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Are Manx Telecom ageist?

Oh Mona

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It's the classic 3 tiered marketing strategy (although they use 4) - a normal sales technique but it traps people into the desired result.

Basically, you have a shitty offer on the table but you don't really want people to choose that because option 2 looks more rewarding.

The Basic Box 
In this box, you want to set your price at the lowest market price possible to get those low-paying clients in.

Here, you make the features and benefits involved so little and less desirable compared to the other boxes.

And that's because you really don’t want most of your customers buying this one.

Instead, you want them to buy your more desirable packages.

It's a cunts trick to get people spending more. Whatever they use though the prices are too high.


I've also seen cards from MT being posted out to people saying that copper is end of service and they should upgrade now. Although this isn't supposed to happen until 2025 I'm led to believe.

Edit to add: someone posted this on FB - lots of elderly or non-aware are going to fall for this, IMO its pretty bad form


Edited by slinkydevil
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19 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Got one of those, haven't reacted to it yet!!!!

Good, don't. It's another foreign LLP clearly busy milking the Island's captive consumers whilst our consumer "protection" bodies turn a blind eye.

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48 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

It's the classic 3 tiered marketing strategy (although they use 4) - a normal sales technique but it traps people into the desired result.

Basically, you have a shitty offer on the table but you don't really want people to choose that because option 2 looks more rewarding.

The Basic Box 
In this box, you want to set your price at the lowest market price possible to get those low-paying clients in.

Here, you make the features and benefits involved so little and less desirable compared to the other boxes.

And that's because you really don’t want most of your customers buying this one.

Instead, you want them to buy your more desirable packages.

It's a cunts trick to get people spending more. Whatever they use though the prices are too high.


I've also seen cards from MT being posted out to people saying that copper is end of service and they should upgrade now. Although this isn't supposed to happen until 2025 I'm led to believe.

Edit to add: someone posted this on FB - lots of elderly or non-aware are going to fall for this, IMO its pretty bad form


Obviously they don't want the entire remaining population on copper all coming along in 2025 and upgrading then, or it'd go past the EOL date and people would get cut off.

If they get some upgraded now it'll reduce the pressure later.

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9 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

It's the classic 3 tiered marketing strategy (although they use 4) - a normal sales technique but it traps people into the desired result.

Basically, you have a shitty offer on the table but you don't really want people to choose that because option 2 looks more rewarding.

The Basic Box 
In this box, you want to set your price at the lowest market price possible to get those low-paying clients in.

Here, you make the features and benefits involved so little and less desirable compared to the other boxes.

And that's because you really don’t want most of your customers buying this one.

Instead, you want them to buy your more desirable packages.

It's a cunts trick to get people spending more. Whatever they use though the prices are too high.


I've also seen cards from MT being posted out to people saying that copper is end of service and they should upgrade now. Although this isn't supposed to happen until 2025 I'm led to believe.

Edit to add: someone posted this on FB - lots of elderly or non-aware are going to fall for this, IMO its pretty bad form


Or, it’s that copper is old and being phased out everywhere as spares and support become more expensive and more difficult to get hold of.

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16 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

The cheapest MT fibre @ £57.60 / month for a measly limited 30mbps is a fucking joke. I've heard of ridiculous 'connect to property' costs as well.

I get consistent 60mbps over copper for £37 so there's just no urgency for me to upgrade.


Then weep when you compare to UK prices https://fibrecompare.com/superfast-broadband?vid=ldq7b-05uau


It cost me £350 to have a contractor dig a channel in order to install fibre. This is a charge that MT should bear as part of the installation.

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11 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

It cost me £350 to have a contractor dig a channel in order to install fibre. This is a charge that MT should bear as part of the installation.

You think they should cover that as part of the installation, and share the cost of someone that needs to stump up £5k around the rest of us?

Give your head a wobble

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1 minute ago, Passing Time said:

In English please?

It is English.

So you think if someone has a long drive so needs ten thousand pounds worth of service duct putting in, that MT should just pay for it and put all our prices up to cover those huge additional costs?

That is no different to you expecting them to cover the £350 to your house.

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A few years ago I did a driveway for someone. Big house, big drive. They'd been fucked about quite a bit by their previous contractors, so they weren't the easiest clients to deal with, but the money offered was good so I took it on. Found the phoneline under the old drive (as so often just loose waiting to be snapped by an enthusiastic digger), and suggested (as it was not part of the scheduled work) that they future proofed their property by sticking a duct in, but no, they just wanted their drive done and finished, so I did. Anyway, 3 years later they phoned me up asking me to sort a duct for fibre, I said no. Will have cost them thousands.

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1 hour ago, CrazyDave said:

It is English.

So you think if someone has a long drive so needs ten thousand pounds worth of service duct putting in, that MT should just pay for it and put all our prices up to cover those huge additional costs?

That is no different to you expecting them to cover the £350 to your house.

Perhaps if MT had done the job properly the first time it would have just been a case of pulling the new cable through the duct that was already there.

Nevermind, at least they're learning their lesson, not. The new fibre network, despite being proped up by tens of millions of taxpayer cash, is being lashed in to a similar standard to the last one. It's unbelievable what MT get away with.

Edited by A fool and his money.....
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2 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

Perhaps if MT had done the job properly the first time it would have just been a case of pulling the new cable through the duct that was already.

Nevermind, at least they're learning their lesson, not. The new fibre network, despite being proper up by tens of millions of taxpayer cash, is being lashed in to a similar standard to the last one. It's unbelievable what MT get away with.

WTF has it got to do with MT if someone doesn’t have a service duct to their property?

I put one in a few years ago when having work done, but our current copper broadband comes via a telegraph pole.  It’s my responsibility to look to the future of my property, not theirs.

Edited by CrazyDave
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The utilities on your property are your responsibility as I understand it.  So work to put the necessary ducting in under your land is for you.    Had an issue for the fibre as the ducting for the copper cable had collapsed.  Luckily shared the cost with a neighbour who had a similar issue as the cheapest fix was to come in from a different route involving laying a duct under a private road which would have to be at our cost. 

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1 minute ago, CrazyDave said:

WTF has it got to do with MT if someone doesn’t have a service duct to their property?

I put one in a few years ago when having work done, but our current copper broadband comes via a telegraph pole.  It’s my responsibility to look to the future of my property, not theirs.

The line is MT's up to the master socket, the customer is not allowed to touch it before then. If it's poorly installed before then the blame lies squarely with MT.

It's not just to the house either. All along my road the fibre has been lashed in the verge, directly buried, not a duct in sight. I can only imagine the run around we'll get when the inevitable faults start arising.

Don't be fooled by the high prices, flashy vans and "world class telecom company bollocks", they're a bunch of rough cowboys who care for nothing but profit.

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