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Tough decisions must be made.

Dirty Buggane

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6 hours ago, Gladys said:

What is this loophole?  Do you mean paying divis to directors rather than a direct salary? 


Correct. There are whispers that dividends from local companies will be taxed to compensate.  I have thought long and hard but cannot see how this can be done in an equitable or workable way. But then again I don't have the superior brain power of Dr Allanson and his team.

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

A brave decision, minister.

The alternatives would appear to be that we carry on raising taxes for the plebs until they're white and/or go bust 🤷‍♂️

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8 hours ago, Gladys said:

What is this loophole?  Do you mean paying divis to directors rather than a direct salary? 


I think they are after people who pay themselves a dividend and take below NI and Tax threshold wages. they forget that  Mr Skelly gave these people Covid payments, but refuse to pay subbie builders covid payments who had already been stopped twenty percent tax , but weren't up to date with their NI payments under the CIS. The mind boggles at how stupid and bottom feeding this Government has become, under Mr Cannan and Dr Allison treasury watch.  

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In the past any tough decisions that need made are usually then met with howls of derision from the public so then there is a u turn. The people of the Island for a good number of years lived a decent life where things were just expected but now when it comes to making tough decisions they don't like it 

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9 hours ago, Gladys said:

Not the correct meaning of the King's shilling. 

Yeah for the king's shilling insert you I and every other person on this island paying tax's. Either directly or by stealth, they have no intension of trying to ballance the books by reining in spending and directing money where it should be going. And as for every pound spent on heritage railways being worth £2.37 or such other bullshit, how much did it cost for this surprising outcome to be reached. Next thing you know if MNH had built the blue box at Laxey it would of earned us 3/4 of a billion pounds, well thats what the report would of concluded if we had asked them nicely. Oh it would also of shined your shoe's and polished a turd.

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40 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

In the past any tough decisions that need made are usually then met with howls of derision from the public so then there is a u turn. The people of the Island for a good number of years lived a decent life where things were just expected but now when it comes to making tough decisions they don't like it 

All the tough decisions to date have only involved the public handing more and more over though. Yes, initially there are howls and occasional u-turns but then back it comes shortly after, in a slightly revised format and is imposed. Govt has all the time in the world to have its way.

But all these "tough decisions" are being borne solely by the taxpaying public. Where are the tough decisions impacting the huge expenditure involving Govt numbers, terms and conditions? There are none because these things are written in stone in that respect and apparently cannot be altered "for fear of legal challenge". Plus those numbers also continue to grow untrammelled.

We are on a one way trip here and the taxpayers and taxpaying private businesses are going to be bearing the brunt of it until it hits the buffers. 

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13 hours ago, Passing Time said:

Start by reducing the number of mhk’s and mlc’s. Make the salary more attractive to attract the ruthless bastards needed 

The trouble with ruthless bastards is that all they are interested in is looking after themselves.  We already have quite a lot of people like that.  All you're demanding is people who will loot the place even more efficiently.

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We need the next lot of MHK's to come in on the basis they are one term only so can make difficult / unpopular decisions without having an eye on the next elections etc.

Honesty / Integrity and Transparity (key to explaining why things have to be painful to both the public and the civil service) coupled with a proven commercial background of organisational change would certainly get my vote.  Perhaps have them all stand on some sort of Charter for Change that they sign collectively.  I would vote for people like this in a heart beat.

Something needs to give, the path the Island is on has me mostly terrified for the future for my family and as a business owner.  Pretty scenery, nice walks are all very well and good, infrastructure, Gov bloat, inability to run capital projects (how any organisation keeps making such dire decisions really does need to be someone’s doctoral thesis), maintain basic services (note not actually improve but maintain), health, social care, recruitment and retention, transportation issues etc all require urgent attention.

I would gladly shoulder more of the burden tax wise if I thought money would be well spent.  

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21 minutes ago, mayhem said:

I would gladly shoulder more of the burden tax wise if I thought money would be well spent.  

I wouldn't. I've seen too much of my tax contributions (of whatever insignificant amounts) squandered and wasted in the last 20 years. No confidence whatsoever now in the governance of this Island.

On another thread, an annual loss of £300k is announced for the NSC. Yet further contributors suggest that Govt employees enjoy a 20% discount in using the place, no doubt contributing to that loss. Get it stopped and start paying your way like the rest of us.

MHKs and civil servants still no longer paying for their parking, a condition that was granted during the pandemic of 4 years ago. Get it stopped for the entitled wasters and start paying your way like the rest of us.

Ranson exposes an appalling culture in Govt. Calric Randall then appears in a taxpayer funded video from pitlane comforting the poor dears and giving them a shoulder to weep on. Vomit inducing. Get the video costs recovered from those poor hard done-by public servants, not dumped on the taxpayers. 

This Island is becoming two very distinct societies. Govt and everybody else with the everybody else there to be milked. 

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I agree as things currently stand any additional tax receipts they receive is likely to end up being mismanaged, I'm sure there must be a corner of Governement that is well run and delivering on service obligations and working for the better of the Island Population.  I've yet to bump into it in either my private or commerical life. 

Don't get me wrong many Government empolyees are good, helpful and deliver excellent service, the further you go up the organisational tree though the less true this becomes. 

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I wouldn't. I've seen too much of my tax contributions (of whatever insignificant amounts) squandered and wasted in the last 20 years. No confidence whatsoever now in the governance of this Island.

On another thread, an annual loss of £300k is announced for the NSC. Yet further contributors suggest that Govt employees enjoy a 20% discount in using the place, no doubt contributing to that loss. Get it stopped and start paying your way like the rest of us.

MHKs and civil servants still no longer paying for their parking, a condition that was granted during the pandemic of 4 years ago. Get it stopped for the entitled wasters and start paying your way like the rest of us.

Ranson exposes an appalling culture in Govt. Calric Randall then appears in a taxpayer funded video from pitlane comforting the poor dears and giving them a shoulder to weep on. Vomit inducing. Get the video costs recovered from those poor hard done-by public servants, not dumped on the taxpayers. 

This Island is becoming two very distinct societies. Govt and everybody else with the everybody else there to be milked. 

I don't know how many people use the 20% discount but you could argue getting people doing exercise in the long term will save money for the NHS. 

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