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Breach of Ministerial Code?

Harry Lamb

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Hooper: “I’ve considered my position - clearly, I’m right and this report is wrong.   And the committee which wrote the report is wrong.   And anyone criticising DHSC, MC or me is wrong.   Simples…”

Hooper needs to be binned, ASAP.   The changes he wants made to the HSCC regulations are so blatantly self-serving that the committee will no longer be independent.   It’s not like he’s subtle - what a guy!




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1 hour ago, Harry Lamb said:

https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/investigation-ongoing-following-complaints-health-minister-breached-ministerial-code/  So was it only Andrew Cole who felt he had been subjected to a 'rant'? Hard to believe Mr Hooper would behave in an entitled, belligerent way...

Chris Thomas was bang on about this on the radio at lunchtime. It’s time for Hooper to just go. 

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6 hours ago, Fred the shred said:

Chris Thomas has an axe to grind and is just intent on shit stirring he is the one that needs the bums rush.

I’ll grant you that I really don’t understand where Thomas is coming from currently. But he’s right on this one. 

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Lawrie Hooper represents the utter bellend tendency in Manx politics. A complete non-entity who got into politics having no record of achievement, management or leadership in his previous career choice, who has been elevated to a ministerial position, way beyond his ability. He defends his failings with pomposity and arrogance and he only remains in post because Cannan has nobody else he wants in CoMIN instead.

Hooper’s preferred tactic on social media is to block those that question or criticise him and now he wants to do the same, effectively, to the HSCC. He needs to go and any CM worth his salt would act quickly. It’s better to have potential critics on your team than embarrassing idiots. 

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31 minutes ago, joebean said:

Lawrie Hooper represents the utter bellend tendency in Manx politics. A complete non-entity who got into politics having no record of achievement, management or leadership in his previous career choice, who has been elevated to a ministerial position, way beyond his ability. He defends his failings with pomposity and arrogance and he only remains in post because Cannan has nobody else he wants in CoMIN instead.

Hooper’s preferred tactic on social media is to block those that question or criticise him and now he wants to do the same, effectively, to the HSCC. He needs to go and any CM worth his salt would act quickly. It’s better to have potential critics on your team than embarrassing idiots. 

You can lump Mr Squeaker into this category, sadly a person who doesn’t want to get his hands dirty, likes to dress up and pretend he is a big somebody on the world stage. 

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So much for the admirable intentions of changing a work culture that is beset by bullying. If a Minister is seemingly unable to hold a civilised meeting with an important and authoritative Committee (these people are not a bunch of naughty toddlers who need to be disciplined), how much hope can there be that the organisation itself will ever experience any beneficial changes?  

It seems to me that Hooper may have his eyes on a different prize, located somewhere else. I would not be at all amazed if he stepped down at the next election. He has had his 10-year tenure in Manx politics with all of the benefits and entitlements that come with that, why wouldn’t he look for other pastures or even go back to his previous life as a humble accountant? I would say “good riddance”, I also suspect he would not be the only one to jump ship and land on the comfortable life-raft called a ‘secure government pension in perpetuity’. That being said, those politicians could all be in for a big surprise if the IOMG becomes skint.

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27 minutes ago, code99 said:

So much for the admirable intentions of changing a work culture that is beset by bullying. If a Minister is seemingly unable to hold a civilised meeting with an important and authoritative Committee (these people are not a bunch of naughty toddlers who need to be disciplined), how much hope can there be that the organisation itself will ever experience any beneficial changes?  

It seems to me that Hooper may have his eyes on a different prize, located somewhere else. I would not be at all amazed if he stepped down at the next election. He has had his 10-year tenure in Manx politics with all of the benefits and entitlements that come with that, why wouldn’t he look for other pastures or even go back to his previous life as a humble accountant? I would say “good riddance”, I also suspect he would not be the only one to jump ship and land on the comfortable life-raft called a ‘secure government pension in perpetuity’. That being said, those politicians could all be in for a big surprise if the IOMG becomes skint.

To me he comes across as totally arrogant, smug and nasty. Not nice character traits. 

Though, could some of the issues you raise, have been learned from the behaviour of both civil servants and certain politicos? It could be argued that some MHKs once given responsibility, the power goes to their heads, or they are influenced by the behaviour and actions of their political colleagues, and certain actions normal people would deem to be unacceptable, is normal to certain individuals? Bullying could be an example.

Edited by 2112
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39 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Could some of the issues you raise have been learned from the behaviour of both civil servants and certain politicos? It could be argued that some MHKs once given responsibility, the power goes to their heads, or they are influenced by the behaviour and actions of their political colleagues, and certain actions normal people would deem to be unacceptable, is normal to certain individuals? Bullying could be an example.

This.   The anti-bullying, culture-changing policy is almost certainly not being seriously adopted high enough up the organisation.   I’m sure the Minister, CEO and senior managers (Moore et al) think the policy is for the sharp-end workers, and not for themselves.

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