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Courtenay Heading again

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13 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

"Heading, 66, of Richmond Road, Ramsey, said he was not fixated or obsessive, and added that he has contacted hundreds of people, with 3 to 5% of his output mentioning Dr Glover."

That's not really the killer defence he thinks it is. :lol:

What's the likely/maximum sentence here?



Summary court so probably a fine bit of probation maybe suspended sentence I would imagine

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17 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

"Heading, 66, of Richmond Road, Ramsey, said he was not fixated or obsessive, and added that he has contacted hundreds of people, with 3 to 5% of his output mentioning Dr Glover."

That's not really the killer defence he thinks it is. :lol:

What's the likely/maximum sentence here?



A billion word document of self importance,brandished around to try and impress anyone who cares?

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You can Helix but what purpose would it serve?

Anyone could Google, social media an upcoming court case before being selected for jury service, what then?

NB. the other two cases discussed on MF!!!

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59 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Unless you're stupid enough to do it in front of the courts or other people then how will you get caught? 

Usually by other jurors reporting you for breaking the rules.  Here's a case from last May where the juror was jailed for six months.

Of course if you don't mention what you know in the jury room, it's not going to have much effect on the verdict, so there's not much point in doing it.

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18 hours ago, rachomics said:
18 hours ago, Declan said:

The comments on the IOM Today story are bonkers.

Indeed. Predictable given Mr. Heading's following.

Though to be fair, most comments on most IOM Newspapers' stories are bonkers.  Usually from the same, rather limited number of posters, making the same rather limited comments.  I genuinely don't know why they bother to allow comments at all as it just makes it look like their readership is comprised of a tiny number of obsessives. 

To make things worse, in the last few months they've started allowing comments on court case reports.  Which has gone exactly as you would expect, with possibly libellous comments directed against all those involved: accused, victims witnesses, lawyers, judges, the reporter and newspaper for publishing it and so on. 

At least in the Heading case comments have now been removed as they have finally twigged that the best way to report the prosecution for harassment of someone using social media is not to encourage harassing comments on social media.

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