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Bishop V Hooper

Fred the shred

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1 hour ago, Casta said:

We have far, far better than a referendum - a General Election every 5 years. But of course, even that system is fundamentally flawed.

Referendums are not some sort of magical panacea.

There is no such thing as good democracy. It is a highly subjective matter.

Hooper is meddling. He needs to do his proper job.

Problem  is the five year gap though, in our case, it has given those who we thought would do a decent job via an election, time to really mess things up ! They say a week in politics is a long time, 5 years is an age in that case. In our case going to be an extremely costly and reputation damaging age !

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Consultation is very popular with politicians because it gets them off the hook any unpopular decisions will be met with claims that the public had their say and they have abided by it.   This particularly suits the toothless lot that are at present in Tynwald quite incapable of making decisions and first class at can kicking.    Appeasement does not really go down well,  the public are not stupid,  and when the election comes around lessons will be learned.

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1 hour ago, Fred the shred said:

Consultation is very popular with politicians because it gets them off the hook any unpopular decisions will be met with claims that the public had their say and they have abided by it.   This particularly suits the toothless lot that are at present in Tynwald quite incapable of making decisions and first class at can kicking.    Appeasement does not really go down well,  the public are not stupid,  and when the election comes around lessons will be learned.

Some questions don't need asking in the first place.


See 'Brexit'

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  • 2 months later...

Seems like Hooper's rigged consultation has failed spectacularly. Those who voted were split pretty evenly, and the tens of thousands who didn't vote clearly didn't see it as an issue/ Perhaps the arrogant little prick should concentrate on doing his actual job, and doing it better.

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15 minutes ago, Banker said:

Hopefully hooper will now get on with his job as health minister!!

It's a mess and he's only been giving it some of his attention while he bashed the bishop.

Imagine how much more he can make of it with his full attention!

But the government says he isn't a bully so thats something I guess.


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4 hours ago, Harry Lamb said:

Seems like Hooper's rigged consultation has failed spectacularly. Those who voted were split pretty evenly, and the tens of thousands who didn't vote clearly didn't see it as an issue/ Perhaps the arrogant little prick should concentrate on doing his actual job, and doing it better.

By his own admission, those responding to consultations usually feel passionately enough to do so, although he is accusing the pro-bish team of this, rather than the anti-bish.

As I've mentioned earlier, the vote should be removed entirely from LEGCO, they are a reviewing chamber and that is their sole function, not swinging things in their sponsors favour! The Bish should remain a member as he's probably one of the better educated amongst the whole lot of them.  

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Rob Callister will certainly feel the results of his meddling at the next election.  It was obvious that most of the voters in favour of the Bishop retaining his vote and seat were a concentrated number who had organised a campaign .   I despair the church causes nothing but grief in the political arena across the water politics and religion do not mix.   

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So the democratically elected members of the Keys were in favour of change. And Rob sought to scupper it with a public consultation. This shows the public favour change.

The turnout is not enough for Rob to considerate it significant. The answer to that is, we're a representative democracy and our representatives have already spoken. 

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6 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Does anyone have a link from any MHKs manifestos where they declared they would legislate to remove the Bishop's vote?

If we went by manifestó promises there’d be nothing done in so many areas. Or some very weird things. 

I don’t understand the fuss. There can be no justification of there being a state religion or of that religion having reserved, unelected, undemocratic seats in the legislature. The Bishop shouldn’t be there.

Nor can I understand the bleat about other things to do. There are lots of things to do, and legislators should be able to do things in parallel rather than series. For the short time it’ll take up in Tynwald there isn’t a lost opportunity to miraculously make MC work better.

Hooper can’t do much, even if he sat in his ministers office 24/7. It’s a long term process and should be implemented by CS. For good or ill we’ve tied ourselves to Michaels, the funding is starting to come through. As was said in the budget we need to examine how we put health care finance on a sound footing.

We all know Hooper is a useless arrogant ( adjective of choice from the dozens previously used on here ). But he’s dammed if he does, dammed if he doesn’t. I’d rather he was legislating constitutional change than micromanaging/interfering in day to day running of DHSC/Manx Care

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Whatever you think about the Bishop and their vote, you have to admit the whole consultation thing is deeply comic.  Hooper was tasked to carry it out and did so on his own website, which you would have thought would bias things in his favour.

However the result came in roughly half-and-half, just 51% in favour.  So he's now complaining that "those in opposition to the Bill promoted the consultation much more widely than I did" - well whose fault is that then?  And if he doesn't accept that the consultation was designed properly, well he's only himself to blame.

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