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2 years in..have your MHKs delivered?

Manx Bean

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I have a theory (which is mine) - there will always be a shortage of houses, and people, young or old,  on low wages will not be able to buy a house. Except when a local economy collapses - e.g Detroit.

Build some houses, and even more people will arrive to create a continuous shortage.

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1 hour ago, De nada said:

And there's the problem.

It doesn't have to take years, it's only what you have come to accept.

Young cyclist killed by wheel coming off a lorry due to worn out fittings, 2005. "We must have urgent legislation to prevent this happening again!"

HGV testing and regulation legislation introduced, 2019!

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The first couple of years after an election new members are on a learning curve, hopefully, and for a couple of years preceding an election they will not touch anything even slightly contentious or controversial as they are looking to keeping their seats so it doesn’t really leave them a lot of time for any proactive government. That is why means testing will never be embraced in any meaningful way and any decisions that could make them unpopular get kicked into the long grass.     They will promise the world in their manifestos and then shrug after they get elected and explain to us that one person cannot make a difference.    One person with fire in their belly can.

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1 hour ago, display name said:

I genuinely didn't know that being the chairman of the post office was voluntary unpaid work.  I suppose at least it mustn't detract from any constituency based problems,assuming the time it takes up being chairman is only about 5 minutes per annum.

Stu does get paid extra as Post Office Chair, 5% of his basic salary, which I reckon will be about an extra £3,800 when the 6% pay rise goes through.  But it isn't paid by the Post Office, it's paid by Tynwald.

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

I have a theory (which is mine) - there will always be a shortage of houses, and people, young or old,  on low wages will not be able to buy a house. Except when a local economy collapses - e.g Detroit.

Build some houses, and even more people will arrive to create a continuous shortage.

So build tiered social housing - available for low, medium and high earners. Gives people the option to rent longer term from the government - and removes the pressure to buy. Remove the stigma that social housing is only for low income families. 

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3 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

Really?  What do you want them to do as an immediate short term fix?

Why does it need to be a short term fix. They were all in agreement that this was a priority two years ago, why does it need to take so long? The usual excuse of lack of concensus surely doesn't apply here - read the manifestos.

In the last two years they've developed and approved the "island plan". Which puts in place many strategies to import far more than two hundred and fifty people to the island for each of the next five years and beyond.

These housing proposals could reasonably be explained away as a means to house them, rather than an attempt to alleviate the housing problems of those already here. Especially given that they have had to wait until the incentives were in place for any action to be taken.

The in discriminant thousands that they throw at people to move here in NI holidays, relocation packages and housing allowances to name but a few could be better used improving the island, the housing crisis, for everyone.

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1 hour ago, display name said:

oh that's alright then,that makes all the difference

I said earlier that MHKs don't get paid now to be political members of departments, which is perfectly true and was decided after a review and report before the last general election. I've already mentioned a couple of times on here that I get a small uplift for being chair of IOMPO, which isn't a department. Same goes for chairman of MUA, OFT etc. (See: https://tynwald.org.im/members-officers/remuneration-and-allowances )

The intention was partly to reduce the 'power' of CoMin/CM to be able to bully departmental members into following the official line or risk losing a significant part of their income.

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It's funny (well its not really), when, during the summer we had the latest shitfest with among other things, the Ranson decision and the events surrounding that, I contacted two MHK's who were voiciferous in their condemnation of the Government's actions, and vowed they were going to do something about it after Tynwald returned following the summer recess.....................

It's a well trodden path, and once its under the carpet and those lessons are learned then its back to the gravy train for the lot of them.



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17 minutes ago, Weliveinhope said:

It's funny (well its not really), when, during the summer we had the latest shitfest with among other things, the Ranson decision and the events surrounding that, I contacted two MHK's who were voiciferous in their condemnation of the Government's actions, and vowed they were going to do something about it after Tynwald returned following the summer recess.....................

It's a well trodden path, and once its under the carpet and those lessons are learned then its back to the gravy train for the lot of them.



What do you want them to do, most if not all civil servants involved in this matter have left voluntarily or otherwise, I would have liked to have seen Magson punished but it seems nothing can be done as she’s not go to return 

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4 minutes ago, Banker said:

What do you want them to do, most if not all civil servants involved in this matter have left voluntarily or otherwise, I would have liked to have seen Magson punished but it seems nothing can be done as she’s not go to return 

do as they say theyll do, or at least try? Is that too much to ask (rhetorical obvs). I wasnt referring to the Ranson case, more the massive shitfest thats been the hallmark of this administration, and the need for a huge change in culture and personnel etc.

Edited by Weliveinhope
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6 minutes ago, Weliveinhope said:

do as they say theyll do, or at least try? Is that too much to ask (rhetorical obvs). I wasnt referring to the Ranson case, more the massive shitfest thats been the hallmark of this administration, and the need for a huge change in culture and personnel etc.

There have been significant change in personnel.  More than I can ever remember in a 2 year period.

What do you actually think they should have done?

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9 minutes ago, Weliveinhope said:

ah sorry, theyre doing a wonderful job and will continue to do so, what short memories we have. No doubt they will go from strength to strength from hereon in.


This fucking place.

But seriously what do you want them to have done?  It’s easy to criticise.

You say you want personnel changes.  I would say Mr Cannan has been pretty ruthless in that regard.  DHSC and DOI in particular have seen massive changes at the top and culture can’t just change overnight.

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