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Tesco buy all nine Shoprite supermarkets- Monopoly?


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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

No, you are right, it is a debate that should be had.  I suppose my issue is that Shoprite is/was not the answer, certainly on price.  My deeper concern is that unless a business wants to come here on the commercial viability, anything to entice them will have a cost.  It is also a concern that someone in government will latch on to the idea and will champion it, regardless of cost to the taxpayer, we have seen that time and time again.  

As others have pointed out, it is not a given that even if they came, Aldi or Lidl would provide the competitive pricing you think they would. 

Either coming here stacks up commercially, or it doesn't.  That, IMHO, is the end of the debate. 

I am 100% with you that Shoprite was not the right answer but I also don’t believe Tesco is and I worry a lot of people don’t understand what is happening . These things are always very difficult particularly in regard to a small island . Whether or not Aldi could fly remains to be seen I just don’t think it’s a total non starter . Anyway as you say better to have a debate over it rather than not . I just get frustrated when some posters ( not you ) seem to want to shut a healthy discussion down and be rude and silly when all I am trying to do is raise a legitimate concern . 

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1 minute ago, Passing Time said:

Lots of people wanted a poundland on the Island... how's that working out. On nearly all their products they are dearer than Tesco, when they do manage to get a lower price its because the product size is smaller

Pound shops started in the 90s.  Even with the buying power of a pound back then, the stuff was invariably crap and really only of interest to kids for pocket money buys. 

Poundland did change that market to offer everyday and branded goods, but they mainly achieved that through special orders from the brands in smaller sizes or ftom unknown brands.  With inflation, it is pretty unrealistic for that model to be sustainable and, yes, many of the lines are actually dearer than Tesco.  One item I used to buy from Dealz was priced at 50p a couple of years ago.  It suddenly jumped to £1.20.  The same item in Tesco is 79p! 

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Well for all those people who are keen to get Aldi over here - the answer lies in your own hands.  Contact these people:


and with the right property you will even get a substantial finders fee.

Looking at the requirements, the approximate catchment they require is only 15,000, so there would easily be space on the Island for 4 to 6 stores and minimum distance is only 1.5km. 

That said when you look at a regional level they don't seem interested in either the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland at the moment.  Possibly because of the legal complications that Gladys referred to (though in the case of IOM I think those would be minor) but I suspect in such an isolated location they would require freehold and the Nicholsons would have been unwilling to sell and would have wanted to offload the full working portfolio on them (as they did to Tesco).

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34 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well for all those people who are keen to get Aldi over here - the answer lies in your own hands.  Contact these people:


and with the right property you will even get a substantial finders fee.

Looking at the requirements, the approximate catchment they require is only 15,000, so there would easily be space on the Island for 4 to 6 stores and minimum distance is only 1.5km. 

That said when you look at a regional level they don't seem interested in either the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland at the moment.  Possibly because of the legal complications that Gladys referred to (though in the case of IOM I think those would be minor) but I suspect in such an isolated location they would require freehold and the Nicholsons would have been unwilling to sell and would have wanted to offload the full working portfolio on them (as they did to Tesco).

Not sure why ALDI hasn’t entered the NI market. They’re in Scotland and the Republic. Lidl is in all three.

ALDI and Lidl previously  had exclusive territory agreements in Europe, for sone countries and shared markets in others. Although these are now illegal, as anti competitive, there are still territories where, for one reason, or another, only one has a presence.

It’s made even more confusing when you realise that Aldi isn’t the monolith it appears. It’s two separately owned and operated businesses, that collaborate. Aldi Nord, and Aldi Sud. UK and Ireland are owned by Sud, strangely. They do operate a market exclusivity understanding in Europe.


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32 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

will even get a substantial finders fee

Wow! tHE Govt should offer the Market St covid centre? Bit od a problem getting your cart up the lift and along the car park? Not too different than the 2 miles to your car at Tesco???

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43 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It’s made even more confusing when you realise that Aldi isn’t the monolith it appears. It’s two separately owned and operated businesses, that collaborate. Aldi Nord, and Aldi Sud. UK and Ireland are owned by Sud, strangely. They do operate a market exclusivity understanding in Europe.

Brothers that fell out many moons ago apparently.

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On 2/20/2024 at 9:33 PM, IOM said:

Muller corners 95p here 90p across - Correct, but as she who must be obeyed commented, nobody with more then half a brain buys them like that. You can have 6 for £2.50 either at Lake Road or in the UK. See what I mean?

Medium eggs 160 versus 150 ( clearly double the 5p) - Correct on this, but we buy local farm eggs, so Mrs W declines jurisdiction - (i.e. she doesn't care).

Heinz 415g beans 145 versus 140 - Correct, but again, who buys beans in single cans? You can have 2 for £2.00 here or in UK. Or even better, you can have 4 x 420g Tesco brand (which we prefer because they don't taste as sugary) for £1.75 here or in the UK.

