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Rally for a free Palestine


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8 minutes ago, Augustus said:

As should be blindingly obvious, our Govt is not in support of oppressing or genociding anyone. They are in support of a sovereign state's right to defend itself against murderous and indiscriminate terrorists. Hope that clarifies matters, Joney.

All those terrorist babies.

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9 minutes ago, Augustus said:

The IDF is not lining up babies and machine-gunning them as you and your keffiyeh-ed mates would have us believe. If the terrorists embed themselves in built up areas, schools and hospitals, there are likely to be civilian casualties. Tragic, but true.

What is there in Gaza other than built up areas?

The IDF repeatedly bombs places it told Gazans to evacuate to.

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15 minutes ago, HeliX said:

What is there in Gaza other than built up areas?

The IDF repeatedly bombs places it told Gazans to evacuate to.

Well that is straightforward then. Since Hamas had the wisdom and foresight to embed themselves so completely within the civilian population of Gaza, they should be considered off limits, and immune to any military action taken against them because of the risk to innocent people. Israel should just turn the other cheek and wait for the next onslaught of rockets, or terrorist incursion. They can always keep their fingers crossed that Hamas will have a change of heart and return the hostages of their own accord.

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6 minutes ago, Newbie said:

Well that is straightforward then. Since Hamas had the wisdom and foresight to embed themselves so completely within the civilian population of Gaza, they should be considered off limits, and immune to any military action taken against them because of the risk to innocent people. Israel should just turn the other cheek and wait for the next onslaught of rockets, or terrorist incursion. They can always keep their fingers crossed that Hamas will have a change of heart and return the hostages of their own accord.

Is Israel's current strategy likely to kill more extremists than it creates?

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10 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Is Israel's current strategy likely to kill more extremists than it creates?

Almost certainly.

But even if Israel ceased operations now and for the foreseeable future there are plenty of other states producing extremists brain-washed and trained in the ideology who would replace anything generated within Gaza.

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7 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Is Israel's current strategy likely to kill more extremists than it creates?

I have no idea. Clearly it is a risk, but I guess that it will be a while before Hamas has the capability to inflict significant damage on Israel again. What are the options when the stated aim of Hamas is the destruction of your country, and they consider that any Jewish citizens living in Israel should be killed? Containment clearly hasn't worked, and I have no idea how you would go about negotiating with people who's core belief is that you don't have a right to exist.

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1 minute ago, Newbie said:

I have no idea. Clearly it is a risk, but I guess that it will be a while before Hamas has the capability to inflict significant damage on Israel again. What are the options when the stated aim of Hamas is the destruction of your country, and they consider that any Jewish citizens living in Israel should be killed? Containment clearly hasn't worked, and I have no idea how you would go about negotiating with people who's core belief is that you don't have a right to exist.

Well, they've tried repeatedly murdering Palestinians over the last 75 years, "mowing the lawn" as they'd put it, and that's certainly not worked. They've not tried ending their illegal occupation and settlement of the West Bank, stopping their violations of international law, and not withholding food, water and electricity from the Gaza strip.

 Maybe that's worth a go. Certainly less motivating for terrorists?

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18 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Is Israel's current strategy likely to kill more extremists than it creates?

I brought this subject up as I was actually in London a few weeks ago when the UK protests started. The format was largely the same. The Jewish ones relatively incident free making a point in a non violent way with some banners. The Palestinian ones full of choppers circling overhead and riot vans on standby and really awful men with jihadi beards aggressively waving posters of dead people in peoples faces as well as your usual brain dead Labour rent a mobs like that dickhead Tommy Robinson (aka privately educated Mr Stephen Laxley-Lennon) stirring things up. I decided then I don’t really care as it’s not my fight, and it’s certainly not the fight of half the people who turn up to cause trouble either. They’re just people who have nothing else to do and have got in a rage about something they read on Twitter. 

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6 hours ago, Chinahand said:


I fully get in a pluralistic society individuals are allowed to prioritise their causes but genuinely remove your blinkers. When it comes to blood shed the world is a nasty place with many many far worse things happening in the world which you've shrugged about in helplessness rather than got so exercised about. 

I dont think I'm wearing blinkers.

I opposed the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, went to Trafalgar Square with all those other people. Stop the fucking war I shouted.

The west bombed Libya, the people 'we' were backing sodomized Gaddafi with a knife.

I live in the west. We are supposed to be the light, showing the way for freedom and equality. But we don't do we. No, it's a fucking selfish mess. Things are incredibly shit for so so many people but it's ok, the stock markets are up and we've got billionaires.

What Israel is doing in Gaza is so beyond 'removing Hamas' I can't even believe it needs pointing out. They're going to kill them all. I said it the morning of the Hamas attack and nothing that has happened since has looked anything like changing that. As I've repeatedly said in the other thread kill those leaders in exile. Just get it done. Kill them instead of killing 3 year olds.

It's one of those 'why did no one stop it' moments that end up in the history books. 


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2 hours ago, Mouthpiece said:

I brought this subject up as I was actually in London a few weeks ago when the UK protests started. The format was largely the same. The Jewish ones relatively incident free making a point in a non violent way with some banners. The Palestinian ones full of choppers circling overhead and riot vans on standby and really awful men with jihadi beards aggressively waving posters of dead people in peoples faces as well as your usual brain dead Labour rent a mobs like that dickhead Tommy Robinson (aka privately educated Mr Stephen Laxley-Lennon) stirring things up. I decided then I don’t really care as it’s not my fight, and it’s certainly not the fight of half the people who turn up to cause trouble either. They’re just people who have nothing else to do and have got in a rage about something they read on Twitter. 

Tommy Robinson Labour? 

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