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A Conspiracy Theory - or something else?


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The irony of the above comment is almost funny given that during covid, claiming any death ‘within 28 days’ of a positive PCR test was ‘due to covid’ was exactly what the government and media were doing.


There is now overwhelming evidence of huge numbers of vaccine related harms and deaths - numbers that are increasing daily. As was always going to be the case when using the World population for the trial of the untested vaccines. The above study is just one of increasing numbers of studies showing this.

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12 minutes ago, ricardo said:

The irony of the above comment is almost funny given that during covid, claiming any death ‘within 28 days’ of a positive PCR test was ‘due to covid’ was exactly what the government and media were doing.


There is now overwhelming evidence of huge numbers of vaccine related harms and deaths - numbers that are increasing daily. As was always going to be the case when using the World population for the trial of the untested vaccines. The above study is just one of increasing numbers of studies showing this.

Go read proper science not stuff on the internet, you are just another conspiracy weirdo, do proper research then come back and quote

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Ever increasing numbers of people are waking up to the fact that the supposed ‘pandemic’ was in fact BS designed to encourage a frightened population into taking a dubious and experimental ‘vaccine’.

And now increasing numbers of people are becoming sick from that supposed ‘vaccine’. And more and more are wanting answers..

That process is not going to stop. The truth will out..

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19 minutes ago, ricardo said:

Ever increasing numbers of people are waking up to the fact that the supposed ‘pandemic’ was in fact BS designed to encourage a frightened population into taking a dubious and experimental ‘vaccine’.

And now increasing numbers of people are becoming sick from that supposed ‘vaccine’. And more and more are wanting answers..

That process is not going to stop. The truth will out..

Breathtaking is a drama, not a documentry

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8 minutes ago, kevster said:

Breathtaking is a drama, not a documentry

A lot like the supposed 'pandemic' then really.

(as long as one omits the elderly that were administered horrific drugs and grotesquely put on 'end of life pathways' that is - for them it was all too real)

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37 minutes ago, ricardo said:

A lot like the supposed 'pandemic' then really.

(as long as one omits the elderly that were administered horrific drugs and grotesquely put on 'end of life pathways' that is - for them it was all too real)

Still spouting non scientific facts, please do some research, ie not the Internet

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If that is what you believe, Ricardo, that's fine, but don't spout your nonsense to those who were directly affected by Covid, those who lost dear ones, those who gave up their family lives to treat and nurse the sick and dying and those that died themselves after contracting Covid from those they were caring for.

It is grossly offensive, and based on misinterpreted information if not BS. 

Come up with some credible information but, in the meantime, keep your warped views to yourself.

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

If that is what you believe, Ricardo, that's fine, but don't spout your nonsense to those who were directly affected by Covid, those who lost dear ones, those who gave up their family lives to treat and nurse the sick and dying and those that died themselves after contracting Covid from those they were caring for.

It is grossly offensive, and based on misinterpreted information if not BS. 

Come up with some credible information but, in the meantime, keep your warped views to yourself.

Your post warrants a real response.

So firstly I am sorry for anyone who has lost someone to the/a disease. That’s never good. The seriousness of the subject is in fact the very reason I contribute.

Nor am I disputing that a nasty virus - or whatever they are - was doing the rounds (I myself have been fighting off something unpleasant these last weeks). In the US Senator Rand Paul has been going hard at CDC director Anthony Fauci for the gain of function research he may have been partly responsible for in China - the suggestion is that these bacteria/virus’s have been ‘weaponised’ against us. As unbelievable as it may sound, there is also growing evidence that drugs such as midazolam and remdesivir were used to hasten the death of elderly people suffering from a respiratory disease under protocols approved at the highest levels. Whatever the truth is, it is slowly coming out.

I have done a great deal of research into vaccines and, as with many who do so, now side with acknowledged expert Geert Vanden Bossche in that they all have questionable substances in them that are not beneficial for humanity - open letter from GVB to the World Health Organisation here:
My own business partner - a biochem PhD - is currently wrestling with a sick little boy and has, sadly - along with many parents who have similar experiences - come to the conclusion that childhood vaccines are the most likely culprit.
Unfortunately, because of the strength of the pharmaceutical lobby, anyone who speaks out, or even questions the mantra that we are all told is quickly labelled as conspiratorial - if ever there was nonsense/BS it is that the covid vaccine in particular was 'safe and effective'. Which is not helpful for rational debate.
We all recognise that forums are places where subjects can be aired, whether we like or agree with what is being said, and that anonymous forums tend to attract the more radical. I have done my best to stick to things that can be evidenced, and hope I have been respectful when doing so. I certainly haven't referred to anyone's legitimately held beliefs as 'nonsense' or BS.
Edited by ricardo
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10 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Oh dear Ricardo. 

I do hope you're not objecting to MMR vaccine.

I'm a layman so have no medical knowledge. But I can read, which I endeavour to do with discernment. I have read what Dr Andrew Wakefield wrote, both then and since. If one takes the hysteria out of the subject, much of it makes sense. What is particularly concerning is how few studies have been done on multiple jabs - none I believe. Whatever is going on with the MMR jabs it is not nothing.

I have also observed honest doctors attempt to have rational debate, or even speak openly, about the pharmaceutical industry and what happens to them - one such below. Ahmad Malik is a decent orthopaedic surgeon, who along with 00's of honest doctors around the World, attempted to bring debate to the insanity of the global population being pushed and coerced into taking a genetic therapy - it was never a 'vaccine' - and has since been vilified by the hospitals - all with vested interests - in which he worked, and the, entirely corrupt GMC. He is now operating a podcast and continues to be a decent, caring and brave man. Who speaks honestly - his sub stack below. Would that more would do similarly.





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18 hours ago, ricardo said:

Ever increasing numbers of people are waking up to the fact that the supposed ‘pandemic’ was in fact BS designed to encourage a frightened population into taking a dubious and experimental ‘vaccine’.

And now increasing numbers of people are becoming sick from that supposed ‘vaccine’. And more and more are wanting answers..

That process is not going to stop. The truth will out..

So "they" created a pandemic for which "they" coerced the population into taking?  Can you see the flaw in that argument?

BTW, I did not lose anyone due to Covid, but many did.  

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35 minutes ago, Gladys said:

So "they" created a pandemic for which "they" coerced the population into taking?  Can you see the flaw in that argument?

BTW, I did not lose anyone due to Covid, but many did.  

I note your change of tack from abuse to patronising. Scorn is not an argument.

Some years ago I picked up one of David Icke’s books, expecting it to confirm the man was a ‘nutcase’ but in fact, discovered that although his views are ‘out there’ the man’s research is impeccable and well referenced. It is not for no reason he has millions of followers. One of the things Icke draws attention to is the well tested formula those who pull the strings in the background use, which he calls, ‘Problem, reaction, solution’. That is ‘they’ cause the problem, we all react, then ‘they’ neatly have the ‘solution’. Which was exactly what happened with ‘covid’. The evidence it was planned for years is overwhelming, which is why intelligent people such as Bob Moran say the things they do. Only naive people believe elected politicians make any difference - as Liz Truss stated recently in the US.
It is not my intention to be ‘right’ - my purpose in visiting this forum was my own naive belief I might be able to dissuade at least some from taking a dubious ‘vaccine’ - sadly it is clear I failed. Regardless, millions around the World are waking up to the malign intentions of a nasty group of people - the group that cause all wars for example. Whether or not you see this, millions do, and more are joining them every day. The groundswell is unstoppable. If you, or anyone else, wishes to inject awful substances into yourself, or encourage others to do so, that is your right. Good luck to you.
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