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A Conspiracy Theory - or something else?


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5 minutes ago, ricardo said:

I thought I was clear previously why it feels unhelpful to answer directly. Where I have previously pointed to well-qualified medical professionals for example, and peer reviewed studies, people respond by saying ‘quack’ or nonsense - rather than actually read what is being said & written. It feels unhelpful to fan that mindset.

The things I have pointed to are all evidence based, and are being slowly discussed, and - to a degree - accepted by some of the mainstream anyway. Nothing I say here is going to change anyone’s mind - but anyone interested enough will soon discover what is going on.

Or they could listen to their clearly well informed children..

Jesus Christ you're properly thick, really, aren't you? Another one who thinks that they're not wasting their days by reading loads of shit on the internet, they're actually doing important 'research'.

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Yesterday I spent time with an old friend, very senior in a well established business, who 2 years ago was fit and well. After 2 vaccinations and I’m unsure how many ‘boosters’ he is now putting his affairs in order. There are countless stories such as this. Growing by the day.

Time will tell who is being ‘thick’ and/or wasting our time.

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1 minute ago, ricardo said:

Yesterday I spent time with an old friend, very senior in a well established business, who 2 years ago was fit and well. After 2 vaccinations and I’m unsure how many ‘boosters’ he is now putting his affairs in order. There are countless stories such as this. Growing by the day.

Time will tell who is being ‘thick’ and/or wasting our time.

People age and get sick, that is the course of things. 

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56 minutes ago, ricardo said:

I thought I was clear previously why it feels unhelpful to answer directly. Where I have previously pointed to well-qualified medical professionals for example, and peer reviewed studies, people respond by saying ‘quack’ or nonsense - rather than actually read what is being said & written. It feels unhelpful to fan that mindset.

The things I have pointed to are all evidence based, and are being slowly discussed, and - to a degree - accepted by some of the mainstream anyway. Nothing I say here is going to change anyone’s mind - but anyone interested enough will soon discover what is going on.

Or they could listen to their clearly well informed children..

You are not the only person capable of 'carrying out their own research'. I'm interested in conspiracy theories, I have very little faith in governments and corporations, and especially big pharma. So I took much of my skepticism with me when I was learning about what was going on. 

Every single source you present, regardless of qualification, is a straight up crank. Tess Lawrie, Michael Yeardon, Andrew Wakefield, Robert Malone, Aseem Malhotra, 'Dr' John Campbell, Childrens Health Defence, all the rest, they are all lying their fucking teeth off.

One of the many things confirmed by the pandemic was that all those letters after someones name mean nothing..

The other end of the covid craziness, the true covidian believers, they are just as bad. Letters and titles all over the shop, absolutely full of shit.

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24 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You are not the only person capable of 'carrying out their own research'. I'm interested in conspiracy theories, I have very little faith in governments and corporations, and especially big pharma. So I took much of my skepticism with me when I was learning about what was going on. 

Every single source you present, regardless of qualification, is a straight up crank. Tess Lawrie, Michael Yeardon, Andrew Wakefield, Robert Malone, Aseem Malhotra, 'Dr' John Campbell, Childrens Health Defence, all the rest, they are all lying their fucking teeth off.

One of the many things confirmed by the pandemic was that all those letters after someones name mean nothing..

The other end of the covid craziness, the true covidian believers, they are just as bad. Letters and titles all over the shop, absolutely full of shit.

We can certainly agree a lot of lies are being peddled. Who the culprits are is slowly being revealed..

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6 hours ago, ricardo said:

What a shame you have so little respect for your own child that you are unwilling to even consider any possibility than your own rigid beliefs (or that one of your own children may in fact be better informed than yourself)

You have no idea how much I respect all my four kids, a respect that is very well reciprocated. Maybe that is what you need to do, respect those around you, instead of straining so much to force your beliefs down everybody's throats.

As adults, myself and my kids have very good conversations, listening to each others' opinions, while we mostly laugh a lot, knowing that we all love each other. That is what life is all about, Ricardo, because no matter who or what we believe, we are only here for a short time, so what's important is to enjoy ourselves and our family and friends.

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11 hours ago, John Wright said:

It’s a problem that people who find and read and then disseminate these claims by quacks, con men, and snake oil salesmen, whether it be about covid, 5G, vaccine, or lizard people, illuminati, etc tend to only find and read sources that meet and match their views, it’s conformational bias, part innate and part due to the algorithms that assist searching.

Then of course there’s cognitive dissonance, they can’t/won’t look at anything that challenges their world view - in case it damages their world view and impairs their mental health.

Of course it applies to the extremes at both end of the spectrum.

Think of it as another application, in a different field, of the @P.K. @The Voice of Reason dichotomy in Brexit posting.

