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Bishop V Hooper

Fred the shred

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I am happy with Bishop losing the vote, but I am also increasingly irate with the rest of Government shills who are willing to nod through anything, from the IOMG’s Budget to the revised Island Plan, without the faintest whiff of scrutiny or doubt.

A while back @Shake me up Judymade an excellent point about the House of Lords. Love them or loath them, right now with the Rwanda Bill they are doing precisely what the Upper Legislative Chamber is meant to do – debate the proposed legislation and send it back for amendment if they don’t like it. In the contrast, our unelected ‘Upper Legislative Chamber’ has become the epitome of an undemocratic institution that fails to discharge its primary obligation to critically oversee the IOMG’s decisions and proposals. Our MLCs appear to be reluctant to fulfil their basic duties to the IOM public.

As a member of a political party that calls itself ‘liberal’, Hooper should be fighting to reform this cabal of unelected opportunists who are in receipt of social prestige and IOM taxpayers’ dosh - he did not do so.

I am convinced that reforming the MLC, by making it democratically elected (or abolishing it all together, e.g., good enough for New Zealand good enough for us), is central to any successful political reforms on this Island, and should therefore be at the forefront of the Manifestos of the next GE’s candidates. Of course, a publicly elected Chief Minister, who declares what they stand for, is even more urgent. 

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Good post code99. I've said this so many times but we don't have a functional democracy on the Island. It's a Manx oligarchy and always has been. Just look where the money goes and who gets what. Our upper chamber is just a grace and favour retirement home for second pensions and top ups. When did they last send anything back to the Keys or go against CoMin ? They keep their mouth shut, do as they're told and get a lovely fat income for it. The Keys are little better. They get to debate and strut their stuff but they don't control the agenda and they're denied the real power and decision making. It doesn't matter who the people elect, it doesn't make any real difference. Bishop V Hooper is just a fairground sideshow.

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15 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

It doesn't matter who the people elect, it doesn't make any real difference. Bishop V Hooper is just a fairground sideshow

Just the latest in a long line of distractions and “dead cats”…

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Not a bit of it people have moaned about the Bishop having the vote for years.   Joney tried to sort this out in June and Lawrie has now taken it further.   The reason of the timing is because the Island is between Bishops and it would be a good idea whilst there is no one in situ that the matter is sorted.    The next Bishop will be without a doubt a cleric who has about four years to go before being put out to pasture like the last three.     We have managed for a while now in Tynwald without one and it will be a while yet before one is offered the position so a perfect opportunity to change the format without it being personal.    It is not a distraction if it had been sorted out in June it would have been done and dusted now.

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2 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

Not a bit of it people have moaned about the Bishop having the vote for years.   Joney tried to sort this out in June and Lawrie has now taken it further.   The reason of the timing is because the Island is between Bishops and it would be a good idea whilst there is no one in situ that the matter is sorted.    The next Bishop will be without a doubt a cleric who has about four years to go before being put out to pasture like the last three.     We have managed for a while now in Tynwald without one and it will be a while yet before one is offered the position so a perfect opportunity to change the format without it being personal.    It is not a distraction if it had been sorted out in June it would have been done and dusted now.

And has Tynwald suffered from a lack of spiritual guidance? I don't think so.

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4 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

[...]  Joney tried to sort this out in June and Lawrie has now taken it further.   [...]   It is not a distraction if it had been sorted out in June it would have been done and dusted now.

No it wouldn't have been.  Faragher's motion in June was only an indicative one in Tynwald - it didn't change anything.  For that there needs to be legislation passed through the Keys and LegCo.  And LegCo are opposed so it's not going to happen quickly.  It's all gesture politics.

I suspect there's all sorts of other legislative complications that haven't been thought of as well, as is likely to be the case when you try to change something that's been the situation for hundreds of years.  But they all know that it's gesture politics (which is the only sort of politics they want to do) and can't happen, so they won't have to think that through.

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4 hours ago, Anyone said:

I’d let the old Bishop have his vote as in the end it makes no fucking difference anyway. 

The Government is a sideshow, the real power is held at the top of the CS, people like the pomp, and dressing up in robes etc as an indication that we are a democracy. Very sad, but the term nodding dogs has never been more true !

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Leg Co are chosen by the MHKs that the voters have elected so when voting for them you are really giving them the authority to choose LegCo and the Chief Minister.    Not really perfect but different from a man that is foisted on you who has been chosen by an outside agency.   I still think all Island voting would be better it would give the electorate a bigger arena to choose from.

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1 hour ago, Fred the shred said:

Leg Co are chosen by the MHKs that the voters have elected so when voting for them you are really giving them the authority to choose LegCo and the Chief Minister.    Not really perfect but different from a man that is foisted on you who has been chosen by an outside agency.   I still think all Island voting would be better it would give the electorate a bigger arena to choose from.

I’d prefer that you could choose from all the candidates not just from those where you live. Look how that’s panned out in the past. 

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