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Bishop V Hooper

Fred the shred

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16 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

The Manx public will not be asked for their opinions on LegCo it will be simply if the Bishop will have a vote you can depend on that.    I hope the Manx public will not be cherry picked as has happened in other consultations.   This is just muddying the water from one brain dead politician who has failed in every position he has undertaken.

My consultation input (if requested) would be to say, "why stop at just the Bishop? Let's include LEGCO as well.

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It's a bit of a cop-out to have a public consultation on a tiny part of the constitution. 

The basis on which the other Legco members are selected is supposed to be that as our reps in a representative democracy is they choose the MLCs on our behalf. But here they have to consult? 

OK consult us about whether LEGCO should be elected then, or whether the bishop should sit in Tynwald at all or whether CM should be an elected post. They've been happy to decide those issues for themselves. 

What's the betting when the consultation is over there won't be time to enact the change, or they'll say it's too close to the election and that the matter should be left for the next set of MHKs. 

The gradual democratising of the Island during the 20th Century has stalled since the Millennium. Every time a proposal is brought forward they say they agree with the principle  but not the detail of the proposal, or commission a report or consultation that gets ignored, or say there's more important things to deal with. If even this baby step towards democracy is to sucperred by shenanigans what hope is there of the Island ever being a democracy?  

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1 hour ago, Fred the shred said:

The Manx public will not be asked for their opinions on LegCo it will be simply if the Bishop will have a vote you can depend on that.    I hope the Manx public will not be cherry picked as has happened in other consultations.   This is just muddying the water from one brain dead politician who has failed in every position he has undertaken.

I hope they don't conflate consultation with the status of the diocese. 

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As Lawrie Hooper (or maybe David Ashford) said, what will happen will be more a referendum than a consultation - this is just a stalling tactic. 

I respect that some have religious faith, but the argument that the Bishop (and the last one was a super bloke with vast experience of the human condition) should automatically assume a voting role in parliament is deeply flawed. Politics and the church have little in common. By that logic the chairman of the local steam railway supporters group should also have a vote in Tynwald.

I don’t suppose that bringing this forward has deflected Lawrie a jot from his ministerial role. Like women, politicians have to learn how to multitask.

My compromise is to have the Bish stand for election to LegCo like any other candidate. If he has the chops, he gets the gig.

Edited by Stu Peters
Compromise suggestion added
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47 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

As Lawrie Hooper (or maybe David Ashford) said, what will happen will be more a referendum than a consultation - this is just a stalling tactic. 

I respect that some have religious faith, but the argument that the Bishop (and the last one was a super bloke with vast experience of the human condition) should automatically assume a voting role in parliament is deeply flawed. Politics and the church have little in common. By that logic the chairman of the local steam railway supporters group should also have a vote in Tynwald.

I don’t suppose that bringing this forward has deflected Lawrie a jot from his ministerial role. Like women, politicians have to learn how to multitask.

My compromise is to have the Bish stand for election to LegCo like any other candidate. If he has the chops, he gets the gig.

Repeat after me-'Secular Society Secular Society'

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Now is the ideal time for any changes in the Bishop’s status in Tynwald as we are in between Bishops so it would not be personal it would be an amendment to the post not to the man holding the post.   This kicking the can into the long grass is just typical of this administration they seem to be incapable of making an informed decision on anything especially as matters that will take the shine of their image well guess what guys the shine has long since gone this is not a popularity contest you are supposed to and you are paid to make decisions not hide behind the public. Anyone who is hoping that Dignity in Dying will ever be passed in this administration is going to be disappointed these dummies will mess about and leave it to the incoming administration which can not come soon enough.   

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40 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

Now is the ideal time for any changes in the Bishop’s status in Tynwald as we are in between Bishops so it would not be personal it would be an amendment to the post not to the man holding the post.   This kicking the can into the long grass is just typical of this administration they seem to be incapable of making an informed decision on anything especially as matters that will take the shine of their image well guess what guys the shine has long since gone this is not a popularity contest you are supposed to and you are paid to make decisions not hide behind the public. Anyone who is hoping that Dignity in Dying will ever be passed in this administration is going to be disappointed these dummies will mess about and leave it to the incoming administration which can not come soon enough.   

The proposal to remove the Bishop’s vote and the assisted dying bill are both private members’ bills, not bills being brought in by this administration. So far members of CoMin have voted either way on both bills. Whether they progress or not is a matter for Tynwald as a whole.

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3 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I don’t suppose that bringing this forward has deflected Lawrie a jot from his ministerial role.

No, I don’t suppose it has.

But it might have deflected the public away from the shambles of Manx Care - and the fact that he is the responsible politician (yes, I know: “arms length, nothing to do with me, guv”, no responsible politicians anymore, etc).

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