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Bishop V Hooper

Fred the shred

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I can't honestly think Hooper, arrogant as he is, can be fully aware of the state of Nobles at the moment. Three things spring to mind, 1. if he thinks he is responsible in some way, politically or otherwise, he wouldn't have time at the moment for this posturing shite, or 2. He is simply unaware of the state of play at the moment and maybe being fed bullshit by Manxcare, or indeed 3. He is utterly useless in any case and prefers to refer to "arms length" rather than take any responsibility at all.

Pick any one or more.


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24 minutes ago, asitis said:

I can't honestly think Hooper, arrogant as he is, can be fully aware of the state of Nobles at the moment. Three things spring to mind, 1. if he thinks he is responsible in some way, politically or otherwise, he wouldn't have time at the moment for this posturing shite, or 2. He is simply unaware of the state of play at the moment and maybe being fed bullshit by Manxcare, or indeed 3. He is utterly useless in any case and prefers to refer to "arms length" rather than take any responsibility at all.

Pick any one or more.


I think Hooperman is aware but he is utterly out of his depth. Instead of trying to do something, he is looking at point scoring, and promoting the agenda of the handful of people who turn up for LibLabVan Coffee Mornings or the ‘big important meetings’ frequently advertised on Facebook by its ‘self important’ leader. 

The local media reports today, Tim Glover from his HoK speech saying tha MHKs are turning the public off, and that voters are disenfranchised from politics’. From a man used to asking pointless questions he has got this right. However, at least and unlike Hooperman he can read a room. Meanwhile Daffy waffles on about implications down the line - elected chamber, elected chief minister etc etc, but this Bill is about democracy.

If Hooperman had proposed wholesale reform with the political establishment, island wide democratically elected chambers, island wide democratically elected chief minister, island wide democratically elected El Presidente and whilst they are at it, the elimination of the Leftenant Guvenor, and cutting ties with the Monarchy. One plus point - no trips to Buckingham Palace for our politicos or gongs. Hooperman hasn’t got the guts, so to fight for the removal of the Bishop is in effect picking on the little guy, who they know can’t fight back. 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

Instead of trying to do something, he is looking at point scoring, and promoting the agenda of the handful of people

This is Manx Care management’s approach to “policy” as well…no wonder he fits in.

1 hour ago, 2112 said:

picking on the little guy, who they know can’t fight back. 

This is Manx Care management’s approach to dealing with staff at the sharp end…especially those aggressive nurse management types - men in civvies and women in red tunics.

Edited by Jarndyce
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1 hour ago, asitis said:

I can't honestly think Hooper, arrogant as he is, can be fully aware of the state of Nobles at the moment. Three things spring to mind, 1. if he thinks he is responsible in some way, politically or otherwise, he wouldn't have time at the moment for this posturing shite, or 2. He is simply unaware of the state of play at the moment and maybe being fed bullshit by Manxcare, or indeed 3. He is utterly useless in any case and prefers to refer to "arms length" rather than take any responsibility at all.

Pick any one or more.


I'm going to go with answer no 3. 

Hooper on NMP spouting that the consultation is just a delaying tactic, and what are they going to do when an unfavorable answer is forthcoming. What is he going to do if the answer comes back we want the bish. Knowing him SULK and throw toys out of his pram. The man is a joke and needs emptying sooner than later, what is the point of his appointment if all he is saying its nought to do with me it is run at arms length. All this is just to distract that Cope and her team of many mates are just depleting the coffers with no discernable improvement in the running of our health care. Get shut before eye watering pension become payable.

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51 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

I'm going to go with answer no 3. 

Hooper on NMP spouting that the consultation is just a delaying tactic, and what are they going to do when an unfavorable answer is forthcoming. What is he going to do if the answer comes back we want the bish. Knowing him SULK and throw toys out of his pram. The man is a joke and needs emptying sooner than later, what is the point of his appointment if all he is saying its nought to do with me it is run at arms length. All this is just to distract that Cope and her team of many mates are just depleting the coffers with no discernable improvement in the running of our health care. Get shut before eye watering pension become payable.

Like your post. Unfortunately, Manx Care has the Manx public by the jugular – the clowns in Tynwald voted for a 7-year contract with Manx Care, which was also near impossible to get out without incurring huge penalties.

The quest for ethical, and at the same time, commercial profits, sounds good in theory, but in practice this is easier said than achieved. Sometimes, without subsidies, certain pieces of essential public infrastructure – health, transport links, etc cannot survive. IMHO, although not as flawed as the discredited public-private-partnerships beloved by Tony Blair’s Government (and which destroyed UK Labour’s reputation for fiscal and business acumen) arm’s length arrangements, which are a hybrid of public ownership and private operations, can be quite dysfunctional.

The IOMG has deliberately placed itself in a position where it is largely dependent on the good will and good behaviour of Manx Care. If the relationship with Manx Care deteriorates, there is not much that the IOMG can do to help the public. Given away its powers and responsibilities is becoming a habit of this Government – Manx Care, the Steam Packet, Airport.

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1 hour ago, Dirty Buggane said:

I'm going to go with answer no 3. 

Hooper on NMP spouting that the consultation is just a delaying tactic, and what are they going to do when an unfavorable answer is forthcoming. What is he going to do if the answer comes back we want the bish. Knowing him SULK and throw toys out of his pram. The man is a joke and needs emptying sooner than later, what is the point of his appointment if all he is saying its nought to do with me it is run at arms length. All this is just to distract that Cope and her team of many mates are just depleting the coffers with no discernable improvement in the running of our health care. Get shut before eye watering pension become payable.

Meantime, the funding shortfall gets bigger and the waiting lists longer. That's Hoopermans real claim to infamy.

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If this public consultation throws up suggestions that go beyond the current bill being progressed, will it be acted upon? I don’t think it will, and this bill will be shelved, but the damage will have been done, especially reputational. 

Just wondering how our politicos will behave if there is a Royal visit next year, especially our left leaning, principled and pious ones? Will they boycott the Church service on religious principles, the garden party due to their republican nationalist tendencies, or boycott the Tynpotwald Day ceremony as either Royalty or the LG will be there? I bet if our politicos are offered a gong in the New Year honours they would ditch their principles and take it, and bask in the adulation and back slapping. 

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