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Rally for a free Palestine


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Yitzhak Rabin, the PM of Israel who tried to make peace with Palestinians and comply with the UN’s resolutions on illegal occupation of the West Bank, was assassinated by an Israeli right-wing religious extremist. Right-wing religious extremists (as intolerant of ‘others’ as Osama bin Laden was) hold the balance of power in Netanyahu’s government. Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, Xi, MBS, Modi, Orbán and many others have adopted an extremist-fundamentalist set of policies akin to those of Islamic fundamentalists - the common trait is that they are determined to silence/ destroy anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology.

For decades the desires to prop up ruthless and corrupt despots, to sell them weapons, to buy their oil/ diamonds/ tawdry tat and to take their political donations have dominated the foreign policies of numerous vacuous Western leaders. Consequently, the simplistic narrative that only Islamic fundamentalists are bad and everything else is sort of good-ish has led the West down a path of fatuous naive complacency. As we (Western lemmings) have been preoccupied with consuming ‘stuff’, burning fossil fuels and squabbling about the refugees, we have been blindsided by darker and more powerful forces e.g., enemy states with nukes. Those dark forces have increased their global influence by infiltrating Western democracies. A prime example is the increasingly extreme American Republican Party, which is pursing policies of censorship and intolerance, and is following in the footsteps of Taliban by banning books by classic authors like George Orwell and Harper Lee.

The rise of the hard-right does not bode well for peace in the Middle East, or the survival of Ukraine as an independent liberal country. The risks that both conflicts will engulf the world in catastrophes are rising exponentially. Unfortunately, the collective political and intellectual arsenal of Western politicians is becoming depleted. IMHO, they will not recognise these threats until they flatulate in their faces with a bang, literally.    

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5 hours ago, Max Power said:

Strangely there are a lot of Arabs living peacefully in Israel, a lot of Palestinians were working in Israel before Hamas chose to ruin their lives.

…but with increasingly draconian restrictions placed on them after the  “temporary” Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law of 2003.

The finance minister at the time commented that “Instead of making it easier for Palestinians who want to get citizenship, we should make the process much more difficult, in order to guarantee Israel’s security and a Jewish majority in Israel”.

The finance minister was a Mr B Netanyahu. You might have heard of him.

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3 hours ago, HeliX said:

Not possible, all the people in this thread who want Israel to glass Gaza say that Arabs can't live peacefully around Jews because they're all bred to want to kill them.

Well, they seem to be getting along quite well together in some areas, Jaffa and Acre for example, but this latest unpleasantness has certainly had an effect.

I imagine these people haven't been indoctrinated by the evils of Hamas and Hezbollah? 

10 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

…but with increasingly draconian restrictions placed on them after the  “temporary” Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law of 2003.

The finance minister at the time commented that “Instead of making it easier for Palestinians who want to get citizenship, we should make the process much more difficult, in order to guarantee Israel’s security and a Jewish majority in Israel”.

The finance minister was a Mr B Netanyahu. You might have heard of him.

I can understand Benny's reticence, nobody's going to wand a Jewish homeland ruled by non Jews I guess? 


Edited by Max Power
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5 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

I notice Quilp's excellent link to child-martydom hasn't dinged any bells or jerked any knees on here. Wrong paradigm I suppose, and doesn't generate the correct emotion or grievance. Now if they were Jewish kids... 

Well yes clearly it's bad when anyone indoctrinates their kids to hate people. I didn't post it when it was Jewish kids because that's patently obvious to everyone already.

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7 hours ago, code99 said:

Yitzhak Rabin, the PM of Israel who tried to make peace with Palestinians and comply with the UN’s resolutions on illegal occupation of the West Bank, was assassinated by an Israeli right-wing religious extremist. Right-wing religious extremists (as intolerant of ‘others’ as Osama bin Laden was) hold the balance of power in Netanyahu’s government. Netanyahu, Putin, Trump, Xi, MBS, Modi, Orbán and many others have adopted an extremist-fundamentalist set of policies akin to those of Islamic fundamentalists - the common trait is that they are determined to silence/ destroy anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology.

