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Isle of Man Budget 2024


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The cost of the government is just crazy, they've got to get a grip of it, but they never will. You'd have to be brave. Management salaries are too high, if I were in charge I'd do this:

No pay rises for 3 years for anyone earning £60000+. A 5% rise is at least £3000. When it is time to put a payrise in look at the overall inflation during that period, and give them half.

For each of the three years give them £1000 in actual cash, fresh £20s, tax free, instead of the payrise. This would save a lot of money, look like you are taking very seriously the excesses of the gov, and if they don't like they can leave and you try not to replace them, and if they whinge about how unfair it is they'll get no sympathy because THEY JUST GOT GIVEN A THOUSAND POUNDS IN ACTUAL CASH.


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49 minutes ago, Holte End said:

Link please


Not seen in it in thee press yet, copy and paste below.  Not sure how well it will copy over


Dear Treasury Minister
Business Vote of No confidence in the 2024 budget
We are writing to you on behalf of our membership and their 22,000 employees drawn from across
all sizes and sectors of our economy, we write to ask you to act decisively to re-establish real fiscal
responsibility across Ministers and Departments to regain the confidence of businesses following last
week’s budget.
Please find enclosed and attached with this letter:
• The Chamber's media release expressing our reaction to the recent budget
• Results of a survey conducted across all sectors of our membership at the end of last week:
­ 98% say the budget won’t help their business
­ 96% say it won’t help their employees
­ 95% say that tax rises should have been matched with corresponding savings in government
­ Over half of employers don’t believe the childcare support in the budget will help their
• A comprehensive summary of members' sentiments, including open comments after the
announcement of the budget and tax strategy
In a nutshell, the overwhelming feeling of our members is that last week’s budget was bad for
business, employees, and demoralising for business owners.
To fund public services on Isle of Man we need positive, motivated, and investing businesses and
In terms of future economic development, some comments express disappointment and a resulting
lack of desire to either move here or stay here, citing a post budget erosion of our competitive
advantages. There was surprise that a long-awaited tax strategy that many expected to be
progressive and visionary but appeared to be far from that and was released a day after the budget,
in advance of a UK General Election, which could change the adjacent tax landscape substantially.
We are therefore seeking urgent action to re-establish stability, confidence, and optimism for
businesses by addressing the following:
• Chambers members have overwhelmingly declared a vote of no confidence in the 2024 budget.
We need to turn this around, urgently. Responsibility for the Economy should be clearly defined
via a Strategic Board of public and private sector members with a Minister reporting through to
Comin. The remit would be to drive and deliver economic growth via macroeconomic modelling
and impact assessments carried out by economists (following suit with other jurisdictions such as
Jersey & Estonia) whilst ensuring mandatory oversight on key economic drivers.
Hillary House, Prospect Hill, Douglas, IM1 1EQ
Telephone +44(0) 7624 462550 www.iomchamber.org.im
Company Limited by Guarantee no. 1380C. Registered in the Isle of Man
• In the meantime, the Island urgently needs a Treasury Minister and Team (Political and Officer)
that understands business, our economy, and its structure, when taking decisions that affect
future growth, government spending, investment, and the island’s competitive advantages.
• The size, cost and scope of government needs tackling, urgently. The preference of many
members is a move to a single legal entity.
• Ministers and Departments must be financially responsible and accountable with mandatory
oversight on spending. Respecting their budget by prioritising essential and core services, taking
a “back to basics” approach, whilst improving agility, productivity, and service.
Ministers must be prepared to listen and understand, not listen to answer. Too much recent
interchange has been the latter, a union leader commenting on the budget last week spoke of it as
There is a perception that government is light on those that understand business and more
importantly the impact of the rapid pace of change and transformation being driven by external
market forces currently.
Members noted your comments to EPRC and on Manx Radio this week that “ Government cannot
'arbitrarily' reduce its employee headcount without considering the provision of frontline services”
However, these bleak survey results underline a strong and prevalent conviction amongst our
members that the government has become overly large and financially burdensome and in many
“non frontline” areas savings could be made. We cannot continue to compromise our economic
strengths and competitive position to accommodate these expenditures, especially on non-essential
The Island is also of a size to foster informed public and private sector collaboration, by sharing
knowledge and expertise. It is in all of our interests to do so.
As the Island’s biggest business network, we have immediate access to business leaders who have
done such transformation themselves recently, who could provide input directly to government on
this and a range of other concerns highlighted here.
As the attached additional comments document show, there are already a number of cost and
money saving suggestions for government from our members. Over the coming weeks, we intend to
build a project across our membership to gather further examples and proposed solutions to share.
To restore confidence, we encourage you to act decisively and strongly to address the current
negativity and instability in Manx politics and Business around the 2024 Budget.
Yours sincerely
The Chamber Board
Cc: Chamber members, MHK’s/MLC’s, sector representative bodies

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Amadeus posted this a few hours ago, but this is a real "You can't be serious" moment:


Allinson casually passing his hands over the keyboard, presumably thinking that.... what the hell was he thinking? That he is a fantasist who believes that pretending is good enough?

If anyone significant had posted that, it would be all over the Internet within hours.

He and Caldric Randall ought to get together to make a few YouTube videos.


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2 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

Dear Treasury Minister
Business Vote of No confidence in the 2024 budget
We are writing to you on behalf of our membership and their 22,000 employees drawn from across
all sizes and sectors of our economy, we write to ask you to act decisively to re-establish real fiscal
responsibility across Ministers and Departments to regain the confidence of businesses following last
week’s budget.

In other words, Allinson, get back to work in what you're trained to do and leave running an economy to people who know how to create and attract wealth.

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Dear CoC,

Many thanks for your letter and the numerous points you raise within. Your offers of assistance are also duly and gratefully noted.

After much consideration (about 5 minutes) we feel it necessary to point out that the Island is experiencing unprecedented, in recent times, financial issues and pressures.

As such, within the Budget it has been necessary to prioritise matters of a fiscal nature and rigidly adhere to this prioritisation. We have therefore listed these below, with 1) being the highest priority;

1) Preservation of Govt pay, terms, conditions, numbers, superannuation, benefits and culture.

2) Everything else in Govt.

3) Any of the population that's left.

Yours ever,

Alex, Calric and the IoM CS


PS. Please note that in future you will also be required to supply your own Vaseline.

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