Well no, it’s a whole different thing. Obviously I can’t speak for PK but I’m fully aware of the arguments of the Remain campaign in the Brexit debate and some of them are valid.
But having considered all the points of view ( not just searching for those that match my own for conformational bias, ) it’s my opinion that Leave was the right decision. I’m happy to debate with PK et al ( and have done) why I think so.

We disagree. But it’s hardly like the anti vaxers , conspiracy theorists etc. 

It certainly doesn’t impair my mental health.

I think you will find that those who advocated either leaving or staying  in the EU are a bit more mentally stable than those who talk about lizard people etc.

No doubt you will say that I have taken your remarks out of context.

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2 hours ago, majkul said:

You have no idea how much I respect all my four kids, a respect that is very well reciprocated. Maybe that is what you need to do, respect those around you, instead of straining so much to force your beliefs down everybody's throats.

As adults, myself and my kids have very good conversations, listening to each others' opinions, while we mostly laugh a lot, knowing that we all love each other. That is what life is all about, Ricardo, because no matter who or what we believe, we are only here for a short time, so what's important is to enjoy ourselves and our family and friends.

Good to hear

And indeed it is


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On 2/27/2024 at 9:56 AM, ricardo said:

The same intent as those who would put a carcinogenic substance in our water.

Rather than argue with me take a look for yourself - you could start with the peer reviewed paper I linked in previous post.

You're hopping from COVID vaccinations to all vaccinations and now putting fluoride in the water.

Why not come at this the other way and explain what you think is going on. What's the purpose? And is it the most effecrive or one of the most effective means to achieve that purpose? If not, why is it still happening?

I think vaccinations work because there is little else to explain why so many diseases are now uncommon in Europe and the fewer people getting vaccinated today seems to account for the reported higher numbers of measles cases. And if vaccinations were not effective, the number of people who would have needed to collude in a secret or partial-secret would be so many to make the idea of a conspiracy or lie rather ridiculous.  Additionally, the science behind vaccines isn't complicated and should make sense to anyone who can understand some basics of biology. 

As for fluoridation, I don't actually know whether it is definitive that fluoridation of water provides a clear-cut benefit.  I hear and read that the thinking is that it does provide more benefits. But to lump it in with vaccinations seems strange. That points to you thinking there is a connection and, again, some form of conspiracy. 

I think you have to go to the root of things to understand the role and purpose of government and what is possible. 

But you began this thread with a strange anti-government video. It's strange because it point to Marxist thinking as the cause.  It completely misunderstands Marxism. And the thought of all these people and organisations behind influenced by Marxism, especially when countries like the USA and UK as less socialist now in the last 80 years is really bizarre. It's the paranoia of a minority of ignorant and undereducated Americans.  It's a type of capitalist propaganda.

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19 minutes ago, La_Dolce_Vita said:

You're hopping from COVID vaccinations to all vaccinations and now putting fluoride in the water.

Why not come at this the other way and explain what you think is going on. What's the purpose? And is it the most effecrive or one of the most effective means to achieve that purpose? If not, why is it still happening?

I think vaccinations work because there is little else to explain why so many diseases are now uncommon in Europe and the fewer people getting vaccinated today seems to account for the reported higher numbers of measles cases. And if vaccinations were not effective, the number of people who would have needed to collude in a secret or partial-secret would be so many to make the idea of a conspiracy or lie rather ridiculous.  Additionally, the science behind vaccines isn't complicated and should make sense to anyone who can understand some basics of biology. 

As for fluoridation, I don't actually know whether it is definitive that fluoridation of water provides a clear-cut benefit.  I hear and read that the thinking is that it does provide more benefits. But to lump it in with vaccinations seems strange. That points to you thinking there is a connection and, again, some form of conspiracy. 

I think you have to go to the root of things to understand the role and purpose of government and what is possible. 

But you began this thread with a strange anti-government video. It's strange because it point to Marxist thinking as the cause.  It completely misunderstands Marxism. And the thought of all these people and organisations behind influenced by Marxism, especially when countries like the USA and UK as less socialist now in the last 80 years is really bizarre. It's the paranoia of a minority of ignorant and undereducated Americans.  It's a type of capitalist propaganda.

I wish I had the energy, LDB, but well argued. 

On vaccinations, I am old enough to remember mumps, measles, German measles, chicken pox, all being common illnesses as a child and most expected to contract them all, as did I.   Mumps, despite the comic name, was really nasty.  

You ran the gamut then and I remember a couple of children dying from these diseases while in primary school. 

There were also one or two teenagers at the time  who had severely pock-marked faces said to be from small pox.  You never ever see that now. 

You hardly hear of any now apart from chicken pox, but measles is becoming more prevalent. 

I wonder why? 

Add polio and TB. 


Edited by Gladys
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25 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I wish I had the energy, LDB, but well argued. 

On vaccinations, I am old enough to remember mumps, measles, German measles, chicken pox, all being common illnesses as a child and most expected to contract them all, as did I.   Mumps, despite the comic name, was really nasty.  

