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Dog Muck In Douglas


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Dog Muck in Douglas


How to actually stop it


- without paying £1000s on advertising consultants for a campaign that won’t make one iota of a difference.





Fine one or two people. Not a ridiulous £1000, because that would really make the headlines in the National papers, hah, “they'lll be birching ‘em next”.


- but say £20 or £40. Maybe even £60.


And make sure their names are put in the papers. If that doesn’t work, fine a few more.


Oh, and while they’re at it, try fining a few people for discarding litter in the street. £20 a hit should do the trick.


Hey presto, problem just about sorted. And the Corporation actually make some money, even if they do have to employ a bye-laws officer who actually does something.


A ‘police state’?


For not having to stand in dog sh!te and see litter thrown to the ground just yards away from a waste bin? I don’t think so, our kid.

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Not sure about the naming and shaming bit, you don't get your name in the paper for a parking ticket.


Wouldn't employing a person to monitor it be rather difficult too? It's not like parking offences where the vehicle is there for prolonged periods of time. It doesn't take long for a dog to take a dump and for it and its owner to be on their way.


Good idea in principle, a bit difficult to put into practice I'd imagine.

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Maybe everyone could be implanted with a pooper scooper chip, and when you fail to pick up your dogs turd, a flashing neon sign appears above your head saying something like "Turd Alert" and it flashes on and off until you pick up said turd.


I haven't really gone into the technicalities of it yet - but i'm sure it could be a goer!

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Why not buy a few poop collection machines? Keeps the streets clean and creates some jobs..


And to make the job easier, why not mix a bioluminescent additive to Fido's food, or simply have a play with his genes?.


This would make the dog's "little business" glow in the dark, and therefore much easier to avoid while walking along dimly lit streets (and easier to find for the poop collectors..)

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I'm sure back in the dim and distant past some of the commissioners did name and shame people who let their dogs foul the pavements. I think Ramsey commissioners used to put a notice up outside the old town hall with the names of culprits and the fine which was something like 10 shillings (50p to you youngsters), I've just got a memory of one of my aunts liking to check to see if anyone she knew had been caught.

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I agree, fine em and shame em in the papers. I used to live in Manchester, and they do fine you there for not picking up the poop. The wardens just target the main areas for dog walking, at the times they are most likely to be walking dogs. I worked with someone who got fined twice walking their dog in the same park.


And if that fails, I say we send out a lynchmob and string fido up.

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I walked in to work this morning. There were 4 or 5 fresh piles of doggy doos. On my way home I shall count again and see how many have been stepped on.


In years to come I am sure we will look back on this era and be amazed to think it was acceptable for piles of this stuff to be needlessly left lying about the place, as if it was just one of those things we could do nothing about.


Its about time the Corporation did something about it rather than spend hours and hours discussing it at meetings and talking about it on the Radio. Expensively posters ain't going to do the trick.


And if that fails, I say we send out a lynchmob and string fido up.


I like that one, but poor fido doesn't know any better.


Capture the owners put them in the stocks and chuck dug muck at them. This could be sold for £1 a bag. Hey presto, we can make some money.


And rather than actually chuck it ourselves we could use a machine and do it over the internet on a webcam so the chuckers of the dog muck remain anonymous. We could pay the £1 by Paypal.


Do you reckon I'm over thinking this one :blink:

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Even if people don't pick the sh*t up, why don't they at least drag fido (when he's getting ready to squat) to the rain gulley at the side of the road so that it'll get washed away - less chance of people stepping in it. Personally I'd be in favour of a cull - of the owners. Speaking of culls - someone please cull the huge amount of noisy, dirty gulls. No need for so many and they are pushing out some of the smaller more timid birds.

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