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Bishop V Hooper

Fred the shred

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Hooper proclaiming "has LegCo ceased to function because it has no Bishop?"

What a childish argument that is. Obviously LegCo hasn't ceased to function because there is no Bishop there just now. I'm sure our country of 85,000 could function quite well with say, 12 MHKs, or 6 MHKs. How about 1 Westminster MP? 

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No it is Thomas you are describing never got over getting the push twice once from COM and then from DOI.     You are incorrect in your statement about what Hooper said it was a rhetorical question after someone had queried whether having 8 voting members in Leg.Co. his answer was as you reported.   I don’t know why this underscoring has taken place, clumsy fingers.

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Hooper will be out on his ear in 2026, any Ramsey constituents who are discussing him currently have had enough of his bull. Manx Care is a CS empire dream whilst the coalface struggles.

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12 hours ago, asitis said:

TBH, I'd like all our democratically elected MHK's to start running the island, rather than the civil service who undoubtedly do ! Now that would be a great step forward for democracy !

If Hooperman had both the brains and intelligence, he would have called for the removal of the Bishop and the vote, democratically elected MLCs, democratically elected President - not a job creation scheme for failed politicos and a democratically elected Chief Minister, at the ballot box by the islands electorate. Sadly hasn’t got neither, he has created a Bishop with a voice but no vote, thereby influence amongst his peers. As CM Cannan has said, as a result of this action the island may not get a Bishop at all, with the post being scrapped. 

As Hooperman will no doubt be even more smug, arrogant and conceited, perhaps his bravado could go towards eliminating the Leftenant Guvenor role. It would save some money, Government House could given to one of IOMGs favoured developers, for luxury housing. 

Hooperman may be a hero at this time to some, but at the next election he will be unemployed and unemployable. I doubt he could walk back into accounting. 

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Hooper and Faragher should try and stick to turning around Manx Care which is failing miserable before they start on this sort of low level profile building. The pair of them are chancers who seem more concerned with making a name for themselves rather than doing anything to justify their salaries. 

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18 minutes ago, Mouthpiece said:

Hooper and Faragher should try and stick to turning around Manx Care which is failing miserable before they start on this sort of low level profile building. The pair of them are chancers who seem more concerned with making a name for themselves rather than doing anything to justify their salaries. 

In all honest, I think Rob Callister formerly Minister of the Department of Health and Social Care was of more use, than Hooperman, who has achieved nothing. Whilst Rob Callister may have not achieved much if he had been in the post longer, but he isn’t as pompous or as arrogant as Hooperman. Joney Faragher comes across like a real life version of Milli-tant from Viz. Neither Hooperman, Faragher or others are concerned with real life issues, affecting their constituents, especially healthcare and social care matters. Obsessing about constitutional issues, the Bishop and prayers, aren’t going to clothe, help the population to clothe themselves, put food in their stomachs and heat their homes. Incidentally how many jobs, wealth and improvements to the lives of constituents have been created in Ramsey or Douglas East? 

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23 minutes ago, 2112 said:

In all honest, I think Rob Callister formerly Minister of the Department of Health and Social Care was of more use, than Hooperman, who has achieved nothing. Whilst Rob Callister may have not achieved much if he had been in the post longer, but he isn’t as pompous or as arrogant as Hooperman. Joney Faragher comes across like a real life version of Milli-tant from Viz. 

They are a gruesome twosome in health that’s for sure and that’s what they should be focussing on and where both seem to be failing miserably. But no let’s try to distract our abject failure in Manx Care with this sort of pointless stuff. And that’s only when Faragher isn’t on Twitter blubbing about dead babies in Gaza. She’s a tiresome online virtue signaler of the very worst kind. 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

If Hooperman had both the brains and intelligence, he would have called for the removal of the Bishop and the vote, democratically elected MLCs, democratically elected President - not a job creation scheme for failed politicos and a democratically elected Chief Minister, at the ballot box by the islands electorate. Sadly hasn’t got neither, he has created a Bishop with a voice but no vote, thereby influence amongst his peers. As CM Cannan has said, as a result of this action the island may not get a Bishop at all, with the post being scrapped. 

As Hooperman will no doubt be even more smug, arrogant and conceited, perhaps his bravado could go towards eliminating the Leftenant Guvenor role. It would save some money, Government House could given to one of IOMGs favoured developers, for luxury housing. 

Hooperman may be a hero at this time to some, but at the next election he will be unemployed and unemployable. I doubt he could walk back into accounting. 

Hear, hear.

If Hooperman wants a real democracy then he should also look at the whole of LegCo not just the Bishop. 

It's clear that all he is concerned about is going down in history as the man who 'got rid' of the Bishop. It will be his sole claim to fame. Nothing more.

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3 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Cannan read out a letter from the Archbishop of York, who wrote  "...has been part of the processes since the beginning of democratic government...".

He does not know what the word democratic means. But neither does Cannan.

None of where the Bishop resides in LegCo is democratic. It's BS to say that MLCs are where they are due to democracy. None of them have a mandate.

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In all this bishop bashing no one is thinking about the real power of the President of Tynwald. Effectively the representative of the Manx establishment. No one votes for him/her either and they can't be removed. The post was created without a vote or debate, and the powers are far reaching, far beyond that of the Chief Minister and CoMin. It's also very highly remunerated and pensioned. Compared to the President, the bishop is largely irrelevant.   

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10 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

In all this bishop bashing no one is thinking about the real power of the President of Tynwald. Effectively the representative of the Manx establishment. No one votes for him/her either and they can't be removed. The post was created without a vote or debate, and the powers are far reaching, far beyond that of the Chief Minister and CoMin. It's also very highly remunerated and pensioned. Compared to the President, the bishop is largely irrelevant.   

Even worse than all that, look who the current incumbent is....

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