Tesco bread 80p versus 75p - Yes. This is one of the very first discrepancies I reported and it goes across all the bread lines. It happened when the price went down by 5p in the UK but stayed the same here. Same on loose bananas which reduced from 95p to 90pkg in UK but didn't here.

Jaffa cakes 130 versus 125 - Correct again, but 85p Clubcard price or you can have the 33 pack for £2.00 here or in the U.K.

You get the idea !  I do, but do you?


1 hour ago, IOM said:

 I was faced by a barrage of nonsense from several posters several weeks ago when I introduced the issue of Tesco deviating from U.K. prices at Lake Road as if to say why are you posting all this .It’s clear that is coming true at least I have bothered to alert people to it by providing examples and showing them . The alternative is to sit on my hands and do and say nothing . And if we don’t want to share views and ideas what’s the point of the forums ? 

Not sure if you're having a bash at me here, but I never post nonsense, and certainly not when quoting Mrs W! I listed prices earlier that are the same here as there, and just for a bit of fun, I looked back to when you put up your list of comparison prices to see what I could see. My findings are added to yours above in bold.

Like you, I want to see this discussed, and the more information that's out there the better. I only cottoned on to your post because you were making out that everything is 5% dearer now than in the UK. I hope that the above shows that things are a little more nuanced than that.

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On 2/20/2024 at 9:30 PM, CrazyDave said:

Literally the first random brand name I though of, and a random Uk store





@IOM Another example from your co-conspirator @CrazyDave who has helpfully screenprinted the comparison with the Clubcard price on showing that particular item is the same price at all locations.

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:


Not sure if you're having a bash at me here, but I never post nonsense, and certainly not when quoting Mrs W! I listed prices earlier that are the same here as there, and just for a bit of fun, I looked back to when you put up your list of comparison prices to see what I could see. My findings are added to yours above in bold.

Like you, I want to see this discussed, and the more information that's out there the better. I only cottoned on to your post because you were making out that everything is 5% dearer now than in the UK. I hope that the above shows that things are a little more nuanced than that.

No actually I was not referring to you at all I find your contribution helpful . There are however some very odd people on these forums who say some very odd things one said I last Sunday I talk  a load of xxxx all the time which I don’t think is necessary at all especially when I am looking to offer a reasoned debate based around fact .  In answer to your point about multibuys on yogurts for example there are some people who live alone who don’t want that many so yes some people do buy singles . Admittedly not many but those that do are being penalised . On eggs yes you buy Manx eggs but anyone buying eggs in Tesco is  facing the premium I refer to . And on the baked beans of course some people buy a small tin I can assure you if nobody bought it Tesco would soon stop stocking it .  The 5% I refer to is my estimation of the inflationary effect ( so far ) on the  island I think you think it’s more like 3% I guess neither of us really know for sure . 

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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

@IOM Another example from your co-conspirator @CrazyDave who has helpfully screenprinted the comparison with the Clubcard price on showing that particular item is the same price at all locations.

I think you will find I qualified my position on this to say Aldi price match and special offers ( that’s what club card offers are ) will be the same as across  I will definitely agree with you there . But I then went on to say Aldi price match is made up of circa 500 products ( as they publish on their website) and say 500 club card offers ( that’s a guess I don’t know how many exactly but roughly that ) . The store will have 15000 to 20000 lines so that’s a lot of lines that can be varied . Incidentally in my analysis I only captured a sample of these products i.e the 14000-19000 not included as offers or Aldi matched . But people will be buying those products otherwise they wouldn’t stock them . I hope they clarifies . 

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well for all those people who are keen to get Aldi over here - the answer lies in your own hands.  Contact these people:


and with the right property you will even get a substantial finders fee.

Looking at the requirements, the approximate catchment they require is only 15,000, so there would easily be space on the Island for 4 to 6 stores and minimum distance is only 1.5km. 

That said when you look at a regional level they don't seem interested in either the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland at the moment.  Possibly because of the legal complications that Gladys referred to (though in the case of IOM I think those would be minor) but I suspect in such an isolated location they would require freehold and the Nicholsons would have been unwilling to sell and would have wanted to offload the full working portfolio on them (as they did to Tesco).

I would not have expected Aldi to take any of the old Shoprite stores it would be a new build as a standard size store to fit their requirements. I also don’t necessarily see them opening more than one store basically a bit like Tesco did when they entered through the Lake Road acquisition from the Coop . One store would pump through a lot of volume just like Lake Road has . 

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@IOM thanks for that.

I take your point about people living alone (on fresh products anyway). I do hope though that the items I listed previously, plus the ones I quoted of your own (where out of five products, three can actually be bought at UK price, one (bread) I had already identified and the other is eggs) will add a little extra perspective. As for there being some odd people on here, that's nothing new at all. Just ignore him like everyone else does.

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

Talking about Tesco Aldi price match. Tesco 750gm minced beef is price matched at £4.99. Tesco sell Manx Minced Beef 750gm for £4.80

This is true, but I am told that the Manx is 10% fat whereas the Tesco is 5%, and that's why we don't buy it. If there was a lower fat product, even if it was a bit more expensive, we would.

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