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Riots In The 6 Counties


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I still don't understand why the Loyalists are allowed to get away with this. The Orange Order have been filmed ripping off their ceremonial dress to engage in the recent riots in Belfast and across the 6 counties. Sinn Féin are frequently attacked for anything carried out by any division of the IRA even those which have absolutely no connection.


Warning over Belfast Rioting

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I remember a time when there used to be an annual Orange Parade in Douglas.


As for the Loyalist violence - what can you expect from people who's greatest source of celebration is a battle that took place 415 years ago?

They used that victory to lord it over the country's original habitants, denying them decent jobs and treating them like second-class citizens ever after. Now that things are no longer so guaranteed to protect their privileges they respond by returning to the heart of their 'culture' - violence.

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I still don't understand why the Loyalists are allowed to get away with this


I don't understand how they're "loyalists" when they're attacking HMG Police and Armed Forces. Who do they imagine they're being loyal to?


I was there just after TT Week and it depressed me to see the same old hatred on both sides being passed onto the young children. I wish they'd just grow up and get over it.

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We did the open top bus tour (down the Shankill Road, up the Falls Road, etc.) which was quite interesting.


There were a couple of Vicky Pollard type local girls on the tour and they had several younger children with them. One of the older girls was telling a girl of about 4 to shout "Feck Off" and stick two fingers up in certain areas. The bus was eventually stopped by the police and the girls were spoken to. I find it sad that these young kids are being brought up to hate and mistrust the "other side"


In other areas of the North villages were decked out in Union Flags or the Irish flag. It seems like they've laways got to "get" at the other side, or march through "their areas" to wind them up and provoke them.


Very sad...

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I don't understand how they're "loyalists" when they're attacking HMG Police and Armed Forces. Who do they imagine they're being loyal to?


I was there just after TT Week and it depressed me to see the same old hatred on both sides being passed onto the young children. I wish they'd just grow up and get over it.


I quite agree. Although I'm a republican I can't understand how people who are supposed to be loyal to Britain can attack the security forces and army.


I know many younger people from the 6 counties who don't share the views of the older generation. They feel that the only way forward is to work together and many people have made significant efforts at creating cross-community partnerships but when something flares up it's the same hatred that's been displayed since 1969. I hope that in the future parties like Sinn Fein and the SDLP can try to reach out to the protestant community for votes because the unionist parties don't seem to be bothered about what's going on and only seek to create more tension. If Ireland (the republic) changed a few of its laws (i.e. ones stating that to work in the civil service you need to be able to speak Irish) more protestants may realise that it would make good sense to be closer to the rest of Ireland.

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I know many younger people from the 6 counties who don't share the views of the older generation.  They feel that the only way forward is to work together and many people have made significant efforts at creating cross-community partnerships but when something flares up it's the same hatred that's been displayed since 1969. 


"Belfast has had its annual week of faction fighting. Unfortunately, there is no solid ground for believing that what has happened may not happen again. The people will be the same next year ... unless some wholesome measure be taken, we shall again see the mob in mortal combat, with soldiers and police for spectators; houses will be gutted, inoffensive people will be driven from their homes and beaten in the streets, while the mayor and the magistrates will wander about in vague helplessness."


Daily Telegraph, August, 1872

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