You ran the gamut then and I remember a couple of children dying from these diseases while in primary school. 

There were also one or two teenagers at the time  who had severely pock-marked faces said to be from small pox.  You never ever see that now. 

You hardly hear of any now apart from chicken pox, but measles is becoming more prevalent. 

I wonder why? 

Add polio and TB. 


Because kids are not vaccinated, it was probably a rhetorical "I wonder why" I do realise

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15 hours ago, La_Dolce_Vita said:

You're hopping from COVID vaccinations to all vaccinations and now putting fluoride in the water.

Why not come at this the other way and explain what you think is going on. What's the purpose? And is it the most effecrive or one of the most effective means to achieve that purpose? If not, why is it still happening?

I think vaccinations work because there is little else to explain why so many diseases are now uncommon in Europe and the fewer people getting vaccinated today seems to account for the reported higher numbers of measles cases. And if vaccinations were not effective, the number of people who would have needed to collude in a secret or partial-secret would be so many to make the idea of a conspiracy or lie rather ridiculous.  Additionally, the science behind vaccines isn't complicated and should make sense to anyone who can understand some basics of biology. 

As for fluoridation, I don't actually know whether it is definitive that fluoridation of water provides a clear-cut benefit.  I hear and read that the thinking is that it does provide more benefits. But to lump it in with vaccinations seems strange. That points to you thinking there is a connection and, again, some form of conspiracy. 

I think you have to go to the root of things to understand the role and purpose of government and what is possible. 

But you began this thread with a strange anti-government video. It's strange because it point to Marxist thinking as the cause.  It completely misunderstands Marxism. And the thought of all these people and organisations behind influenced by Marxism, especially when countries like the USA and UK as less socialist now in the last 80 years is really bizarre. It's the paranoia of a minority of ignorant and undereducated Americans.  It's a type of capitalist propaganda.



Dear LDV


Since you appear to be genuinely asking a question I will respond. Directly.


The reason I have thrown a number of things into the ‘melting pot’ is that I know it is best that people reach their own conclusions rather than be pointed to the answers. Which is party because the answers are both unbelievable and horrific.


In short there is an ongoing and concerted campaign to de-populate the World, ie; kill us. It is for example, the sole reason governments wish to fluoridate our water supply - there are no benefits to teeth. It is the sole reason for the ‘vaccination’ campaign - I say again that ‘covid’ was a hoax (there was certainly a bug going around and people certainly died - if you decide to research you will soon discover why).


The other reason for my deliberate vagueness was that all of you who have taken ‘vaccine’ shots are in deep trouble (there are things you can do but you will have to take remedial health seriously and start now). I urge you to take this seriously.


I am well aware that saying this will invite ridicule but assure you there is nothing funny about it at all.


I also say again that the entire vaccination industry/process is fraudulent. If you read about it you will easily discover the reason for the reduction in polio, mumps etc was better sanitation and health. The vaccine industry promotes a lie because it has been in their interest to do so.


People such as Andrew Bridgen, nurse Dr John Campbell and many others are all well aware that so-called ‘excess deaths’ are because of the ‘vaccines’ and well aware there is a gencocidal campaign going on against humanity but cannot openly say because they will come in for the same ridicule I am no doubt about to receive.


The reason I started this thread with the excellent film by Mikki Wills is because the plan of those who are currently doing their best to kill us is to move the entire planet to a Chinese style social credit system. It is not about ‘Communism’ it is about control.


This plan has been in gestation for a long time. As a member of the intelligence services George Orwell was well aware of it and did his best to warn us in his book 1984.


If you have any interest in what I am saying here I suggest you do your own research. But buckle-up - it is no fun to discover.


Teapot recently dismissed the people I have referenced as cranks or liars - they are not (although Mike Yeadon - former Chief Sciemtist at Pfizer has definitely become cranky as he has discovered the extent of the awful plan). What often happens is that they - perhaps like you might - become more extreme as they discover the truth. Should you be interested I have found the sanest and most cogent of the various commentators to be South African Dr Tess Lawrie - she was formerly a World Health Organisation advisor and is well respected - her Telegram channel below.


I wish you, and any ‘vaccine’ recipients, and the rest of us, the very best of luck.













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27 minutes ago, ricardo said:

Dear LDV


Since you appear to be genuinely asking a question I will respond. Directly

That’s interesting - how do you decide which direct and genuine questions you will answer, and which you will deflect?

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28 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

That’s interesting - how do you decide which direct and genuine questions you will answer, and which you will deflect?

I am aware you also asked a seemingly genuine question. I apologise for passing. I was reluctant to inform those of you who are 'vaccinated' how bad the situation is - who wants to be the bearer of bad news? As I say, if you decide to take it seriously there are many things that can be done - Dr David Cartland and others, offer specialist practices to help. This website has some great resources: https://covid19criticalcare.com

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