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Venue Closing Next Week!

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The court house would be fab, but it would cost serious money to removate and be worth so much more as flats or offices than a club.


that's the thing with the planning department allowing dandara to build on the venue's spot - anywhere on the whole island could make way more money for a developer/land owner if it was made into flats or office space - which is why we have a planning department - to stop areas that are for entertainment or agriculture or whatever being lost.


By giving permission in the first place they were not doing their job. useless buggers.

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No but it might put a bit of pressure on them to open up again until next year sometime when the gym upstairs is supposed to be closing.


They might not take notice and it might result in to nothing but in my mind ts worth fighting for rather than standing by and watching them take over?

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Nah, its Heritage Homes' decision


A spokesman for Heritage Homes said The Venue's lease had expired and the lease on the gym was to expire in the 'not too distant future'.


He said: 'We made a commercial decision (not to renew The Venue lease).'

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To be fair the government do realise what affect this will have and how important The Venue is for tourism in TT week and live bands.


I just dont understand why they dont refuse the planning permission and that be the end of their plan to build more appartments because at the end of the day they will be the ones loosing out too while Heritige Homes will be raking in all the money.

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To be fair the government do realise what affect this will have and how important The Venue is for tourism in TT week and live bands.


The Government is right on the ball with live bands for tt week, they bring Quill over every year. Everyone knows all bikers love Quill!




I just dont understand why they dont refuse the planning permission and that be the end of their plan to build more appartments because at the end of the day they will be the ones loosing out too while Heritige Homes will be raking in all the money.


They did refuse planning permission, at the appeal. They refused it on the grounds that the island needs the Venue. But HH isn't obliged to renew the lease to the venue, so they didn't. Now, for the next planning application, there wont be a live venue in the equation, so permission will nodoubt be granted.


Sucks, but there you go.


I like watching bands at the venue, but the last time I was there (real stone roses), it was woefully undersuppoted. I wouldn't put money into building a new live band venue with that kind of support around for events, so can you blame anyone else for pulling the plug?

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