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Tesco buy all nine Shoprite supermarkets- Monopoly?


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19 hours ago, Harry Lamb said:

If the school keeps them on the premises they need staff to supervise them. This has a cost implication and there is also the difficulty of recruiting suitable people. And kids like the freedom and independence of going out, so some of them are liable to kick off. How about parents drumming it in to their little darlings that dropping litter is anti-social and unacceptable?

So they hire a few extra dinner ladies, or dinner gents for that matter. There're plenty of people for whom a couple hours over dinner would suit to top up a pension or ease back into work from being on incapacity.

But then I remember that government only ever wants to increase the numbers of higher paid office grunts, not lower paid boots on the ground grunts. 

Kids have plenty of time in a day in which to exercise their freedom and independence. During school hours they should be concentrating on learning, not roaming around the town littering and generally being prats. I'm willing to bet that kids who have been off campus for lunch take much longer to settle back down to their afternoon lessons than kids who've stayed on campus. 

I think what gets me most about kids littering is, well, they're contributing to the pollution of a planet they're going to have to live on for decades to come. They're damaging their own future. I understood that from an early age, how can these kids not also see it? 

17 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I hear myself moaning and think my god I sound just like my dad did. 

😂 Right?!? Only in my case I remind myself of my mum. I don't get my knickers into quite the twist she did, which is a small consolation. 

15 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

Filming purposes?


Eh? If that's the first place your mind went to following my comment, then you're sick in the head. Maybe someone needs to have a look at your hard drive. 

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11 hours ago, Moghrey Mie said:

How has a thread about TESCO taking over nine Shoprite stores become yet another moan about dog poo and litter?

It's a tangential six degrees of separation thing. You can link any subject to doggy doo or litter in six steps or less.

1) Tesco takes over Shoprite.

2) Subway closes as a direct result.

3) Main demographic affected by said closure is teenagers.

4) Teenagers will no longer have Subway wrappers and take away cups to throw on the ground in the surrounding neighbourhood.

So there you have it; Tesco to litter in four simple steps. 

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25 minutes ago, Zarley said:

It's a tangential six degrees of separation thing. You can link any subject to doggy doo or litter in six steps or less.

1) Tesco takes over Shoprite.

2) Subway closes as a direct result.

3) Main demographic affected by said closure is teenagers.

4) Teenagers will no longer have Subway wrappers and take away cups to throw on the ground in the surrounding neighbourhood.

So there you have it; Tesco to litter in four simple steps. 

5) Dogs longer have the discarded Subway products to graze on, so they poop in protest. 

You're welcome! :P

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5 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

Go on then.

You are going to have to explain how they have fingered local charities


On the rare occasions I have visited Tescos I have been given a blue disc when checking out at the till.

At first I didn’t know what this was all about, but I asked and apparently you drop it into one of three boxes near the exit, each box representing a local charity to whom Tesco donate funds. I don’t know if the winning charity ( those with the most discs in their box) gets the lot or whether the donation is shared proportionally between the charities in relation to how many discs each receives.

Anybody know the answer?

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