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Isle of Man Budget 2024


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2 hours ago, Major Rushen said:

This administration could not run a bath and they will get shock at the next election. Reactive government departments over budget. Where is the accountability to the public? Bye Alf you had a chance and blew it.

I don't think it matters who is elected. Loads of people on social media saying 'I can't wait to vote this lot out.' But we all know that budgets are written and put together by the CS. They alone have the control and voting in a new batch of no-marks will do nothing. MHKs have no power to change anything, Manx politics is designed that way. There's little chance it will ever change.


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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:

I agree. Moved over in 98. Quaintly backwards but just idyllic

Rates. Road fund.

What broadband are they on? Dial up?

The teller will how many stand again.

But no, they will be returned if they do. The Manx public suck it up like a sponge.

Rates ...Must be averaging around £100 per month ( borough + water and sewerge) Small semi / terraced houses  would average around this in douglas/ onchan.

Except for one couple none of the others have a car .. They have the bus pass. So I suppose that's reduced costs.

Regarding broadband I'm fairly certain all of them have fibre.

The £400 per month averaged over the year includes rates / broadband / electric.  

None of them have sky as far as I know..

Yes there will be additional costs for maintainence of the house etc ( probably 2 to 3 grand  per year ) averaged over a period of time..I have  not included this in the £400 above. 


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1 hour ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Not heard what the usual business and other commentators have had to say so far on this budget (there's usually an invited Manx Radio audience on budget day to discuss the impact, good or bad). Can't see any podcast link at moment or am I missing something obvious?

I could be wrong, as I don't really pay much attention while I'm "listening" to the radio, but they could be doing an "in-depth" programme with reactions on Friday, at noon.

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47 minutes ago, Hairy Poppins said:

They would contract out the running of the bath.

Well, they certainly don't seem to know  how to plug leaks.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

You do talk the most dreadful rubbish.

Of the 23 MHKs at the end of the last Keys (Skelly had already become President to avoid the electorate) only Robertshaw, Shimmins and Quayle didn't stand again. But Cregeen, Baker, Peake, Quine, Perkins, Hamer and Boot all stood and failed to be re-elected.  Four of these were sitting Ministers. 7 out of 20 suggests the Manx don't automatically re-elect MHKs whatever, quite the opposite.

Thanks for the feedback.

Let's say they vote for a type, rather than an individual.

And let's face it, the majority of those who weren't re elected were a special level of awful

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2 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Except we all know this won’t fix manxcare. They’ll be back for more next year, with some more excuses why they can’t run it properly despite being highly paid and funded. Today was a dark day for the island.

Health and social care are underfunded and under staffed.

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5 minutes ago, alpha-acid said:

Well then get rid of the bloat and then there will be money

Getting rid of the bloat will cost, it can only be done cost effectively by natural wastage.  But there is no hint of that, or even plans to try. 

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