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Dog Muck In Douglas


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We don't see white dog poo on the streets any more do we?


Someone told me that white dog poo was caused when dogs ate bones.


As dogs dont eat bones as much as they used to it doesnt happen so often.


Don't know how true that is though....


Interestingly enough.... I have a VERY large dog and he has never done white poos till just recently...... I wondered why... till now.. as it happens last week I bought him a great big HUGE bone from the pet shop. Mystery solved!


So there very well may be truth in this after all :rolleyes:

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Anyone who's been to Paris, and walked the streets mid-afternoon - early evening will probably say the dog turd situation there is a lot worse than the IOM, also the same for much of the Netherlands.


However - these places have people employed to clean up the streets at some ungodly hour of the morning and hose down all the poop from the pavements, as well as get rid of the small amounts of litter.


IMHO Dog mess is not much different from people dropping litter, and I think they should be treated in the same way legally - dogs fouling parks and beaches is unacceptable, but it's just as unnacceptable as people dropping litter / beercans etc.


I think on the spot fines should be issued to dog owners who don't clean up after their poches, as well as fines for people who drop litter.


(When was the last time anyone ere heard of someone being prosecuted for littering???)

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Agreed, I'd say littering is worse than dog muck in some instances, especially glass and cans.

The amount of glass littering Douglas beach is unbelievable - I pick up any bit of glass I see and generally end up with 6 - 8 pieces/intact bottles after every walk (aren't I the quite the saint :P).


Shards of glass littering an area where adults kids and dogs walk and play barefoot on is FAR worse than any bit of dog muck IMO yet we never see threads about that!

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How can you think that litter is anywhere near as bad as dog xxxxx? i agree litter is unsightly but what harm does it cause you to walk on an empty mars bar wrapper or something? where as if u stand in a big steaming turd it absolutley stinks and gets everywhere, then you have to goto the trouble of sitting down and picking it out of the grips on your shoe with a twig before you can go indoors.

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Reminds me of the public info ad of someone merrily running along the beach in a care free manner and it finishes just at the point he's about to tread barefoot on a large shard of broken glass.


I've never recovered from it.


Yeah I remember that one :blink: Still sends shivers down me spine just thinking about it! :(

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I agree that litter and dog's eggs 'nests' offences should both be clamped down on where possible.


I think it could be quite a fun job too being an undercover dog doo 'cop'.

I can just see images of a spy hidden in bushes take rapid fire photos as a dog drops its guts in the park and the owner looks around quickly for witnesses before quickly walking away from the scene of the crime, only to be confronted by photo evidence of the 'foul' deed later on and fined.


Still, you need to have some dog poo around because kids should not be deprived the awesome comedy moments of when they witness their mates step in a large freshy. Think back to your childhood and remember with extreme mirth of such moments!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, glass is bad enough, but guess what delight I found on Douglas beach today?


A syringe. Nice.

didn't want to touch the thing but you can't really leave that sort of thing lying on the sand can you? Was above the tide line by Broadway, thankfully the needle was capped so I stuck it gingerly in the nearest litter bin, but if it had been uncapped - what do you do with an uncapped syringe? :huh: Put it in the bin and the binmen are at risk. We don't have any safe needle depository bins over here do we? Maybe it's time we did eh...

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