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Andy Onchan

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6 minutes ago, majkul said:

Last week, one of the self-service tills in Mark's & Spencer's wasn't accepting my English £5 notes, so I ended up paying the last of my bill (about 85p) in 5, 2 and 1p coins. That will teach them!

Makes a change from getting a ton of shrapnel for change 

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7 hours ago, Bombay Bad Boy said:

The public’s response to the Manx government’s survey was, “no thanks”

After we threw away most of the 'yes, let's keep them' responses. 

Actually you've misunderstood the point.  The 'no thanks' was directed towards the idea of getting rid of small coins.  Allinson was admitting that the public didn't want to do it but announcing the government were going to do it anyway.

The Telegraph piece is a very odd piece of PR, even by the inept standards of IOMG:

Last year, the Isle of Man held a consultation on whether it should keep coppers. The public’s response to the Manx government’s survey was, “no thanks”.

The Manx government decided instead to encourage businesses to introduce “cash rounding”, which is the practice of rounding the total bill to the nearest five or zero, thereby eliminating the need for coppers – although they are still legal tender.

[...]  Dr Alex Allinson MHK, the Isle of Man’s treasury minister, said that while the respondents to the consultation cited inflation as one of their key concerns, research from other countries suggested it wouldn’t be a problem. 

Now if you're going to ignore the results of a consultation, the sensible way to do it is to do it silently.  Otherwise it comes across to everyone (even the ones that agree with you) as "We asked, you said,...and we replied Fuck Off".   Maybe don't mint any more copper coins, but claim there's no demand or whatever rather than loftily instructing the public that you know what they want better than they do themselves. 

And certainly don't don't do so in the British newspapers.  What were they actually thinking in promoting this story?  "Look at us, we think the public are morons".  Did they actually fly a reporter and photographer over to the Island, just so as to end up with this story? 

And most of all, what on earth were they thinking of promoting this line to the Telegraph?  A paper that is fanatically committed to the belief that things were always better in the past.  If Jacob Rees-Mogg hasn't already appeared in its page demanding the return of pounds, shillings and pence, it's only a matter of time.  Half of its readers are still in mourning for the farthing.  Of course they're going to headline the piece as Inside a British plot to kill off ‘pointless’ coins. No doubt the Island will be depicted in their readers minds as a 'woke' hellhole where all that true Brits hold dear will be undermined by the evil conspiracies of Them.  It's hardly likely to make the government more popular among Telegraph readers on the Island or attract those from outside as tourists or whatever.

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Hardly surprising a doctor would ignore what the public is telling him. If you don't like the answer ignore it and find another way to get your bright idea through becasue the plebs are to dumb to recognise your obvious genius.

The irony is of course that while he's faffing about with nonsense like this, the various departments he should be watching like a hawk are spaffing away the money and then doing an Oliver Twist. Same with his northern compatriate bashing the bishop while failing to get a grip on the health industry. When you can't get a dentist let alone an appointment or wait months or even years to see a specialist.

Fiddling while Rome burns springs to mind. 

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16 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Hardly surprising a doctor would ignore what the public is telling him. If you don't like the answer ignore it and find another way to get your bright idea through becasue the plebs are to dumb to recognise your obvious genius.

The irony is of course that while he's faffing about with nonsense like this, the various departments he should be watching like a hawk are spaffing away the money and then doing an Oliver Twist. Same with his northern compatriate bashing the bishop while failing to get a grip on the health industry. When you can't get a dentist let alone an appointment or wait months or even years to see a specialist.

Fiddling while Rome burns springs to mind. 

He's a cock womble with an opinionated wife pushing him to go for CM for social reasons.

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Article in Daily Mail about the British Island, their words not mine,  that is getting rid of small coinage and rounding up to make the economy stronger or words to that effect the following comments from as far away as the USA were similar to the intelligence you find posted on Isle of Man News and Politics.   Very few knew where we were situated. 

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Here's an idea Dr Allinson. Stop minting Manx coins and notes altogether and just use English ones.

Imagine the savings, no faffing changing notes to go to UK, they'll be all you have in shops and cash points and an added bonus Manx notes and coins will become collectors items in the decades to come as they fall out of circulation. And if the UK gets rid of 1p or 2p coins, we'd have to fall in line anyway.

No need for special coin-handling for old pattern Manx £1 coins so ticket machines etc. can be off the shelf. And again if the UK redesigns any coins we'll get the same at no cost to us.

Love to see it floated, just to see what the reaction and reasons for keeping Manx coins and notes would be?

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