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Dog Muck In Douglas


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It seems that the Germans are working on an answer:


From Ananova, Tuesday 11th October 2005.


A German architect has filed an application for a new type of cement made of dog poo.

Friedrich Lentze, 57, from Berlin, applied for a patent for his "odourless heating and building material" made from the dog poo cleaned from the streets of the German capital every day.

He said: "They thought I was joking at first, but it makes economic sense as the stuff has to be collected anyway, so why not use it for something useful.

"The loads of dog poo that are gathered every day actually make a great mortar with fantastic insulating properties."

He added that dung had for centuries been used as building material and he had combined it with modern materials to come up with a new type of insulating cement.

The German patent office confirmed it had received the application but declined to comment on whether it had been approved.

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Well, glass is bad enough, but guess what delight I found on Douglas beach today?


A syringe. Nice.

didn't want to touch the thing but you can't really leave that sort of thing lying on the sand can you? Was above the tide line by Broadway, thankfully the needle was capped so I stuck it gingerly in the nearest litter bin, but if it had been uncapped - what do you do with an uncapped syringe? :huh: Put it in the bin and the binmen are at risk. We don't have any safe needle depository bins over here do we? Maybe it's time we did eh...


It'll be those inconsiderate diabetics I suppose.


Must admitt I personally don't know of anybody whose died of dog poo poisoning. In Laxey Village (where I live) it was a bunch of morally panicked parents who complained the most... these same parents can often be seen in McDonalds / KFC on Saturday pumping their kids full of additives, reconstituted meat & fat.

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1) why hasn't anyone been fined for allowing their dog to poo on Douglas Beach? Douglas Corpn employ two bye-law inspectors and a bye-law "enforcement" officer - all for say £100 grad a year but what do they ever do - sit in their offices dirinking tea?? good value or what ???


2) introduce an on the spot fine of £100 for people walking a dog who cannot produce a poop recepticle when asked to do so.

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Illiam123 have you been on Douglas beach lately? Dog poo is the least of the crap on there, it's littered with plastic, cans, bottles, broken glass, dead birds, stinking fetid seaweed, tampax tubes, broken fishing tackle, and other assorted litter.


People should of course clean up after their dog (and most people do), but lets have some perspective eh?


There was a guy driving up and down the prom watching out for poop offenders, but I guess he didn't see any. It's hardly something we want to pay someone to do all day every day though it is?

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A silly idea that could be fun... How about taking a mugshot of the dog owner when they don't clean up after their dog (preferrably with a telephoto lens!) attaching the photo to a little stick and erecting it in the middle of the poo like a little flag. It would serve as a warning to any unsuspecting pedestrians to watch where they step with the added bonus of identifying the culprit! :D

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1) why hasn't anyone been fined for allowing their dog to poo on Douglas Beach? Douglas Corpn employ two bye-law inspectors and a bye-law "enforcement" officer - all for say £100 grad a year but what do they ever do - sit in their offices dirinking tea?? good value or what ???


Maybe its because that for many years we've been pumping thousands of tons of untreated human excrement on to Douglas beach & its surrounding coastline... Its a tad hypocritical don't yer think.


Dog poo is such an non-issue. TBH I would like Douglas Corpy & Laxey Commissioners to get their friggin priorities in order & stop point scoring of a visable minority. I mean don't see them chasing horse owners or.... the seagulls??

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It's hardly something we want to pay someone to do all day every day though it is?


I think it is and I'm sure others do to, its the fact they are not very proactive that annoys me.


It also winds me up that dogs are off leads in a public place at any time, whether a Beach a Glen or the footpath. Not only does it give thew owner opportunity to agrue that they never saw the dog do its turd but it also makes many non dog owners feel uncomfortable walking in that area. Not only do they leave little stinking mines everywhere but they are potentially lethal bags fur.


I dont like dogs and would be happy if ownership was banned other than for proffesional use.

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Doggie nappies are being issued free of charge to all canine owners from this weekend..


There are two main poop stations to which you can visit


1...The House of keys


2...The Town Hall.


Cat owners need not apply




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Must admitt I personally don't know of anybody whose died of dog poo poisoning.


I do know of somebody who is blind in one eye. Apparently (if I remember the story correctly), it was supposedly caused by dog poop on the rugby pitch (Toxoplasmosis or something I suppose). Being tackled face first in what you think is mud, but really it's something a little pooch left behind is not very nice I'm sure.


I don't think we see as much dog muck on pavements as you used to, but I do find that owners who walk their dogs in glens, countryside seem to think that as it's grass and not a pavement they don't have to clear it up. Whenever I take Junior for a walk in Groudle Glen I'm always having to say "watch out for the dog poo" - it does spoil an otherwise lovely afternoon walk.


What about the poo thats left by the horse trams that crap up and down the prom Is it actually cleaned up or is it just collect by cars!


I might be wrong but I don't think horse or cow poo causes health problems like dog or cat poo because they are herbivores and don't eat meat.

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I mean don't see them chasing horse owners


What about the poo thats left by the horse trams that crap up and down the prom Is it actually cleaned up or is it just collect by cars!


I've seen it being cleaned up every evening as the last tram is running. The problem with the trams doesn't have anything to do with the mess left behind by the horses!

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Horse poo on the centre of the prom is some what easier to avoid stepping on than a little poo poo, left in the grass by the swings in the local park ...


What's more yuk, if you step in Fido's calling card when you are in trainners ( sticks to all the patterns on the soles)..Cleaning it off is awful..

At least if Dogs did poo the size of a horse, one would have a chance of spotting it- B4 stepping in it..


I like Dogs, and I know most owners do 'scoop' up afterwards..


It's the few sneeky people who go out on the 'late night dump patrol' on some one else's road that cause the problem..


woof! woof !!



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