For decades the desires to prop up ruthless and corrupt despots, to sell them weapons, to buy their oil/ diamonds/ tawdry tat and to take their political donations have dominated the foreign policies of numerous vacuous Western leaders. Consequently, the simplistic narrative that only Islamic fundamentalists are bad and everything else is sort of good-ish has led the West down a path of fatuous naive complacency. As we (Western lemmings) have been preoccupied with consuming ‘stuff’, burning fossil fuels and squabbling about the refugees, we have been blindsided by darker and more powerful forces e.g., enemy states with nukes. Those dark forces have increased their global influence by infiltrating Western democracies. A prime example is the increasingly extreme American Republican Party, which is pursing policies of censorship and intolerance, and is following in the footsteps of Taliban by banning books by classic authors like George Orwell and Harper Lee.

The rise of the hard-right does not bode well for peace in the Middle East, or the survival of Ukraine as an independent liberal country. The risks that both conflicts will engulf the world in catastrophes are rising exponentially. Unfortunately, the collective political and intellectual arsenal of Western politicians is becoming depleted. IMHO, they will not recognise these threats until they flatulate in their faces with a bang, literally.    

Sorry but that's bollocks. The idea that only the right censor their opponents is just not true.

The fact the Internet has been ruled over by hard left nerds for the last decade seems to have passed you by.

Edited by HeteroErectus
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14 hours ago, Max Power said:

Well, they seem to be getting along quite well together in some areas, Jaffa and Acre for example, but this latest unpleasantness has certainly had an effect.

I imagine these people haven't been indoctrinated by the evils of Hamas and Hezbollah? 

I can understand Benny's reticence, nobody's going to wand a Jewish homeland ruled by non Jews I guess? 

It's an unsolvable problem and is what happens when you create a state and its borders artificially. Listening to the Israeli ambassador ranting on Sky News last night against a two-state solution, it's not going to go away any time soon, either.

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51 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It's an unsolvable problem and is what happens when you create a state and its borders artificially. Listening to the Israeli ambassador ranting on Sky News last night against a two-state solution, it's not going to go away any time soon, either.

You have to break the regional cycle of nurturing Islamic hatred towards Israel generation after generation.

The only way that can happen is with Iran becoming a secular state.

And as far as I can see the only way it will become a secular state is by making it glow in the dark...

However there is some hope for the region. Egypt accepted Israel's right to exist but then they also offloaded the festering pit of hatred that is Gaza. Also overtures to the Saudis etc etc.

But there's still a way to go just dealing with the here and now ie the removal of Hamas...

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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You have to break the regional cycle of nurturing Islamic hatred towards Israel generation after generation.

But who is nurturing it the most? Surely you cannot break the cycle of hatred by bombing the shit out of their settlements, reducing whole communities to rubble, slaughtering parents, children, whole families, and inflicting multiple mutilations and amputations on innocents. Hardly promoting goodwill is it?

Destroying everything they have, and all hope of a life, is surely the best recruiting sergeant for Israel hating terror. No. It makes absolutely no sense, and it will not eliminate Hamas which is the stated aim. There has to be a different, wider agenda, and a greater prize in Netanyahu's sights. I reckon the IDF is in there for the long haul, and they will "encourage" as many of the Palestinians to leave Gaza as possible or die. It's retribution writ large for the October 7th atrocity, but it's retribution with a purpose. If Israel takes over and populates the strip with Jews, it would certainly prevent Hamas operating from the territory!

I know that many will disagree, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

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Everything depends upon the winning of the peace after Hamas' defeat, which makes it so sad hearing Israel's embassador rejecting a two-state solution this morning. 

Especially as the reason given is because the Palestinians reject it. 

Extremist dialogue of the deaf. 

Oh for the victory of more moderate voices. At least with Israel democratic elections can signal policy changes. I hope Bibi really is wiped out in a post war election. 

But goodness it will take huge leadership and risk for moderates to try to convince the electorate that the likes of Hamas are truly gone and Israelis will be safe from terrorism from Palestinian extremists who desire their annihilation. 


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