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Dog Muck In Douglas


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Round these parts (Wigan area), they have dog bins and notices up all over the show, it is upto a £1000 fine for not cleaning up your pooches poop, I know a few peeps have been fined £50, this was enforced about 5 years ago, and members of the public can even photograpgh the culprit and forward the snapshot to the local council who enforce this rule.

We also have a dog warden who patrols the area most days and rounds up any stray dogs. It is a great improvement as from when I first moved here (1989) the streets were covered with dog cr*p more then any area I have ever been in before. It was a nightmare even just walking to the shops or to school as I was continually sidestepping the stuff.

Most dog owners round here now carry a poop scoop and plastic bag..... I must say its a nicer place to live.

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Yet again, its a matter of enforcement! All very well having rules, but if you know you break them without any penalty then there is not much point in having them in the first place.


I am a dog owner (of two) and always have nappy bags in my pocket when walking the dogs. I use the Marine Drive most frequently and it seems like very few owners ever pick up their dogs' mess there!


As for white dog poo, I am told it is legal tender in Bolton!!

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Dog Muck in Douglas


Fine one or two people. Not a ridiulous £1000, because that would really make the headlines in the National papers, hah, “they'lll be birching ‘em next”.


- but say £20 or £40. Maybe even £60.


And make sure their names are put in the papers. If that doesn’t work, fine a few more.


Oh, and while they’re at it, try fining a few people for discarding litter in the street. £20 a hit should do the trick.


Hey presto, problem just about sorted. And the Corporation actually make some money, even if they do have to employ a bye-laws officer who actually does something.


A ‘police state’?


For not having to stand in dog sh!te and see litter thrown to the ground just yards away from a waste bin? I don’t think so, our kid.


Sounds a good idea. Onchan council (or whatever they're called) used to claim they had someone whose job was to look for fouling dogs but I think that's a load of s**t.


When I am on the island I often see people letting their dog foul so it wouldn't be that hard for someone to be employed part time to catch people and make enough money to cover their costs. It should be quite effective I think and better than signs which are ignored. Or let the police fine people - it'll give them something to do so they can stop hassling people for smoking a bit of pot.


Is the white poo not cat poo?

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I think you're talking a load of old  sh i t e!!!



No, I think it is absolutely right! When I were a nipper, everyone got dog bones from the butcher and there was a veritable glut of white dog poo. Its the calcium. Now its seldom that you get anything like that from butchers so poor old growler goes without! But in carefully controlled experiments at home I have created alchemy and produced white dog poo! ;)


E.bay is the next stop!

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my dawg eats many bones but never has white poo.


anyway if you whingers who've nowt better to do than moan about dog poo actually kept up with the news, you'd find that someone was fined last week for allowing their dog to foul Ramsey beach.


happy now? good


cheesmonster - you "often" see people allowing their dogs to foul? can't say I've ever seen anyone, not for years. Almost everyone picks up.

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Surely theres no problem with letting your dog take a turd on the beach aslong as its below the high water mark as it will just float off next time the tide comes in, after all thats where all the rest of the xxxxx and little white beach mice with blue tails end up any way!! so did the paper give any names to the crappy culprit in ramsey? :ph34r:

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