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Rally for a free Palestine


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This just shows that the world is full of c*nts. 

Hamas are c*nts 

The IDF are c*nts 

Russia are c*nts

Nato are c*nts 

Iran are c*nts 

US/UK are c*nts 

The only people who aren't c*nts are the innocent men, women, and children who just want a chance to live their lives. 


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Out of the mouths of babes..... Seen on a newspaper letters page.....

"SIR – When I was helping at a children’s service, the visiting clergyman asked the children if they had any questions.
One little girl asked him earnestly: “Is God short for Godzilla?”"

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On 2/5/2024 at 3:53 PM, Declan said:

How many minutes before Josem condemns the use of a Govt building for this?

Why would I object? There's a lot of terrible noises and dumb things said at various events held there, why should it be any different for this bunch of political freaks? I'm very consistent for many years in opposing discrimination on the basis of political belief in the provision of government services. Further, if people want to support a charity like "Medical Aid for Palestinians", which was founded in part by a lunatic woman who promoted Ku Klux Klan leaders, then that's up to them. Obviously, I don't support charities founded by deranged conspiracy theorists, but I guess, birds of a feather flock together.


(I assume, of course, that the normal commercial arrangements apply, and they're not taking some extra or special taxpayer-funded subsidy.)

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22 hours ago, Josem said:

Why would I object? There's a lot of terrible noises and dumb things said at various events held there, why should it be any different for this bunch of political freaks? I'm very consistent for many years in opposing discrimination on the basis of political belief in the provision of government services. Further, if people want to support a charity like "Medical Aid for Palestinians", which was founded in part by a lunatic woman who promoted Ku Klux Klan leaders, then that's up to them. Obviously, I don't support charities founded by deranged conspiracy theorists, but I guess, birds of a feather flock together.


(I assume, of course, that the normal commercial arrangements apply, and they're not taking some extra or special taxpayer-funded subsidy.)

Are you making any profit on those israeli/manx badges you're selling?

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Joe Biden has said today, in one of his lucid moments,  quote …..that this has gone over the top and I think he is right.    The killing of innocent civilians has to stop.   The outrage that was felt when Hamas started this conflict with their evil onslaught on innocent people has been tempered with the ongoing killing of people who are just in the way and have no escape.

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1 hour ago, HeteroErectus said:

Are you making any profit on those israeli/manx badges you're selling?

Of course not - as I detail very clearly online here: https://michaeljosem.com/product/isle-of-man-israel-flag-pins/

Rather, I'm a few hundred pounds in the hole here, because I've obviously had to pay for the production up-front. But friendship and peace is a good cause, and worth it!

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23 minutes ago, Josem said:

Of course not - as I detail very clearly online here: https://michaeljosem.com/product/isle-of-man-israel-flag-pins/

Rather, I'm a few hundred pounds in the hole here, because I've obviously had to pay for the production up-front. But friendship and peace is a good cause, and worth it!


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