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IOMs most pointless vigil?

Cueey Lewis And The News

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7 minutes ago, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

But I’m not going to buy into any of their self fueled delusion that they have actually changed their biological sex when they haven’t.

But what do you actually mean, in practice, by this? How often in your daily life does anyone's biological sex actually factor into, basically, anything?

I also don't really see any trans people claim they've changed biological sex. Presumably some do, no idea.

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5 minutes ago, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

Whichever way you look at it my fake £25 Rolex will never be anything but a fake £25 Rolex no matter how hard it tries. I’m perfectly happy to accept anyone’s chosen gender role play situation and respect them in that chosen gender role. But I’m not going to buy into any of their self fueled delusion that they have actually changed their biological sex when they haven’t. They have socially and physically transitioned in society and that’s perfectly fine and acceptable. The debate seems to have lost its way in the last 10 years which is doing the cause a lot of harm. 

Born female die a female, born male die male. One's sex is bit-binary. One exception - in the US one can be born a poor black boy and die a rich white woman. Only that ONE exception.

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49 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Ask a midwife. You’d be surprised. 

Well I’ve watched every series of “ Call the Midwife “ win which there have been  plenty of births and yet to see a baby born with dual genitalia 

But you know best

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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9 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I think I'd rather believe statistics and facts. 

It can happen. It's extremely rare. It's not part of this discussion as such people are not trans. 

I know someone who had one and was told it was incredibly rare then the second child was born the same!

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3 minutes ago, CrazyDave said:

You are the one confusing me the most tbh.

You must be trying to funny, but then I actually think you are posting seriously and I become concerned that people who think like you actually walk amongst us!

I think TVOR is a generally nice person who's brain has unfortunately gone hard like a rock and can't absorb new information.

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Because I’m old and cranky, it’s taken me some time to accept some of the more modern ways of thinking about these things.

I met Chie some time ago for a coffee off the back of one of these MF ‘debates’ and learned a lot. We agreed more than we disagreed, and even then did so respectfully. She looks like a young woman, sounds like a young woman, presents as one so it was a no-brainer to interact with her as a woman. Thank you Chie.

But I still get cranky about blokes with bushy beards, deep voices, leggings and lipstick expecting me to do the same. Eddie Izzards need not apply, it’s just too confusing and makes me wonder if they’re just out to shock and enjoy a display of ultra narcissism.

To JWs point to someone earlier about ‘where did you read that’, it doesn’t matter. I think we’re all aware of the stories of young adults seeking compensation from places like the Tavistock Clinic for acceding to their teenage demands to transition, later regretted. It didn’t need to be reported by The Guardian to be true. I worry that some young people are simply seeking attention and need proper counselling rather than chemicals and surgery.

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5 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I think we’re all aware of the stories of young adults seeking compensation from places like the Tavistock Clinic for acceding to their teenage demands to transition, later regretted.

The rate is very, very low though. It's still a bad thing undeniably any time it happens, but I think the objection to it being brought up is that often its brought up by the likes of Posie Parker under the guise of "I just care, honest".

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