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The Wright Report

Holte End

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“I cannot overstate how unfortunate it is that the issues surrounding the lodging of this appeal have gained such prominence in the history of the Ranson litigation. In truth this is little more than a sideshow and one that had no consequence whatsoever in the outcome of the litigation. It is therefore more unfortunate still that this non-issue has caused so much distress and anguish for so many decent hard working Civil Servants who were caught up in it”.

Has this guy not seen Paul and Chris’s videos?!!!!

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19 minutes ago, Thomas Dalby said:

“I cannot overstate how unfortunate it is that the issues surrounding the lodging of this appeal have gained such prominence in the history of the Ranson litigation. In truth this is little more than a sideshow and one that had no consequence whatsoever in the outcome of the litigation. It is therefore more unfortunate still that this non-issue has caused so much distress and anguish for so many decent hard working Civil Servants who were caught up in it”.

Has this guy not seen Paul and Chris’s videos?!!!!

Those videos and the FoIs are probably what he’s talking about.

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I just love the key quote -  ‘civil servants faced unprecedented and unjustified level of scrutiny due to Ranson Tribunal’.

It’s as if civil servants should be both immune from scrutiny and criticism, and should be placed on a pedestal. Akin to our politicos being reverred and fete, they can do no wrong. 

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9 hours ago, Stu Peters said:


@Stu Peters  Were you or any of your fellow colleagues except the ones named, interviewed by Mr Wright. In the Departmental Governance recommendation section 17, you all seem to be tarred with the same brush as Mr Callister. 

(17) There should be a standardised induction process completed on appointment across the entire Government for all Ministers and political members of Departments. That process should explain the roles and responsibilities for Ministers and officials. It should identify with clarity differing areas of responsibility and involve a clear description of the lines of any delegation of authority;

It would seem from this report, none of you are fit for office. I would think that this is a basic requirement for Governance.


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9 hours ago, Stu Peters said:


Thanks Stu, how would you know the AG haven't had an advanced preview?  I only ask because of the departure of the main person from the AGs office two weeks before it was published.  Seems very convenient timing.

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47 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I just love the key quote -  ‘civil servants faced unprecedented and unjustified level of scrutiny due to Ranson Tribunal’.

It’s as if civil servants should be both immune from scrutiny and criticism, and should be placed on a pedestal. Akin to our politicos being reverred and fete, they can do no wrong. 

I think that's a rather uncharitable take, the report is by a KC who has spent his life in the private sector in an area famed for long hours & high pressure. If you want an effective civil service, don't treat them like monkeys in a zoo.


Other than Magson (and possibly Conie) the report generally established the officers as credible and working with integrity. The issues relating to resourcing, case management and disclosure are highlighted but there's no sign this was with arrogant or malicious intent and more related to processes, resourcing (and some areas of competence). However for me the missing piece would advice given relating to settlements (& did the AGs sufficiently warn of a circa £4m payout with similar reputational impact) - that's effectively what you pay your lawyer for and is the only real way of minimising exposure post ante.

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What came through to me was the sheer arrogance of the senior DHSC staff.   It can be summed up in Sir J Michaels’ email to Dr Ranson - essentially, if you fight these guys you will lose.

Magson et al expected Dr Ranson to shrivel up and go away - or at the very least settle early,   Why take on the might of DHSC and by extension IOMG if you been advised that you’ll be crushed under their wheels, by none other than Sir Jonathan Michaels?   Also, DHSC have had cases like this before (allegedly) and had won by placing massive resources against “little” employees with limited means to defend themselves.   They underestimated Dr Ranson.

So the AG’s counsel, the GTS guy and everyone else who had to source and prepare documents and submissions were left with an Herculean task and no time to do it.   A last minute rush job with hours to spare, and costly mistakes made - because it was never meant to get that far.

Edited by Jarndyce
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2 hours ago, cissolt said:

Thanks Stu, how would you know the AG haven't had an advanced preview?  I only ask because of the departure of the main person from the AGs office two weeks before it was published.  Seems very convenient timing.

I was on the select committee that engaged Richard Wright KC after interviews of a number of qualified candidates. We made it clear right from the start that his review must be entirely independent, impartial and that he should report directly to Tynwald and not even us. I think members got sight of it an hour before it was published online.

Only people involved in the case were interviewed.

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Thanks for the clarification Stu.  It appears he is another casualty of the whole sorry affair. 

I have some sympathy with Rob Callister in this instance, matters were progressed regardless of his sign off.


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There were certain words sadly missing from this report, had they been used in the correct context would have made it's conclusion.....more conclusive.

What were the words? (and they admittedly are all emotive): Nasty, vindictive, disingenuous and cruel, and there are lots more of the same nature that would have made this inquiry more genuine and historically correct.

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