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Venue Closing Next Week!

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Just remembered - there was also the Isle of Man Holiday Centre. This had a large Ballroom - and a 'Disco'....


BTW - I hear on the grape vine that a 'new' night is starting 'soon' on a Saturday which should lift the spirits a little.


Watch this space! B)

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heard Paramount is goin too aswell, sorry I dont have any inside information about that one! but the rumours have been going around about that for years!


Looks like the good old days have gone and are unlikely to return so we are going to have to just make do with what we have got now.


Pretty damm poor attendance in the main room on Friday at the Venue, back room took a long time to pick up but by the end.... IT ROCKED!!! all credit goes to the DJ's in the backroom. Funktonic didnt really have a chance as the was only a few in the mainroom and saturday night well what can I say....


I doubt there will be many more dance nights here.... it cant even go underground as there isnt one single venue to be used.


The Venue maybe gone but it wont be forgetten!

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I cant believe the Venue has closed :( didnt even have time to prepare myself as last week when i spoke to one of the bouncers he said it wasnt closing then on saturday afternoon i hear it is closing after all.


Very good turn out on Saturday in the mainroom, the dancefloor was packed towards the end of the night and i even got up on the stage for the last dance. I have so many good memories in there, fair enough some nights have been better than others but ive never ever had a bad night in there and ive been going there nearly every saturday for 3 years.


Anyways id like to say a massive thankyou to all the staff in the Venue for making my saturday nights worth while. Ive never come across a nasty bouncer in the time ive been going, they are all really kind and a good laugh and alot of them ive got to know dead well.


Long live the Venue and i hope to see a Venue number 2 up and running soon, i heard a rumor that the old court house was up for sale and that a club may be being errected there but not sure if thats true.


In the mean time im gunna try paramount, apparantly the music on one floor is ok there, breeze is ok and they play decent music but its far too clammy and small and most of the bouncers are nob heads and all seem to think they are god. If those two clubs dont work out for me im just gunna have to stay in until Venue 2 arrives, either that or drink on the streets with the scallies and cause trouble lol. <_<<_<

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So another of the main nightclubs closes its doors, with rumours of another thinking of the same, whats that leave, paramount and breeze? Till paramount closes anyway.

What troubles me is, as the clubs slowly disappear, the punters still have to go "somewhere", so the other clubs will end up rammed, therefore needing little or no effort to pull in the crowds. Could this be the collapse of the Manx Clubscene? Or is it just a lull?

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