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Licencing Laws

Beth Espey

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I saw a thread recently about this and since I have a programme coming up about it on September 22nd, I'd be interested in hearing some of your comments/questions.


It'll be a live discussion between various people connected with the issue, and will deal with concerns voiced in the United Kingdom about the forthcoming changes and how it was handled over here.


There'll also be the chance for some general debate about alcohol matters.


I would also be happy to interview people (anonymously if you prefer) to use during the programme to make points.


Contact me by email bethespey@manxradio.com or call 682 630.






PS – It’s for Perspective at five past six on 22nd.

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Locally i would want to see licenses to serve alcohol say that 3am is the cut off. Also Music and Dancing licenses to be 24 hour.


In England it's great to be able to stay in a club til 5am and sober up (No alcohol served after 3am) and go home or somehwhere for breakfast, if i still felt the need of a party, there are other clubs that open at 4am and finish at mid-day all serving energy drinks etc (no alcohol)


it would save the 3:30am spill of drunkeness and violence that we are getting now. This is a point I would love to be suggested to someone in authority to consider it.

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Locally i would want to see licenses to serve alcohol say that 3am is the cut off. Also Music and Dancing licenses to be 24 hour.


In England it's great to be able to stay in a club til 5am and sober up (No alcohol served after 3am) and go home or somehwhere for breakfast, if i still felt the need of a party, there are other clubs that open at 4am and finish at mid-day all serving energy drinks etc (no alcohol)


it would save the 3:30am spill of drunkeness and violence that we are getting now. This is a point I would love to be suggested to someone in authority to consider it.


I have no problem with 24/7 licenses provided that places which cause trouble are closed promptly. So many bars in Douglas have a nasty atmosphere compared with many in the UK and Europe yet the bar staff don't try to stop the trouble.


I think by stopping serving drinks at 03:00 yet remaining open would encourage more people to pop pills. I have no problem with people doing that but I don't think it should be encouraged. I don't like staying out after midnight usually but occassionaly I'd like to party through the night. When I was last on the island I saw that there were STILL no buses running after 23:00 in the evening meaning people who were pi**ed leaving clubs had no choice but to walk home, get an expensive taxi or drive home drunk. Drunk people staggering home is just asking for trouble.

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The atmosphere in clubs - and on the Promenade - would greatly improve if the utterly ridiculous demand that patrons have to be in the club by 1 a.m. was removed.

In the brief period between licensing hours being removed and this obnoxious rule being introduced, there was a very definite improvement. There was less pressure to find transport etc immediately after coming out of the pub - many people even had time to walk if they were sober enough.

Now there is an artificially created 'rush hour' that causes unnecessary stress and aggravation and helps absolutely nobody!

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The atmosphere in clubs - and on the Promenade - would greatly improve if the utterly ridiculous demand that patrons have to be in the club by 1 a.m. was removed.

In the brief period between licensing hours being removed and this obnoxious rule being introduced, there was a very definite improvement.  There was less pressure to find transport etc immediately after coming out of the pub - many people even had time to walk if they were sober enough.

Now there is an artificially created 'rush hour' that causes unnecessary stress and aggravation and helps absolutely nobody!


All I want are bars that open late. I'm sick of clubs where you have to stand, listen to yet more dance/pop music, whilst packed in like sardines. Give us late-night pubs playing live music with lots of room to sit and enjoy.

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I have no problem with 24/7 licenses provided that places which cause trouble are closed promptly. 



places which cause trouble ??



  When I was last on the island I saw that there were STILL no buses running after 23:00 in the evening meaning people who were pi**ed leaving clubs had no choice but to walk home, get an expensive taxi or drive home drunk.  Drunk people staggering home is just asking for trouble.


Nonsense. It isnt necessary to travel by taxi, drive home drunk or stagger home drunk.


It isnt compulsory to drink or to become drunk and, if you are driving, you shouldnt even consider drinking.


How about planning your trip home before you go out ( most people do) and moderating your behaviour accordingly.

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I reckon they should change the legal "drinking up" time to an hour if the place decides to serve alcohol past 12. That gives people in places like the venue and breeze more time to drink up and say goodbye to their friends etc. It would also ease the problem for taxi drivers.

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I don't think it matters if public houses are open twenty four hours, seven days a week.

If people want to drink they'll find it somewhere, might as well be in the pub.

As for pubs and clubs closing at different times and there will be less hassle on the street, that's rubbish because they'll all go to the ones that are still open, drink more, get kicked out and cause aggro.

Why not ban alcohol, that way some people would notice they have children and realise they're supposed to be looking after them.

Ban fags as well then people will live longer.

Infact lets ban work, no more stress, then there won't be any strokes or heart attacks.



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places which cause trouble ??


Nonsense. It isnt necessary to travel by taxi, drive home drunk or stagger home drunk.


It isnt compulsory to drink or to become drunk and, if you are driving, you shouldnt even consider drinking.


How about planning your trip home before you go out ( most people do) and moderating your behaviour accordingly.


By places I mean pubs, clubs and restaurants which serve alcohol.


Let's not be pedantic. We know it's not compulsory to drink but I would estimate around half the population go to the pub once a week - I have no statistics to prove this and it's not use asking us lot as many of us are geeks who rarely leave home! Driving isn't compulsory but the Govt. provides roads to drive on, smoking isn't compulsory but the council and bars provide ashtrays, heroin isn't compulsory but hospitals still provide medical treatment to those who fall ill. I'm just saying that some subsidised late night public transport could prevent some of the violence caused by drinking.

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How about planning your trip home before you go out ( most people do) and moderating your behaviour accordingly.


In an ideal world yes but you have to factor into this the undeniable fact that once out on the lash, most people just don't care or consider such things, all that matters is getting home, by whichever means possible.


I won't entertain a night out in Douglas without making prior arrangements but that's just me, years of experience have taught me the lesson. Ramsey (where I live) is a different matter however, as it's less than a 10 minute walk home and I'm never too wasted to walk it.


I've seen some right sorry states in my time, I'm amazed that so may actualy make it home without incident in the condition they leafe the pub/club.


Licensing hours matter not a jot. If they were shortened, I'm sure a few would just start earlier or drink before going out (don't a lot of women do this anyway? - they always used to anyways).


Whatever system is in place, there will always be those that abuse it and no amount of legislation will stop fights / drink drivers.

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