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Free tv Licence for over 75


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2 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

Why not go the whole hog and have everyone euthanised when they reach the age of 75, so they are no longer able to enjoy the rewards of having paid into a system that was always supposed to help to look after them.

At that age, they are beyond their normal life expectancy, and therefore expendable.

So once you hit 75 you should t pay for stuff? No matter how much money you have and regardless of if it’s something young people don’t use?  We should just all subsidise it for you?

Do you want free SKY and Amazon as well? Free drinks in the pub?

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3 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

Come back to me on that one, once you are over 75.

You'd do away with state pensions as well, would you, for people who have been able to save out their hard earned cash?

No.  That’s completely different.

If you can’t see that, then trying to have a conversation is pointless 

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14 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

Come back to me on that one, once you are over 75.

You'd do away with state pensions as well, would you, for people who have been able to save out their hard earned cash?

That’s the system in Australia if you have private pension/other income, I can see it coming eventually or pensions age of 70/71

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There was a certain sense to the freebie for over 75's. That far into retirement fixed income and pension returns will have eroded after 10 or 15 years of inflation. Additionally, their mobility would have declined by that time, meaning they are at home all day. It seems fair that they should have had free access to broadcasting.

Not sure that those conditions still apply with an increase in wealthy pensioners and longer life spans. Then I'm not sure the licence fee remains the best model for funding the BBC, but then it's critics haven't proposed a sensible alternative yet. 

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3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Actually there was a radio licence which wasn't abolished till February 1971.  By that time it was assumed that nearly everyone had a television and those who didn't would be too poor and it would be too much effort to charge them separately.  But the payment for TV effectively covers it.

There are wealthy pensioners, but there are also many who are not wealthy and free TV licences could be offered to them if they are entitled to a benefit based on their financial situation or health.

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1 hour ago, Harry Lamb said:

There are wealthy pensioners, but there are also many who are not wealthy and free TV licences could be offered to them if they are entitled to a benefit based on their financial situation or health.

That happens already for those over state pension age but under 75 who get income support. In addition TV licencing says:

In the Isle of Man, the BBC pays for free TV Licences for those residents who are over 75 and receive Income Support. The Isle of Man Government funds TV Licences for those who are aged 75 and over who don’t receive Income Support.

So the system is already there, it's just that the Government has decided to extend it and pay for all over-75s.  Of course many over-75s not on Income Support may still not be well-off.  And of course no one is forced to apply for the free licence if they can afford to pay.

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The old fashioned broadcasting network should be switched off. It should all be online only - both radio and TV, state and commercial. Including satellite. The whole frequency allocation should be sold off at a proper market rate - potentially raising money which could be better spent building out network capacity across the UK.

The BBC probably has a great future as an online only subscription service - a content provider. But is currently wasting a huge amount of money filling up and padding out a 24 schedule with daytime TV, dreadful dramas, quiz shows, soaps, celebrities, pop music etc.

Edited by genericUserName
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11 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

There may be as many as several here who fought in Korea or the Falklands. Is there anyone left here who fought in WW2?

Not many.  It was a point scoring post and nothing less.

Seemed to work though with lots of people who can’t think rationally when someone mentions fighting for you country.

Like you say, the assumption that nobody under 75 has served in any way is quite a big one.

As a side issue, I would have. I issue with veterans getting free TV, just not every over 75 which is what the thread is about.

Edited by CrazyDave
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1 hour ago, genericUserName said:

The old fashioned broadcasting network should be switched off. It should all be online only - both radio and TV, state and commercial. Including satellite.


The whole frequency allocation should be sold off at a proper market rate -

Make your mind up!

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