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Courtenay Heading again

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42 minutes ago, ricardo said:

Dr Glover had a responsibility to look at radically different evidence than that she was making her decisions on given she was a public health official with responsibility to the community. She did not do so

Rachel Glover was never a public health official. She assisted with setting up local testing, indeed without her we wouldn’t have had effective testing locally, by repurposing a machine the the analysts department had, but weren’t using. 

As far as I’m aware she had nothing to do with the development of vaccines or the IoM government vaccination delivery.

She works in the private sector doing genetic testing of various things. You’ve got hold of completely the wrong end of the wrong stick.

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1 hour ago, ricardo said:

Hi Gladys

I have have no doubt of your positive intention. However, we have very different perspectives.

If one believes the events of September 11th 2001 were perpetrated by a bearded man in a cave one will have one perspective - and maybe be supportive of the US’s (aided and abetted by the unbelievably corrupt Tony Blair) so called ‘war on terror’ (which killed ONE MILLION INNOCENT CIVILIANS). If one is aligned with the evidence - rather than the media propaganda - one might conclude the US government conspired to cause those truly awful events, and is likely to have a different perspective. Ditto with Mr Heading.

What he actually did was send or copy-in Dr Glover to a series of e mails - which admittedly he does with a level of obsession.

The reason he is obsessed about this subject is that his belief is that the covid ‘vaccines’ are toxic and that Dr Glover either knew this, or was willfully ignorant. It is of course possible Dr Glover was unaware, but she would not be had she read the evidence Mr Heading bombarded her, and others with (I acknowledge there was ‘bombardment’).

I recognise that your beliefs & perspective are likely radically different from the above and acknowledge your right to hold them. However, Dr Glover had a responsibility to look at radically different evidence than that she was making her decisions on given she was a public health official with responsibility to the community. She did not do so.

Whilst she may well have been upset, and may well have been pregnant, she chose to blindly follow UK government advice. The UK government ignored and over-ruled its own ethics and advisory committee to go on and recommend UNTESTED covid ‘vaccines’ for children. This is something that has never been done in medical history yet Dr Glover went along with it. Which is, in my, and many others’, opinion, outrageous.

Mr Heading is a bell weather for many people’s perspective. He has far more support than you and others may believe - the usually silent minority. Only a few of whom are ‘nutters’.

There will be an appeal. Based on the evidence it will be surprising - even in the unbelievably corrupt Manx legal system - if Mr Heading’s sentence is not quashed. He may well not be acquitted - there were a lot of e mails! - but all the issues he has raised are valid.

Welcome to my TED talk on why it's okay to harass pregnant women: 9/11.

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Interesting discussion. But I think we've overlooked the big question, why does he call himself Tim G Love-Rash?

You almost expect his tweets to be "Here's a tune for all the ladies out there from Teddy Pendergrass".

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54 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Rachel Glover was never a public health official. She assisted with setting up local testing, indeed without her we wouldn’t have had effective testing locally, by repurposing a machine the the analysts department had, but weren’t using. 

As far as I’m aware she had nothing to do with the development of vaccines or the IoM government vaccination delivery.

She works in the private sector doing genetic testing of various things. You’ve got hold of completely the wrong end of the wrong stick.

Don't confuse him with facts.

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Just now, Declan said:

Interesting discussion. But I think we've overlooked the big question, why does he call himself Tim G Love-Rash?

You almost expect his tweets to be "Here's a tune for all the ladies out there from Teddy Pendergrass".

Every time I see it I hear him singing "They call me Mr Love-Rash".

(It's because he's called Tim Glover and he lives in Ash Cottage and has zero sense of how things will end up looking on social media.  As this tweet showed).

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So is Mr Love-Rash, a former journalist,  saying that when he tweeted "please take care" to a stalker, on the day he was sentenced to prison, he was actually asking that the stalker "takes care" in how he raises issues in future? 

And rather than apologise for expressing himself so badly, he blames Dr A for getting the wrong end of the stick and the public for responding with the "wrong sort of heat". 

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13 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Every time I see it I hear him singing "They call me Mr Love-Rash".

(It's because he's called Tim Glover and he lives in Ash Cottage and has zero sense of how things will end up looking on social media.  As this tweet showed).

Thanks for clarifying. I just assumed he had a touch of gonorrhoea.

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5 minutes ago, Declan said:

So is Mr Love-Rash, a former journalist,  saying that when he tweeted "please take care" to a stalker, on the day he was sentenced to prison, he was actually asking that the stalker "takes care" in how he raises issues in future? 

And rather than apologise for expressing himself so badly, he blames Dr A for getting the wrong end of the stick and the public for responding with the "wrong sort of heat". 

British journalists are united in their belief that if the public misunderstands or misinterprets something they have written, any consequences are entirely the fault of the public.  And not because the professional communicators are no good at communicating.

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8 minutes ago, Declan said:

So is Mr Love-Rash, a former journalist,  saying that when he tweeted "please take care" to a stalker, on the day he was sentenced to prison, he was actually asking that the stalker "takes care" in how he raises issues in future? 

And rather than apologise for expressing himself so badly, he blames Dr A for getting the wrong end of the stick and the public for responding with the "wrong sort of heat". 

I was more concerned that he thought Heading would have access to social media

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19 minutes ago, Declan said:

So is Mr Love-Rash, a former journalist,  saying that when he tweeted "please take care" to a stalker, on the day he was sentenced to prison, he was actually asking that the stalker "takes care" in how he raises issues in future? 

And rather than apologise for expressing himself so badly, he blames Dr A for getting the wrong end of the stick and the public for responding with the "wrong sort of heat". 

Giving him the benefit of the doubt perhaps, but I read his post originally as being tongue in cheek. A sort of 'bye-bye, deary' with feigned affection. He clouded this with his personal views about Abbotswood, admittedly.

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35 minutes ago, Declan said:

Interesting discussion. But I think we've overlooked the big question, why does he call himself Tim G Love-Rash?

You almost expect his tweets to be "Here's a tune for all the ladies out there from Teddy Pendergrass".

This! His X handle I always read as Tim Glove Rash 🤣

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