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Venue Closing Next Week!

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If Full on fridays stay on Fridays playing trance, it would be a good idea for someone to host a night of Funky house and breaks! just something different, maybe thats exactly what scene has been missing? be good if they used chill, main room and the "alley" and put a proper soundsystem in! at least for once Breeze maybe able to be abit more choosy with their clientele now that the Venue has finally closed its doors? I dont mind the classics that much but how are we supposed to have new classics? Breeze has got a really good chance of taking the majority of punters now lets hope they stay innovative and do something different instead of staying with the tried and tested methods? make the IOM good again!



We need somewhere where there can be different rooms for different styles of music but there isnt really anywhere big enough


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Maybe if the Venue was supported all the time there would have been no reason to sell in the first place and we would have all been happy.


I was under the impression that Heritage Homes already owned the building and when planning for flats was refused because the Venue was there they just waited for the lease to run out? Was it really not making enough money and they've just decided to close?

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How is dance music dead?? if it was why do 40,000 clubbers go to Creamfields, Global Gathering etc each year dance music has evolved if it stayed the same it would be boring! why would there be so many dance tracks still in Top 40? I admit some of the tunes that came out around 1995 where ace, but so is some of the stuff coming out now! there is more genre's of dance music than there was in 1995

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there is more genre's of dance music than there was in 1995


Not really. Just more dance music. The different genres have always been there. It's just that music is more likely to get labelled and pidgeonholed by magazines these days. And then you get people saying "I hate funky techno jungle, I'm into progressive breakbeat ambient" instead of just listening to good music and enjoying it for what it is.


Edit: See the next post for a great example



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