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Niarbyl a Sculpture by Bryan Kneale planned

Fred the shred

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1 hour ago, monasqueen said:

Just looks like a giant photo frame, which is probably what was intended, though if you stand behind it, you'll probably stand out as much as an ant.

Whatever happened to that seagull?

Selfie frame.  Got a few of them dotted around Cape Town. 

Yellow Frames to Discover Table Mountain in Cape Town ...

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Funny init, they put picnic benches, red bins and all kinds of crap all over the place but stick a fairly innocuous selfie frame up and the old fusspots are up in arms.

Of course this is the same Niarbyl that features a painted cannon shoddily cemented in place that has absolutely no reason being there. though really the money would be better spent on restoring the paths before buying any artwork.

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Here's the IOM Arts Council press release with some more detail:

https://www.iomarts.com/news/New-Artwork-by-renowned-Manx-Sculptor-Bryan-Kneale-MBE-Proposed for Niarbyl

Though they don't bother to explain exactly where they are proposing to site it (it would literally take three words).  There's an informal consultation in a week's time:

Isle of Man residents are invited by the Kneale family to attend a pre-planning consultation to meet with them to learn more about the proposed sculpture. They will be joined by Manx National Heritage and Arts Development Team Officers representing Isle of Man Arts Council to discuss the project and answer any questions.  Thursday 8 February 2024, 12.00 to 6.30pm, Dalby Schoolrooms, Dalby Road, IM5 3BR.

There seems to be some public money involved via the Lottery Trust, but there are other sources of funding as well so it's not clear how much.

I quite like it as a sculpture, though I'm not sure about it in that position.  But you could imagine the DfE putting up something much tackier and probably much more expensive.

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To me it looks like a portal in a science-fiction film. Pass through the portal and you arrive in a world where people cannot tell the difference between a brick wall and a cut-out void. It's actually a cosmic worm-hole direct to Tynwald.


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