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Bishop V Hooper

Fred the shred

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55 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Whatever you think about the Bishop and their vote, you have to admit the whole consultation thing is deeply comic.  Hooper was tasked to carry it out and did so on his own website, which you would have thought would bias things in his favour.

However the result came in roughly half-and-half, just 51% in favour.  So he's now complaining that "those in opposition to the Bill promoted the consultation much more widely than I did" - well whose fault is that then?  And if he doesn't accept that the consultation was designed properly, well he's only himself to blame.

Except his complaint wasn’t about the online results, but about multiple responses printed, filled in and handed in in person by 5 persons.

Presume Callister & chums granny farmed responses?

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14 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Except his complaint wasn’t about the online results, but about multiple responses printed, filled in and handed in in person by 5 persons.

Presume Callister & chums granny farmed responses?

But he didn't give any figures about how many paper responses there were.  In most such consultations they're a tiny minority, most people fill in on-line, especially as it was only three yes/no questions.  I suspect, despite his complaints, that they wouldn't have made much difference or he would have been quick to tell us the numbers.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Whatever you think about the Bishop and their vote, you have to admit the whole consultation thing is deeply comic.  Hooper was tasked to carry it out and did so on his own website, which you would have thought would bias things in his favour.

However the result came in roughly half-and-half, just 51% in favour.  So he's now complaining that "those in opposition to the Bill promoted the consultation much more widely than I did" - well whose fault is that then?  And if he doesn't accept that the consultation was designed properly, well he's only himself to blame.

Exactly so


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An unelected man who knows sweet FA about the Isle of Man and is just marking time before retirement who will have a vote affecting the well being of the people of this Island.    No thank you very much the vote taken in Tynwald should stand it is the right time when there is not a Bishop in situ.    Rob Callister is an absolute pain with his inference and meddling he is only trying to harness votes from the god botherers whilst sitting on the fence so he doesn’t offend the people who believe politics and religion do not mix.   

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3 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

An unelected man who knows sweet FA about the Isle of Man and is just marking time before retirement who will have a vote affecting the well being of the people of this Island.    No thank you very much the vote taken in Tynwald should stand it is the right time when there is not a Bishop in situ.    Rob Callister is an absolute pain with his inference and meddling he is only trying to harness votes from the god botherers whilst sitting on the fence so he doesn’t offend the people who believe politics and religion do not mix.   

I certainly don't believe Religion and Politics should mix, however I also don't believe Politics and useless arrogant tossers mix either ! The finest result for the island would be no Bishop and no Hooper !

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6 hours ago, asitis said:

TBH I'd settle for an unelected, educated man, of some principle, over an elected, vacuous ,arrogant airbag all day everyday !

Of course there's nothing to say that the new Bishop will be a man.  They let women wear the dresses nowadays.  But whoever it is will probably have had more people have their say in who it is than the 24 who get to choose their nine LegCo colleagues.  To appropriately quote the Gospels, they "strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel".

This is the real point about Hooper's proposal and his laughable 'consultation' (which it now turns out people laughed at).  If anyone was really interested about widening democracy and improving public participation or making government work better, he'd be pushing for a popularly elected LegCo.  Instead he's trying to get rid of the only member whose presence he doesn't control.

It's not a coincidence that at the same time he's revealing that he thinks he should have been able to sack anyone who criticises him from a committee that was set up to do exactly that.

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8 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's not a coincidence that at the same time he's revealing that he thinks he should have been able to sack anyone who criticises him from a committee that was set up to do exactly that

Hooper is a “pocket-sized dictator” without any personal charm or charisma - his reaction to the HSCC demonstrated his willingness to ride roughshod over any expression of legitimate concern, if there is even a suggestion that he (as minister) might have some responsibility in that area.

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Hooper is publicly elected by the people of Ramsey, came top of the poll, and I would imagine most people ,if not all , knew him before they cast their vote and that should not be forgotten.   I have never met the man but at least he doesn’t sit on the fence like some cowardly MHKs who hide behind the electorate and are incapable of making a decision.   

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12 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

Hooper is publicly elected by the people of Ramsey, came top of the poll, and I would imagine most people ,if not all , knew him before they cast their vote and that should not be forgotten.   I have never met the man but at least he doesn’t sit on the fence like some cowardly MHKs who hide behind the electorate and are incapable of making a decision

I don’t live in Ramsey - so I can’t comment about his abilities as a constituency MHK.   Is he good at that side of things?  (eta) Anyone from Ramsey care to comment?

I can only judge him as a Health Minister - and I’m not impressed by his approach.   His electorate might love him, for all I know.

Edited by Jarndyce
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4 hours ago, asitis said:

I certainly don't believe Religion and Politics should mix, however I also don't believe Politics and useless arrogant tossers mix either ! The finest result for the island would be no Bishop and no Hooper !

No unelected MLCs either.

Edited by Andy Onchan
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''....Hooper, he doesn't sit on the fence...''.

Neither did Phil Gawne and look where it got him!!!

The problem with the Bishop is that we do not know if he has any 'political acumen' ? He is simply foisted upon us. The AG at least provides legal advice and is qualified to do so.

Legco is long overdue for 'reform', removing the Bishop could be the first step to that far more important reform?


From the grave, any reform yet guys???

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So far as I am aware, and I could be wrong - I usually am - the Deputy Chief Minister is personally selected by the Chief Minister.

The Chief Minister is selected by the MHKs (and maybe others) as the person they think best to be the boss.

The Deputy Chief Minister is not there to be an assistant and to bring him his lunch, but is there to be the boss when the Chief Minister is unavailable or incapacitated.

It is therefore logical that the MHKs should also elect who is to be the Deputy Chief Minister.

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4 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

Hooper is publicly elected by the people of Ramsey, came top of the poll, and I would imagine most people ,if not all , knew him before they cast their vote and that should not be forgotten.   I have never met the man but at least he doesn’t sit on the fence like some cowardly MHKs who hide behind the electorate and are incapable of making a decision.   

And now, having seen how he has performed, will the people of Ramsey (who vote) elect the jumped up little shit again? I sincerely hope not. The way he treated the committee members was a disgrace, and he has demonstrated a lack of ability in the role matched only by his absence of manners and grace. 

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