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Another external appointment


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Mind you I'm sure that Mr Ralphs understanding of numbers is much better this wife's.  Take this bit from the interview:

‘One amazing thing about the public service here is about 22 to 23% of the working age population in the Isle of Man works in the public service.

‘The other unique proposition is that about 99% of those people live on the island. You don’t have that across because people are very transient.

Actually 100% of those people live on the Island because it's based on the Census and to get included you have to be resident.  (I also don't think that most people in Britain are "very transient" either.  That's just Mr Ralphs).  In fact what the Census measured was the resident population employed in public service (9,934) as against the total employed (43,537), giving 22.8%.  So those of working age not in employment weren't included and those over working age with a job were.  

Now you'd expect the guy in charge of the civil service to get such details right, but that's not the point.  The 'amazing' level of public service employment is pretty much the same as the UK (22.5% according to the ILO) and fairly standard for Western Europe as you can see from that list[1].  If decisions are being made by someone with such a loose grip on what is standard, then they are not going to be good ones.

Of course having a 'normal' percentage of public servants doesn't mean they are all doing something useful.  That's another story.


[1]  Definitions of such things vary a lot and for example having a publicly owned health service will put figures up a lot.

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8 hours ago, Two-lane said:

"He added: ‘My end game was always to get all that experience and to become a chief executive officer."

Coincidently, the job title changed from Chief Secretary to Chief Executive. Is there a possibility he insisted on the name change before he would accept the job?

After all, it would not be too impressive if he had said that his end game was to be a secretary.


Judging by his CV you can envisage his press interview when he moves on in the next 3 to 5 years, stating he always intended to return to (insert UK  Borough/County) to complete his public service, having stabilised and refocussed the IOM CS as the inaugural CEO.  The secret to his success as CEO of the IOM CS -it was very much a numbers game, both in terms of budgets and headcount.  

7 hours ago, wrighty said:

Numerology makes homeopathy seem rational. 

Does seem rather 'left field'.  Could be an opening somewhere with the MDC, subject to HR vetting of course.

Edited by Hmmmm
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11 hours ago, Two-lane said:

As a numerologist who helps people with their careers, there can be little doubt that Mrs Ralphs helped Mr Ralphs with his career path.

Numerology is the belief in an occult, divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events.

In this case the coinciding event is his appointment as CEO of the gov. 

Now all we need to know is the number.

I suggest that it is 42.

Unfortunately there is also the possibility that Mrs Ralphs will continue to advise Mr Ralphs.

The number they will be seeing is more like 140,000 per annum GB £

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8 hours ago, Kopek said:


7 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:


‘One amazing thing about the public service here is about 22 to 23% of the working age population in the Isle of Man works in the public service.

It's a bit "I like to visit Salisbury, it has a famous spire of 123 metres "

Edited by Casta
(Not sure why Kopek quote is there, I can't delete it)
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9 hours ago, Hairy Poppins said:

When the gravy train gets a new driver, do they get a new driver's hat and whistle? 

Usually a gold-plated pension and the option of coming into an office to work, a day or so per week.

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