, and a new and continual cost scrutiny at a wide range of businesses enabling them to survive on thinner profit margins.[4] Fishman concludes that Walmart is "beyond the market forces that capitalism relies on to enforce fair play [and] isn't subject to the market forces because it's creating them."

" and concluded that each Wal-Mart store with at least 300 employees costs taxpayers between $900,000 and $1.75 million per year for social services for its workers, such as healthcare, Section 8 housing programs, subsidized school lunches and earned income tax credits"

This maybe is not applicable to this situation - but bigger is not necessarily better.

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32 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

One of the local newspapers has as a headline "The Wal-mart effect". I didn't buy it. I have the Internet.

"He describes these effects as including the suburbanization of the local shopping experience, the driving down of local prices for all everyday necessities, the draining of the viability of the traditional local shopping areas, a continual downward pressure on local wages, the consolidation of consumer product companies aiming to match Walmart's scale, a continual downward pressure on inflation, and a new and continual cost scrutiny at a wide range of businesses enabling them to survive on thinner profit margins.[4] Fishman concludes that Walmart is "beyond the market forces that capitalism relies on to enforce fair play [and] isn't subject to the market forces because it's creating them."

" and concluded that each Wal-Mart store with at least 300 employees costs taxpayers between $900,000 and $1.75 million per year for social services for its workers, such as healthcare, Section 8 housing programs, subsidized school lunches and earned income tax credits"

This maybe is not applicable to this situation - but bigger is not necessarily better.

So boil that down and you pay higher prices for your needs, or you pay to support lower prices through your taxes. You can't have it both ways.

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22 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

Tesco only had one store though, the same as M&S. Shoprite had nine. In Peel and Port Erin there wasn’t any competition before and there isn’t any competition now. In Ramsey the competition was Co-Op vs Shoprite, now it’s Co-Op vs Tesco.

As you say, Shoprite have always been brilliant at pulling levers to stop competitors? Didn’t Tesco have to use the Co-Op as a front to get planning for Lake Road?

I don’t get the hand-wringing. It’s not like Shoprite have ever been a lovable little local company.

Port Erin has Coop, Spar and a health food shop that sells fresh bread, etc. 

Something people seem to be forgetting, prior to Tesco, there was Safeway. Prior to that, Liptons. There has always been a major competitor for Shoprite. Shoprite did there best to see them off. 

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So we go from a concentration of a local retailer to the exact same concentration (Shoprite had Chester Street until quite recently) with the largest UK retailer. Both rely on the same ferries for most of the basics, the same as their main competitors. I'd say the risk has gone down not up.

What was the alternative? Imagine the outcry if they'd gone bankrupt or couldn't find a buyer? God forbid we ended up nationalising it... 

As you say much like Liptons and Safeway, it's just another chapter where, for now, it seems the majority get to keep their jobs.

I do find it rich when certain government plebs bleat about not being told (and presumably missing an opportunity to meddle and get air time) which was no doubt for commercial reasons (and maybe to keep IOMG out of it) and yet they take every opportunity to hide behind the same commercial sensitivity when it comes to hiding their own dirty laundry.

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