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Budget Financial Year 2024-25.


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26 minutes ago, asitis said:

One phrase you can bet your bottom dollar won't be used, is fiscal incompetence which should be the strapline to the budget !

"Balanced" will be getting its annual outing though.

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

Hope there isn't already a thread for this. Can't see one.

Any predictions or whispers yet?

My prediction is that a lot of people will be very unhappy and the general conversation will go something like: 

"Government should spend more on X, Y, and Z [their pet projects], and spend less/nothing on A, B, and C [things they disagree with]" 



If I have to add a serious prediction i think those lovely people in Treasury will freeze tax allowances once again as they liked how the extra income made up for the massive government overspend. 

Also Dr. Allinson will once again raid reserves for C.£100m and call it a balanced budget, while also saying it's definitely the last time they will raid reserves (before he does it again in 2025). 



Edited by Hairy Poppins
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The sooner Beaker has his hand removed from the piggy bank the better, Is he trying to rival Kwasi Kwarteng in being the worst finance minister in UK history. He must have the magic singing ringing money tree in his back garden to balance his own finances  and is treating reserves as the  government  money tree. 

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Just had a quick check on island reserves and find they are running at £1.7-1.9bn even if they manage to keep to there 🤞big plan. Still means drawing down at least £200m over 4 years and no plans on how to replenish the reserves whats so ever. Oh and one other thing £900m of the reserves are earmarked NI to pay now and future pensions, so really only £800-900m to play with. Let's hope the gas field come's to fruition. All figure's are wildly inaccurate at time of writing but close enough to prove we will soon be skint because they will not be able to resist the NI fund. And I do realise Alison is only being led by the nose by treasury and told to just regurgitate whats put in front of him.

Right time for coffee.  

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13 hours ago, Kopek said:

People accept climate change measures, 'Except' when it affects them personally???

Err? How does the illogicality of the present VED regime affect the weather?

If they are really concerned they would stop VED and tax fuel use........any fuel including electric.

Edited by doc.fixit
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2 hours ago, NoTail said:

When the NI reserve is raided I think a revolution/revolt will be required 

It should happen but it's unlikely, the Manx are far too passive (and in the case of 80% of the population, too ignorant of local politics and disinterested). It's how the mob get away with so much on a regular basis.

It needs to be read out to people that Govt's priority is itself, its own numbers, its own payroll and its own superannuation.

I was listening to Stu Peters in Tynwald on Tuesday explaining how postage rates are not going to be reduced on account of the loss of the airmail facility (amongst other things). What he didn't mention was the fact that IoMPO is yet another body that is now tasked with revenue-raising for Treasury to bale out Govt's fiscal incompetence and assurances to itself. So any extra money it raises via cuts goes to Treasury rather than the general public in reduced charges. Think of it as another form of taxation, basically.

Everything is being sacrificed at the altar of the parasite.

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12 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

No, and I completely agree with you in regards what needs to happen, but Alfy, Alinson and the rest of them won't hit the high earners, not a chance in hell.

I’m fairly certain they will 

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4 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Just had a quick check on island reserves and find they are running at £1.7-1.9bn even if they manage to keep to there 🤞big plan. Still means drawing down at least £200m over 4 years and no plans on how to replenish the reserves whats so ever. Oh and one other thing £900m of the reserves are earmarked NI to pay now and future pensions, so really only £800-900m to play with. Let's hope the gas field come's to fruition. All figure's are wildly inaccurate at time of writing but close enough to prove we will soon be skint because they will not be able to resist the NI fund. And I do realise Alison is only being led by the nose by treasury and told to just regurgitate whats put in front of him.

Right time for coffee.  

I'm sure someone better versed than me said the actual usable reserves are something like ~£550m. 

They're literally reserves though, they should be there for literal national emergencies like another pandemic or similar. 

Edited by Hairy Poppins
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9 hours ago, NoTail said:

When the NI reserve is raided I think a revolution/revolt will be required 

Wasn't the interest on the fund used for the hospital and Tony Brown I believe described it as a free hospital ! Sums up the fiscal incompetence of the whole shower !

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14 minutes ago, asitis said:

Wasn't the interest on the fund used for the hospital and Tony Brown I believe described it as a free hospital ! Sums up the fiscal incompetence of the whole shower !

I seem to recall they 'borrowed' it then failed to pay it back.

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