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Worst government in 40 years?

Cueey Lewis And The News

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4 hours ago, Venus said:

Zzzz. If you search "worst government" on this forum you will find posts saying the current administration is the worst ever dating back to 2005. Quite pathetic really, if you can do better, why don't you stand yourself instead of sniping at those people that do put themselves out there.

noob - we've been saying that since Beemanx. 

It could of course mean that the governments are getting progressively worse. Personally, I would suggest the rot set in with Corkhill (resigned in error, MEA loan on his watch) but the worst Governments were the Brown and Quayle ones. Brown's smug compliancy that everything in the IOM was great was probably worse than Quayle's because he didn't face the same challenges. The current one has dearth of talent but has yet to sink the level of it predecessor. 

Put yourself out there you say? Well that's part of the problem people putting themselves out there who aren't up to it. Most politicians, especially in a system dominated by independents, do so because ego fools them into thinking they alone have the answers.  I'm not the man for the job, but at least I know it

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1 minute ago, Declan said:

Put yourself out there you say? Well that's part of the problem people putting themselves out there who aren't up to it. Most politicians, especially in a system dominated by independents, do so because ego fools them into thinking they alone have the answers.  I'm not the man for the job, but at least I know it

A rare honest appraisal of oneself. Refreshing ! I too feel the same way though if a lot younger would consider it. But would still have big reservations. 

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38 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

A rare honest appraisal of oneself. Refreshing ! I too feel the same way though if a lot younger would consider it. But would still have big reservations. 

We don't need big reservations, we need affordable housing.

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MHK's really are NOT the issue.

Career civil servants with little to zero commercial acumen have progressively and steadily worked their way up through the ranks and into positions where very serious & critical policies require considered thought & shrewd, efficient delivery.

In 90% of cases, they simply are not up to the task.

The Isle of Man has been in steady decline for at least 20 years, we are now in complete freefall.

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37 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

MHK's really are NOT the issue.

Career civil servants with little to zero commercial acumen have progressively and steadily worked their way up through the ranks and into positions where very serious & critical policies require considered thought & shrewd, efficient delivery.

In 90% of cases, they simply are not up to the task.

The Isle of Man has been in steady decline for at least 20 years, we are now in complete freefall.

The point is though. If they put the wind farm down south all the people down south will kick off. If they put it up north all the people up north will kick off. If they put it on the west coast all the people in Peel will kick off. If they put it anywhere there will be a huge outcry regardless and all the MHKs will be dragged into it. So I can sort of see what they’ve done here. If the MHK who actually said that the wind farm should be built in the first place doesn’t even agree with where the wind farm should be what hope has Tynwald of getting any of this stuff implemented.

Which makes Daphne a complete joke. The net zero plan says that we have to implement a wind farm by 2026. She signed off the net zero plan but now she’s the one holding the bloody proposals up simpering about the lovely hills being ruined. So we won’t have started on a wind farm by 2026 at all because if the person who said that it should be implemented is pissing about dithering and worrying that she will be unpopular nobody else in Tynwald has got a hope in hell of getting anything done. 

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MHKs make no difference, no point in bemoaning this lot or the last 50 years lot

The CS are the government

MHKs are just their mouth piece and fall guy/ girl

The IOM political "system" is not a proper democracy

It suits the Square Mile and will therefore will every be so.

How the subservient Manx cant see that is shocking

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14 minutes ago, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

The point is though. If they put the wind farm down south all the people down south will kick off. If they put it up north all the people up north will kick off. If they put it on the west coast all the people in Peel will kick off. If they put it anywhere there will be a huge outcry regardless and all the MHKs will be dragged into it. So I can sort of see what they’ve done here. If the MHK who actually said that the wind farm should be built in the first place doesn’t even agree with where the wind farm should be what hope has Tynwald of getting any of this stuff implemented.

Which makes Daphne a complete joke. The net zero plan says that we have to implement a wind farm by 2026. She signed off the net zero plan but now she’s the one holding the bloody proposals up simpering about the lovely hills being ruined. So we won’t have started on a wind farm by 2026 at all because if the person who said that it should be implemented is pissing about dithering and worrying that she will be unpopular nobody else in Tynwald has got a hope in hell of getting anything done. 

Problem with a wind farm in the south is lack of infrastructure in every possible way. On top of which nobody down south wants it. However, the biggest problem is the island cannot afford it. The whole idea needs to be kicked into touch! 

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10 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Problem with a wind farm in the south is lack of infrastructure in every possible way. On top of which nobody down south wants it. However, the biggest problem is the island cannot afford it. The whole idea needs to be kicked into touch! 

Which begs the question why did Daphne and her climate change team decree that it should happen by 2026 in their plan anyway? Of course we all know the answer to that. To try to show that they’re doing something rather than being sat on their fat pious asses lecturing to us and spending millions on useless reports and surveys for things that will never happen. 

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This government seems to at least be open and transparent about the fact it has no ideas apart from to bribe people to be part of it and to deliver on its behalf.

a once in a life time opportunity for radical reform has been diluted to the point where it is hopeful something will happen

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4 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

MHKs make no difference, no point in bemoaning this lot or the last 50 years lot

The CS are the government

MHKs are just their mouth piece and fall guy/ girl

The IOM political "system" is not a proper democracy

It suits the Square Mile and will therefore will every be so.

How the subservient Manx cant see that is shocking

Absolute nonsense 

For example would you care to explain your thinking behind the statement.  
The IOM political “ system “ is not a proper democracy.

How so? It’s one person one vote. Same as all democracies 

Doubt the Square Mile have much interest.

As for your last sentence, that makes no sense whatsoever

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6 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Absolute nonsense 

For example would you care to explain your thinking behind the statement.  
The IOM political “ system “ is not a proper democracy.

How so? It’s one person one vote. Same as all democracies 

Doubt the Square Mile have much interest.

As for your last sentence, that makes no sense whatsoever

I agree with him . There’s very very few MHK’s/MLC’s with the necessary know how or experience to challenge or take to task the entrenched CS . Understandably really but you really can’t see where democracy actually rears its head. Prior to elections we get all sorts of promises but once elected they , or most , go off the radar. And it seems the closed shop of Cabinet office sorts it all out without much if any input from the other members. Look how many bills and questions are asked in Tynwald and the likes. It’s a closed shop with no encouragement under Cannans watch to embrace opinions. CS are running the show totally. 

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21 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

MHK's really are NOT the issue.

Career civil servants with little to zero commercial acumen have progressively and steadily worked their way up through the ranks and into positions where very serious & critical policies require considered thought & shrewd, efficient delivery.

In 90% of cases, they simply are not up to the task.

The Isle of Man has been in steady decline for at least 20 years, we are now in complete freefall.

That's why Alistair Ramsey was correct in what he was saying.... Tynwald have failed to curb or seriously question the antics of some (not all) of our so-called executive experts (remember we have a cabinet office full of directors of this and that).

Edited by Andy Onchan
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18 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Absolute nonsense 

For example would you care to explain your thinking behind the statement.  
The IOM political “ system “ is not a proper democracy.

How so? It’s one person one vote. Same as all democracies 

Doubt the Square Mile have much interest.

As for your last sentence, that makes no sense whatsoever

Don't agree with much of Blade Runner's outpourings nowadays, but he isn't too far wide of the mark with this. The UK has a democratic deficit too. Most places do, of course, but we have a much bigger one. We have home rule effectively, but we can't deviate too far from a template developed in London. We can't start doing stuff they strongly disapprove of. CIs are the same. It's not such a bad place to be, and there are far worse options, but we should acknowledge our limitations.

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