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Select Committee of Tynwald Report on Poverty in the Isle of Man

Moghrey Mie

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Judging by the Rates rises that some quarters have announced, it's obviously felt that poverty isn't widespread enough on the Island and the situation needs to be addressed...

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25 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Judging by the Rates rises that some quarters have announced, it's obviously felt that poverty isn't widespread enough on the Island and the situation needs to be addressed...

Some people move in exalted circles and they don't know what life is like for people who are struggling.

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4 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

Some people move in elected circles and they don't know what life is like for people who are struggling.

Edited for truth...

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Strategy. Reports. More strategies. Honestly, it really needs someone to scrutinise the ACTIONS of the current bunch of MHKs. I'd say "current COMIN" but we all know that the back-bench MHKs sitting on Departments are whipped as much as the "collective responsibility" MHKs of COMIN. 

Perhaps this is where the MLC's should be taking up the baton? Scrutiny is supposed to be their thing, except they're too busy being friends with the MHKs to do anything...

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3 hours ago, iomtimes said:

Strategy. Reports. More strategies. Honestly, it really needs someone to scrutinise the ACTIONS of the current bunch of MHKs. I'd say "current COMIN" but we all know that the back-bench MHKs sitting on Departments are whipped as much as the "collective responsibility" MHKs of COMIN. 

Perhaps this is where the MLC's should be taking up the baton? Scrutiny is supposed to be their thing, except they're too busy being friends with the MHKs to do anything...

I’ve been a DOI member for about a year now and have NEVER been told what to vote or say. I can’t speak for others but expect they would similarly disabuse you of this bit of urban myth. In the past members got an uplift for serving in a department, but not now. Means none of us NEEDS the job and I believe are motivated by a higher desire to be useful and contribute.

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.... but is it not pointed out to you when you join a Dept, the areas that you would be 'expected' to support the Dept and areas where you could be 'called upon' to support???

Almost like a ''Whip'' situation? Of course you can refuse and with the pay situation they don't have the hold over you they used to have.

It would be interesting to see the Comin consensus?

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2 minutes ago, Kopek said:

.... but is it not pointed out to you when you join a Dept, the areas that you would be 'expected' to support the Dept and areas where you could be 'called upon' to support???

Almost like a ''Whip'' situation? Of course you can refuse and with the pay situation they don't have the hold over you they used to have.

It would be interesting to see the Comin consensus?

Obliged to support the Dept's every motion before Tynwald. If you don't toe the line, you more than run the risk of being sacked as a Minister or removed from the Dept concerned.

It's not just about losing Departmental uplift.

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