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Isle of Man Budget 2024


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5 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Is that the same thing as cost codes? Every company I worked at, engineers were required to fill out a weekly time sheet listing the hours spent on each cost code. All projects had cost codes for each part of the project. There were always comments about "What's the cost code for filling out time sheets", but otherwise how can anything be monitored against the project plans?

So Civil Servants simply fill out a time sheet listing 37.5 hours "doing stuff"?


Activity Based Costing.

Though I can't remember seeing a code for leaning on a shovel.

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1 minute ago, asitis said:

We seem to have this massive headcount, but are frontline services any better than years ago ? I seem think the reverse is true !

You should put it on Wikipedia as the "Asitis Law" - frontline service is inversely proportional to headcount.

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9 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Is that the same thing as cost codes? Every company I worked at, engineers were required to fill out a weekly time sheet listing the hours spent on each cost code. All projects had cost codes for each part of the project. There were always comments about "What's the cost code for filling out time sheets", but otherwise how can anything be monitored against the project plans?

So Civil Servants simply fill out a time sheet listing 37.5 hours "doing stuff"?


No, they would have codes, just not cost codes, but codes which reflect the purpose and activity of the job. It would probably go down like a lead balloon, but it would help identify what is being done  if it needs to be done and the resource necessary to do it.

Not suggesting it for frontline staff, but the legions of admin and support staff. 

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19 minutes ago, Gladys said:

No, they would have codes, just not cost codes, but codes which reflect the purpose and activity of the job. It would probably go down like a lead balloon, but it would help identify what is being done  if it needs to be done and the resource necessary to do it.

Not suggesting it for frontline staff, but the legions of admin and support staff. 

They automatically become cost-codes too...because the activities are done by people on salaries with an hourly cost.

So service activities roll up to an overall cost.

But of course that's mainly the coal-face. The real waste to tackle is the over-management.

For that a different approach is needed....though of course ABC makes their percentage of costs stand out like the proverbial dogs wotsit.


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8 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

They automatically become cost-codes too...because the activities are done by people on salaries with an hourly cost.

So service activities roll up to an overall cost.

But of course that's mainly the coal-face. The real waste to tackle is the over-management.

For that a different approach is needed.

Management would also have to complete time sheets.  For example, you would have several codes for meetings,  say with heads for mandatory (ie required by statute), personnel training or coaching, disciplinary, grievance, ministerial, project related (naming the project) and so on. 

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41 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Doh, time sheets!

The computer AI  did an auto-correct to the most appropriate phrase for you - to timeshare. They've got your number.

As it's Friday night.... years ago on the project I was working on there was a technical author who was, in my opinion, dyslexic. So the company gave him one of these new-fangled desktop PCs with a spelling checker. It  had the possibility to amend the dictionary so you could change words from American to British spelling. He used it to change the dictionary to what he thought was correct.

His name was Graham Page. He was known as Blank Page.

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1 hour ago, asitis said:

We seem to have this massive headcount, but are frontline services any better than years ago ? I seem think the reverse is true !

There’s 00s of health& safety people, compliance, data protection etc etc that we never had 25 years ago. Unbelievable amount of paperwork to do anything these days but government seems to have twice as many S private sector doing the same things! Also HR has been another growth industry.

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29 minutes ago, Banker said:

There’s 00s of health& safety people, compliance, data protection etc etc that we never had 25 years ago. Unbelievable amount of paperwork to do anything these days but government seems to have twice as many S private sector doing the same things! Also HR has been another growth industry.

This!!! 100% agree with you!

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1 hour ago, asitis said:

We seem to have this massive headcount, but are frontline services any better than years ago ? I seem think the reverse is true !

It's because the extra headcount aren't on frontline services. We have far fewer government workers digging the roads, emptying bins etc than we used to.

The extra headcount are in the layers of management, none of whom show anything approaching leadership. What they do do is look after their own interests very effectively, and we all get to pay for it.

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