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Venue Closing Next Week!

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I'm guessing its just a rumour, or if they are closing, then not tearing down. My only reason is that I was just hired on Monday of this week to start teaching aerobics in the health club above. I doubt they would be recruiting new staff if the building is going to be torn down.


Hope to see everyone at 'Thighs, Bums and Tums' on monday evenings! B)

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Sounds like if true, then HH are hoping to apply for PP again without the Venue's presence against them? Hope they get turned down anyway, surely there are enough flats on the prom now.


Last I spoke to the man behind the big V, he said they had another site in mind anyway, not quite as big as the current Venue, but on a few floors so different things could be happening on the same night, which sounds ace. Plus a smaller band room (around 400 capacity I think).


the_Kitty, I've said it before, but you're pathetic. Just because you personally have had a couple of crap nights in there that means it's a good thing it's going? Sad, selfish and irrelevant - we don't care if you ended up crying in the toilets at 2am cos you laddered your tights and your boyfriend called you a tart, ok sweetie?

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Hi Peeps,


Just to throw my 2p's worth in, this is what i've been told :


Next Friday, 16th September, myself, Phil Quirk and guests will be doing a " Funktonic " night in the main room of the Venue as the last dance night in there. Posters etc. will hopefully be up for this in the next couple of days or so.


Also on Friday 16th night, DJ's Alan Stacey and Stevie Butt, the long serving Residents of The Cooler Room will be playing in there for the last night ever and it will close at the end. This promises to be a belter of a night, i've played with Alan and Stevie a number of times, they are both wicked Dj's and this promises to be a belting night, so come down and show your support ! B)


On Saturday the 17th September, it is the last night in The Venue main room. The cooler room will not be open on the saturday, it'll be blocked off and closed, something to do with fire-regs. etc. I'm told the music in the main room will be "Chart n'Cheese" on the Saturday night for those that like this sort of thing.


Personally, i think its a shame that The Venue is closing. I know its not everyones cup of tea, but its the last big band / club type venue on the Island. The Villa Marina seems to have lost its crown after the refurbishment work, having to have a ciggie outside and beer in plastic cups, whats that all about ?


Anyway, gotta go, hope to see a few faces down next week for the closing parties.



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Wouldn't put it past them to put a few holes in the roof or accidentally burn it so it has to go. Another Majestic case.


Yup, me and him are fully expecting an army of fire engines down our road in the next few weeks.


Never really frequented the Venue because by the time it was opened I was kinda passed the whole going out to nightclubs thing, overdid it before the small one came along I think, but I've been to a few gigs in there and they've been brilliant.

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